I've read that maintaining weight distribution between tandems and drive tires is tricky and a constant battle as you load and unload different vehicles, not to mention the high center of gravity .
That's about all I can offer !
I was reading about weights on line. Had not considered the high center of gravity, good point. They seem to be willing to put up two two months training into new drivers though. Thanks for your input. If anyone wants to know how things go I'll post from time to time, but don't want to ramble if other drivers are not interested. Going to jump into it with 110% and see how it pans out.
Well, I start Monday hauling cars. The money "sounds" good, starting at 23%, we will see. They felt I should only need a week or so of training based on my experience, but I made it clear that I would not go solo if I did not feel safe/capable. They seemed to be fine with that and said they would rather take 3-8 weeks if that was what was needed. ($2500/month training pay)
If any one cares I'll keep positing about hauling cars, the pay difference, hours worked, etc. These people have three more new trucks coming, are in line with Oregon DOT, and look to be a solid company.
Posted: 3 years, 4 months ago
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Any car haulers with advice? Would like your words of wisdom!
Any updates on your car hauling?