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Posted:  2 years, 4 months ago

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At a crossroads

Hello everyone, I would like to get some advice on how to proceed with my trucking career. I’m coming up on a year with Prime inc. So far it’s been a middling experience. The company itself is fine, but I’m not sure it’s worth sticking around. Why? Well for one, it seems like I’ve been put on a regional or dedicated account without any consideration for what I might have to say about it. FM just up and put me on some account without so much as a word. I’d have liked at least a heads up, a choice to remain doing longer trips/48 states. Before you ask, no I haven’t spoken with the FM about it, for now it’s just an observation on my part. Another reason I’m thinking of moving on is that I’m being asked to become a trainer and I really don’t want to do that. One, I just don’t think I’m experienced enough to take on that kind of responsibility yet. Two, I like my privacy and sharing the truck with another person is too large a burden in exchange for a few hundred bucks more a week. I feel like, if I’m going to do a regional gig, I might as well go back home and work out of my state so I can at least go home every so often. I also need to get my endorsements because I have none and I’d really like to get off reefer because it really hasn’t been fun dealing with long wait times sporadic, time pressed appointments. I guess I want to know whether or not you all think it’s worth staying longer than a year or is it about time to consider other prospects?

Posted:  2 years, 11 months ago

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Would I face hostility if I went into trucking?

Take it from an ultra rookie, the only question that matters is, " can you move freight?" If the answer is 'Yes' then you've nothing to worry about.

Posted:  2 years, 11 months ago

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How do I best use the automatic on hills in winter conditions?

What is the difference between controlled braking and stab braking?

Posted:  3 years ago

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Authorized Fuel Locations

It will be the road, the direction of travel, then the length of travel (miles).

That's the length of travel from my current location, right?

Posted:  3 years ago

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Authorized Fuel Locations

Hi, maybe someone can help me understand this. Sorry if this is obvious and I'm just daft but I don't quite understand. So dispatch will send me a message from time to time detailing a list of authorized fuel locations, places I assume are the cheapest to fuel at. However, I just don't understand what I'm looking at here. As an example of what a message looks like, I have included a picture, but if you can't see it then allow me to present an example. The message will say something like "i-80 N 06, US-460 E 44, US-258 N 14..." and so on. Am I correct in assuming that the format is; highway; direction; mile marker or exit? If not, then can someone explain what it all means? Thanks for any feedback.

Posted:  3 years, 1 month ago

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Prime inc arrival and departure protocol

Thank you your explanations helped a lot, I appreciate it. Now, if I could only get the hang of backing...

Posted:  3 years, 1 month ago

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Prime inc arrival and departure protocol

Help, my dispatchers are getting on my case because I'm not doing what I'm supposed to. It's not because I don't want to do the right thing, it's genuinely not clear to me. HELP, if someone could please describe to me, in as much detail as possible, what I'm supposed to do regarding macros and calls. I promise I'm not trying to make it complicated, I just don't understand. I just want to do a good job.

What is the procedure for communication with dispatch? Any help would be appreciated.

Posted:  3 years, 1 month ago

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Newly Prime Trainee’s

I completed my orientation in June and while there I was only given a urinalysis. I think that, if they suspect you of using, they may expect more of you, but I don't know. Something I was told by the staff at Trinity in the basement of the millennium building is that your DOT physical from out of state is invalid once they conduct one on behalf of the company, so don't bother trying to get one on your own and expect Prime to take it. Anyway, I was drug tested multiple times prior to employment; Twice while at truck school, twice by Prime. They were all urinalysis so you probably have nothing to worry about.

Posted:  3 years, 1 month ago

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Prime inc Upgrade Process

Good job figuring it out. I didn't know being assigned a truck was different in Pittston. Anytime you are unsure of who to speak with or what to do your fleet manager can tell you or find out.

I think this will be a good job for you, in the sense that all the different shippers and receivers and their different processes will break you out of your shell so to speak. I have often found myself waving down yard dogs or random workers or even other drivers to figure out where offices are and such. Some are nice, some are surly, but I always get the info I need.

Good luck to you.

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I hope I can do well in this industry. I'm still reeling from training and to be honest I don't feel ready but I will try my best to learn while I go along. I've got a feeling that it's going to be an exhausting few months ahead of me. Not to go on a diatribe but my trainer wasn't exactly the greatest so I feel like it's sink or swim at this point. On the other hand, I've read articles here that speak of how liberating it is to be on one's own and in control of their own development, so I'm hoping it'll be that way for me.

Posted:  3 years, 1 month ago

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Prime inc Upgrade Process

Well, I think I figured things out. Upgrading is as follows, as based on my own experience and powers of observation:

1. Complete requisites, the psc course, elog course, modules, and the virtual training assessment. Once these are done;

2. If you're in Pittston, speak with Joe over in the office that is adjacent to the classrooms, he will get you signed up for a truck. Barring any unforseen circumstances, you will be given an inspection form to fill out. Find the truck at the terminal and complete the inspection. In order to get the keys, head to the tractor shop and get them from reception in the "Parts" room. Once the inspection is done; 3. Return to the tractor shop and give your completed inspection form to Mario, he's in the main office just next to the room where you got the keys. 4. Wait. If there are any repairs to be done, wait for them to be completed. Return and verify that the truck is good to go, then contact your fleet manager, who will assign the truck to you.

And that's basically what you have to do. Helpful tip: Keep in mind that you can stay in one of the bunks upstairs for an extended period if you are upgrading and the company can't accommodate you elsewhere. You just have to clear it with instructor Tony and the innkeepers there. Another tip: the shuttle doesn't work like in Springfield, where you just show them your comdata card and they take you merrily along; here in Pittston you have to call the shuttle to schedule a drop off or pick up, and it only operates from 7am to 7pm, so you're on your own if you're like me and you'll be off site the day prior to an early 7am class.

It was an ordeal to figure all this out because I get nervous while speaking with people. I feel like things may be done differently in Springfield, everyone there is very quick to offer as much help as they can with detailed information and documentation that explains what is expected. Here, I felt like everyone already expected me to know how things work, and since my trainer is of no help, I had to conduct investigations on my own.

If someone can give a more detailed explanation, by all means go ahead, but at this point I've learned that, as unpleasant as it may be, sometimes you have to face people and deal with your own machinations enough to find out what you have to do to get things done. This isn't a new lesson, but maybe I would rather not apply it so it bears repeating.

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