Westland, MI
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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Posted: 3 years, 4 months ago
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I just left Veriha Trucking that I sign an 18 month non compete with
I am dumb I know. I started trucking January this year went to school at VERIHA TRUCKING and was brought on board as a trucker as I passed my tests. 9months into driving we had a falling out and I left. I didn’t think about my non compete. I have no accidents and no violations and I completed a successful level 1 all with that company . Now I am looking to run with another company but they have this 18month non-competes and I just want any and all advice on how to go about this and what’s in store for me. Thanks in advance Robert
Posted: 3 years, 4 months ago
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I just left Veriha Trucking that I sign an 18 month non compete with
I apologize for not bringing forth more information. The tuition cost was 12.5k I tried to go with west side transport but they received a cease-and-desist letter from Veriha soon hiring me. I have never received a copy of the contract. I tried to contact Veriha HQ multiple times with in the past two weeks to no avail no one picks up . The reason I left is they were putting me into situations where I shouldn’t of been. They have been low on drivers and we’re spreading their drivers thin. Three months into driving I was sent to places where my trainers told me I had no place being. That being said I took it slow and understood that this is trucking and I understand the fundamentals of driving. When I discussed my dislike of this with my Disbach they would shrug me off. I was told that my non compete was 180kmiles, 18months and 12.5k tuition cost. I have 10 total months verifiable experience. Can I go train with another company and be brought on board or do I have to wait my 18months or should I just lawyer up and get it taken down?