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Posted:  3 years, 5 months ago

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Trucking companies and COVID Vaccine


About 4 yrs back I was considering the CDL trucking but opted for early retirement and moved to Thailand. Still there. For the past 18 mths this country has done various versions of lock downs and forced restrictions. Not quite at the level of California or NY, not a free country at this point either. I follow the news closely and there is rumblings of a Covid Pass sort of a thing getting proposed. That usually means it's in the works. IF that comes to be that would probably mean no going shopping, restaurants, any store, bar, etc if you don't have 'papers' to show you've been jabbed. Probably would be necessary to extend annual visa also. Again, that is IF and it hasn't happened yet.

This concerns me greatly so I've been looking at a Plan B or C as future options as I will never get jabbed. Cambodia, Philippines, and Vietnam are virtually closed and definitely closed to tourists. Immigrating as a non-tourist would be a PITA, and if Thailand goes with the Covid Pass crap then the other SEA countries will do the same.

Plan C is to return to either Texas or Florida, go to CDL school, and work the rest of my life.

I'm replying to your post because I thought read somewhere that the govt may soon dictate jabs as a requirement for CDL issuance. Have you heard any such thing? Same question but from the insurance company direction.

Because you mentioned Asia as your 'out', figured it might be some info for you on the current goings on.

Thanks, Glenn

My best bud here has works for Canon Copiers, nearly 40 years. They now gave them "surveys" on the vaccines, he ignored the last 1, now was given a 2nd to fill out. Asking health questions etc. Basicly, it's coming to where they will require them to get jabbed, or not have jobs.

He goes into 4 major hospitals here in So Cal. Said they are NOT Busy, no flooded with people in the ER's or rooms filled. So where's this big surge?? lol And with Phizer wanting a booster shot now, and told NO so far It's ALL bout the MONEY, and control period !! "Herd Immunity"? I ain't no damn cow, being led to slaughter.

I ain't gettin' no shots UNTIL, I really have to, so I can leave here, and move to Asia. These past near 2 years driving all 48, haven't caught so much as a common cold, even in snowy spots....

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