Cincinnati, OH
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Posted: 3 years, 5 months ago
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Is my wife being discriminated against?
3. As for as telling you what to eat or drink while driving... YES! I do have the right. You know why? Cause when my steering wheel is filled with grease, bbq sauce, nacho cheese and more, I dont have the time to stop and clean the entire truck. . I once had to use a tooth brush to get the french fry crumbs out of the steering wheel. When someone hits a bump too hard or a pothole without a lid on the cup the lemonade goes flying and the entire truck gets sticky. Or.. I had someone leave a drink on the top bunk and when he drove away, gatorade now poured on my head and bed.. Soaking all blankets and sheets and my $4000.... Yep $4000 mattress. With no time to stop and dod laundry cause this is a job. I also had a guy who stopped every 2 hours eating full meals from fast food places then needed to craps every 2 hours. He drove 300 miles a day and I drop 700.... I was NOT ruining my 6 year on time delivery record for him. So guess what... Yes I have rules about food on the truck now. Don't like it? Do what you want on your truck but not one mine. Stay or get a different trainer is up to you.
Since I was the one who said it.. I'll be the one to respond to it. Yeah-- I agree with you in regards to when a person is driving. In fact, I'm not a big fan of the thought of eating ANYTHING messy while driving a vehicle, mine or otherwise. Seems like a good way to potentially end up distracted. And who in the hell brings a drink with no lid onto a vehicle? That's just bad home training. I guess in my minds eye, I just expect people in general to use common sense and "best practices". I tend to forget that some people out there probably don't have either. Thanks for the reminder, sincerely.
Posted: 3 years, 5 months ago
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Is my wife being discriminated against?
Yeah.. see for me.. the only thing that really sticks out is being told what she can and cannot eat and drink. Um... yeah, no. I'm pretty sure you're not going to tell me what to eat or drink, I don't care if you're teaching me how to perform a lunar landing.
The rest is all subjective and you're going to come across *******s no matter what field you're in. This IS a male dominated industry and while that shouldn't excuse egregious sexual harassment/assault issues-- we ladies do have to manage our expectations. This is a blue collar, rough and tumble type of industry.
Brandie, I have to disagree with you on this being a male dominated industry and while there may be more male drivers than female that implies women get second class treatment. My experience is that women who train and drive are respected by their male counterparts. I have observed female drivers in training and on the road. My experience is that they are treated as equals in the industry. However, there are both male and female trainees who can't qualify for a driving job. Perhaps you should get through training before you post strong opinions.
A "male dominated industry" simply means that there are far more men in the occupation than there are women. It doesn't speak to equality or treatment or anything else. There are a lot of industries that are still male dominated-- likewise there are a few industries that are female dominated. You read entirely too much into what I said. And I'll say it again-- women DO need to manage their expectations when they come into a male dominated field. If you NEED hearts, puppies, and soft gentle treatment-- I highly doubt this industry is for you, regardless of gender... I've spent most of my working life in one of two industries that are male dominant-- manufacturing and restaurant management. You don't get very far by continually complaining about every perceived slight.
Posted: 3 years, 5 months ago
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Is my wife being discriminated against?
Yeah.. see for me.. the only thing that really sticks out is being told what she can and cannot eat and drink. Um... yeah, no. I'm pretty sure you're not going to tell me what to eat or drink, I don't care if you're teaching me how to perform a lunar landing.
The rest is all subjective and you're going to come across *******s no matter what field you're in. This IS a male dominated industry and while that shouldn't excuse egregious sexual harassment/assault issues-- we ladies do have to manage our expectations. This is a blue collar, rough and tumble type of industry.
Posted: 3 years, 5 months ago
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Trucking companies and COVID Vaccine
The elephant in the room is this:
If you are on the left, you favor group think and collectivism. Everyone should be together and doing the same thing. You supported masks, shutdowns, and now the vax. It's about the group. Has nothing to do with science. You can lie to yourself and say it's about science or saving people. But really it's just ideology.
I'm probably way far left compared to the majority of this forum. That's just facts. However--your above statement is, in and of itself, collectivized. You have made an assumption that everyone who does not reside on the same side of the political spectrum as you-- sees the world in the above manner.
I've never supported shutdowns-- I have, however, acknowledged that back in 1918, it was effective with the Spanish Flu-- however, this is a different animal. Moreover, adults are perfectly capable of deciding if the risks are worth the perceived rewards... both on the business side of choosing to be open or not.. .and on the individual side of choosing to be out in public or not.
As to masks and the vax-- I support it in the sense that I support their existence-- however, I don't feel they should be mandated by the government. BUT-- if a business wishes to require them, that is their choice and in a free market-- people can vote with their dollars as to whether or not they agree with the policy. I worked throughout the pandemic as a delivery driver. I didn't mask up until it became a term of my continued employment. However-- that was my choice.. as I could have sat my ass at home, mask free, and drawn unemployment-- but I've always been of the mind that as long as I'm capable of taking care of myself, I don't need the government to do it for me. (I'm a social liberal, fiscal conservative)
In the interest of fairness--- a lot of how people on both sides of the political aisle feel when it comes to all this-- is a simple matter of ideology.
Posted: 3 years, 5 months ago
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Trucking companies and COVID Vaccine
According to their data derived from hundreds of thousands of cases, the most potentially serious side effects from the vaccine have less chance of occuring than what's apparently the risk of dying from using aspirin.Really? Because I know of four people that have died from the vaccine. Four. I also have two classmates from high school that were rushed to the ICU after having extreme reactions within 10 minutes of getting it. I come from a small town with only 176 people in my class and I don't even keep up with anyone. I just heard it through Facebook.
So, four deaths and two dangerous reactions just from the tiny group of people I know, which isn't much. I don't know anyone who died from aspirin or had to be rushed to the hospital after taking it, do you?
We'll see how well this statement about aspirin ages when the truth comes out about how many people were injured or killed by it.
I do know of someone (actually, lots of someones) who have either been rushed to the hospital due to aspirin, or cannot take it because of the risks in taking it. Got asthma? Then you probably shouldn't take aspirin (salicylic acid is often a catalyst for attacks). Got a bleeding disorder? Then you probably shouldn't take aspirin (anti-coagulant). Heavy drinker? Better avoid aspirin.
Aspirin isn't the benign medication that folks seem to think it is. The only drug in existence with more people who should not take it.. is penicillin
As to the other in regards to aspirin vs. vaxx.... eh, I'll defer on that one until we have better data in about 5 years.
Posted: 3 years, 5 months ago
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Is my wife being discriminated against?
My trainer told me straight up that the pre-trip was completely on me. He would obviously allow me to use the truck for practicing pre-trip but he did not go over it at all with me.
If you use Daniel B's pre-trip guide there's really no reason why you can't get a perfect score on the pre-trip.
Yeah.. its my understanding that learning the pre-trip is up to the students themselves. That's why in every training diary you hear folks talking about practicing it over and over and over.
Posted: 3 years, 5 months ago
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Is my wife being discriminated against?
Two, if there are young, under 18, kids at home, she needs to be there. Sorry if that offends anyone. Children need two parents.
I'm cool with this energy-- IF-- you maintain the same energy when it comes to men who want to drive. Kids at home? Nope-- you better stay home because kids need 2 parents.
Posted: 3 years, 5 months ago
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Pizza in Italy was... for the longest time.... poverty food. Its what you make when you don't have the money to do anything else. You can find pizza in Italy-- but it is not the grand production we make of it here in the states.
Pizza in Italy is made from water buffalo mozzarella cheese. You really don't know what you're missing, until you have tried pizza made from water buffalo mozzarella. It's very creamy, due to high fat content.
Honestly-- that depends on your location.
Buffalo Mozzarella goes into our Ziti every year for Thanksgiving (we don't do turkey). Part Skim Mozz is for suckers.
Man! Now I'm hungry, Brandie! And I passed through Cincinnati this morning, too.
Don't you mean crept through? Its damn near impossible to pass through at a reasonable speed right now.. between the Brett Spence and the Roebling both being either completely down or partially down.
It'll be a nice city if they ever finish it.
Posted: 3 years, 5 months ago
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Pizza in Italy was... for the longest time.... poverty food. Its what you make when you don't have the money to do anything else. You can find pizza in Italy-- but it is not the grand production we make of it here in the states.
Pizza in Italy is made from water buffalo mozzarella cheese. You really don't know what you're missing, until you have tried pizza made from water buffalo mozzarella. It's very creamy, due to high fat content.
Honestly-- that depends on your location.
Buffalo Mozzarella goes into our Ziti every year for Thanksgiving (we don't do turkey). Part Skim Mozz is for suckers.
Posted: 3 years, 5 months ago
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Is my wife being discriminated against?
Yeah-- I can't say that I'd ever be a trainer-- because I just do not have the patience for some of this next level stupidity. Left and right at 50?? Toilets and showers in a truck cab?? WANTING TO TALK ON THE PHONE WHILE DRIVING AN 80,000 POUND VEHICLE??? Ugh.
Even without factoring the fact that you just lost your mom-- I couldn't imagine just.... demanding a person train me. The whole purpose is to get in, to get trained, to get out and on the road... don't get me wrong, your reputation precedes you-- but I wouldn't want to put MY paycheck on hold because I "need" a specific trainer-- I get it when its a family thing, but a person that I don't know in person? That's just silly. Just give me someone who knows what the heck they're doing and who is gonna teach me as much as they can about what I need to know to be a safe and successful driver.
My condolences for your mom. My father-in-law just passed and we're getting ready to ironman to Texas shortly. I can't imagine dealing with an internet following while trying to deal with real world **** that is far more important.