Profile For Lu A.

Lu A.'s Info

  • Location:
    Richmond, VA

  • Driving Status:
    Preparing For School

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  • Joined Us:
    3 years, 6 months ago

Lu A.'s Bio

Getting into this late on in life, be 60 in a couple of years. Divorced, daughter all grown up. Hope to be on the road before the end of the year.

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Posted:  3 years, 4 months ago

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Who is only testing urine in 2021?

Thanks that looks like that might be my only option. I can always move in a year when I'm definitely clean. I'm still going to call around to see if anyone anywhere can do my hair follicle test.

Lu, here's what I recommended earlier to you...


In your situation, I would highly recommend you go to a company that is only doing a urine test.


I think it is still good advice at this point.


So what would the trucking companies do if they can't get a sample size?


When you can't pee or you can't produce a good hair sample it is considered a fail. Don't risk it. Have you noticed I keep stressing don't take this risk? I hope you don't learn this the hard way. All I am trying to do is help you. I am not judging you or trying to discourage you. Reality bites in this career, and there are some realities you don't want to have to face.

Posted:  3 years, 4 months ago

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Who is only testing urine in 2021?

And the plot thickens. I just called to try and get a follicle test done, and was told if you don't have a sample that's at least an inch and half long, alternatively provide a cotton ball size hair sample from another part of your body, they won't be able to perform the test. I'm not bald, but hair just doesn't grow long anymore, they may get 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch max. I typically shave my face clean of hair (save my eyebrows) in the spring and summer and let it grow for warmth in the winter months. So the slow tedious growth process is in the very early stages.

So what would the trucking companies do if they can't get a sample size?

Posted:  3 years, 4 months ago

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Who is only testing urine in 2021?

By the way I can't remember which company it was, but on the application the question was posed, and I answered truthfully that I last smoked pot in June of 2021. Don't recall if it's one of the 3 I'm looking at now, or perhaps another company that hasn't called me back. My reason for answering truthfully was in reading a lot of posts here it was brought up frequently that those who possess criminal history's or DUI's etc (none of which apply to me) tell the truth.

Posted:  3 years, 4 months ago

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Who is only testing urine in 2021?

Thanks Kerry L, I think what I'll do is take a test myself and see what the results reveal. I took a urine test over a month ago for a job and I was clean. Be a shame to restrict my career opportunities over something that I have given up. But you are correct don't want to get stopped before I've even started. I'm close to picking Swift for training, though I'm still looking at Wilson and TMC as alternatives, not happy that Swift is only using automatics, not a deal breaker but I think (perhaps incorrectly) that it would be better career wise to know how to drive a manual.


So even if one has quit (I last smoked in June, and smoked regularly for several years) and I test negative on a urine sample but my hair follicle reveals that I smoked a few months ago, I would be denied the opportunity to become a truck driver?


Lu A, I would not risk a failed drug test. In this business it is the kiss of death. It won't just keep you from getting the job you were trying to get, it will keep you from getting a job anywhere. This is a serious matter and you want to take it that way.

I recommend people keep themselves clean for one year before attempting a hair test. Plenty of people think that is overkill, but we have seen and heard so many sad stories in here from former users who failed a hair test even though they haven't smoked in 6 to 9 months. It is one thing that you have got to make sure of. You cannot afford a failed drug test.

In your situation, I would highly recommend you go to a company that is only doing a urine test. This is not an easy career to break into. It is an almost impossible one with a failed drug test at the start.

Posted:  3 years, 4 months ago

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Who is only testing urine in 2021?

So even if one has quit (I last smoked in June, and smoked regularly for several years) and I test negative on a urine sample but my hair follicle reveals that I smoked a few months ago, I would be denied the opportunity to become a truck driver? Even though I'm not smoking now? I studied for my and passed the test, and I'm attempting to nail down a training school. Do I need to wait a few more months?

Having my scalp butchered yesterday at the Knight terminal in Phoenix, I can assure you they do both urine and hair testing. I actually took the initiative to do my own test at a reputable lab a few weeks ago to make sure that my birthday edible in May had cleared my system. I had the lab use body hair, which has a propensity to hold the THC for longer periods, so my sample yesterday should be just fine.

Posted:  3 years, 6 months ago

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Section 9.4 of the training manual

So I'm studying using Trucking Truth's manual and I have an issue with a particular question. I'm in Virginia so I had originally downloaded the manual that the state DMV has on their site. I just prefer Trucking Truth's review on each page, so I've been using that. My issue is with "stopping distance' earlier we learned that total stopping distance is perception + reaction + breaking distance. At 55mph, good brakes, good driving conditions total stopping distance is over 300 feet.

However when we got to Air Brakes we are told that we need to add Brake lag. At 55 mph in the aforementioned conditions we need to add 32 feet.

In the Virginia manual the numbers are quite different. At 45 mph stopping distance is 346', at 55 mph it's listed as 451'.

Now in section 9.4 of trucking truth the following question is posed in the review. For an average driver traveling 55mph under good traction and brake conditions, total stopping distance *using air brakes* will have a stopping distance of:

The only 2 answers it could be is either 300' if you go by trucking truth or 400' if you go by the Virginia manual. Here's my gripe, if total stopping distance *without* air brakes is over 300' shouldn't we get an answer that allows us to show that we know there will be increased stopping distance if air brakes *are* in use? And I'm assuming that for the test in Virginia I should use the Virginia numbers, correct? All input would be appreciated. Thank you.

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