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Posted: 3 years, 5 months ago
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Finished school, Stevens Transport wouldn't hire
Scott this doesn’t suprise me based on my former dealings with them.
First off notify them that the timeline they outlined is “Not reasonable”. You will consult with your attorney on the best course of action and let them know.
I hate doing business this way, but they caused it.
Dac entries are like credit report entries, can pop up quick or later. Personally I hate that system.
They are holding up your training certificate until they get their money. Basically keeping you out of the mega carriers, they all want that.
You really need to consult with an attorney. As I said before you did get trained so be prepared to pay something for that.
If your still wanting to do this apply everywhere, sounds like you were never an employee at stevens so they are not a former employer. Be honest but don’t volunteer any information not asked. Hopefully you can land a job with tution assistance to pay off your school.
I wish you the best.
Thank you PJ. This is so weird. I'm going to get an attorney because I have no problem paying something for my training but I have no clue what affect this had on my record. I'm not paying for a license that may be connected to negative information. I didn't do anything.
Also, I have my official certificate of completion for Stevens Transport Training Program signed by James McCain in my possession. Along with my certificate for hazardous materials training and testing signed by my instructor. And I have my orange folder called "2nd Seat Driver Information". It has all the maneuvers I did, how many hours I did them and and an "S" for satisfactory next to each one. It is signed by the lead instructor, skills instructor and road instructor, along with "OK To Go With Trainer" "Y" for yes.
I'm gonna step out of bounds here, & I pre apologize to Brett & OS.
PJ's S/O untangled from them awhile back, and his email is in his profile.
Many of usns, are.
This is ... Effing Idk!! Almost OJ but truck training infamous.
In 20/25 years..NEVER HAVE I EVER!! DAMN.
Thank you for your help and advice Anne. I have a lawyer looking over the legal documents I signed. All I want is for someone at Stevens to communicate with me. I need to know what my record with them is going to reflect. I have no problem paying for my schooling but I'm not paying for something that might be tainted or contain negative information, that could affect my career. I keep saying this, but I didn't do anything wrong.
For right now I'm back at the job I quit to go to Stevens. I'm just going to be patient and make sure I come out of this with a clean start.
Posted: 3 years, 5 months ago
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Finished school, Stevens Transport wouldn't hire
Scott this doesn’t suprise me based on my former dealings with them.
First off notify them that the timeline they outlined is “Not reasonable”. You will consult with your attorney on the best course of action and let them know.
I hate doing business this way, but they caused it.
Dac entries are like credit report entries, can pop up quick or later. Personally I hate that system.
They are holding up your training certificate until they get their money. Basically keeping you out of the mega carriers, they all want that.
You really need to consult with an attorney. As I said before you did get trained so be prepared to pay something for that.
If your still wanting to do this apply everywhere, sounds like you were never an employee at stevens so they are not a former employer. Be honest but don’t volunteer any information not asked. Hopefully you can land a job with tution assistance to pay off your school.
I wish you the best.
Thank you PJ. This is so weird. I'm going to get an attorney because I have no problem paying something for my training but I have no clue what affect this had on my record. I'm not paying for a license that may be connected to negative information. I didn't do anything.
Also, I have my official certificate of completion for Stevens Transport Training Program signed by James McCain in my possession. Along with my certificate for hazardous materials training and testing signed by my instructor. And I have my orange folder called "2nd Seat Driver Information". It has all the maneuvers I did, how many hours I did them and and an "S" for satisfactory next to each one. It is signed by the lead instructor, skills instructor and road instructor, along with "OK To Go With Trainer" "Y" for yes.
Posted: 3 years, 5 months ago
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Finished school, Stevens Transport wouldn't hire
Good letter, see what happens. You need a clear answer if you were hired and let go or were never hired. IF you were never hired they have no course of action toward you as an employee and therefore are not apart of your emoloyment history. You attended their cdl school as a student.
They sent my gf to a school in colorado. It was a top notch school. Packrat went to the same one years prior.
Try and get your conversation with Gina in writing. Her admitting this was their mistake is hugh for you.
PJ. Stevens just sent this. Absolutely no response to my emails but they want their money.
"I am contacting you in regards to your student loan balance due to Stevens Transport Inc.
You have a balance of $7866.41 for your tuition for the charges you incurred while attending CDL training at the Stevens Driving Academy campus due.
If you would like to make a onetime payment, you can pay $3664 for your tuition to release your transcripts and certificate of completion and stop further action.
Please contact me by 3pm CST 10/29/21 if you would like to pay this discounted amount in full or discuss repayment options.
If you would like to make payment arrangements, you can do so for the discounted portion of the loan of $4266.28 for your tuition.
The following monthly repayment options can be offered and can be broken down into weekly or biweekly payments as well. If one of these options will work, specify which one and the date the first payment will be made and I will email the repayment agreement to you. The first payment would have to begin by 10/29/21:"
I don't know what to do. My DAC came back clear but it's only been 2 weeks. Could it be that they could still file a report on my DAC? I didn't do anything wrong. I did everything they asked.
Posted: 3 years, 5 months ago
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Finished school, Stevens Transport wouldn't hire
Good letter, see what happens. You need a clear answer if you were hired and let go or were never hired. IF you were never hired they have no course of action toward you as an employee and therefore are not apart of your emoloyment history. You attended their cdl school as a student.
They sent my gf to a school in colorado. It was a top notch school. Packrat went to the same one years prior.
Try and get your conversation with Gina in writing. Her admitting this was their mistake is hugh for you.
Hi PJ. Thank you for your help. I just got a reply back from my request for a copy of my DAC. This is what they said...
Thank you for contacting HireRight. Our records indicate you recently contacted us to request a copy of your consumer report/file information, if any, in our possession. If this is not the case, please let us know immediately by calling the toll-free phone number referenced below.
"At this time we are unable to locate any reports based on the personal identifiers that you provided in your request; therefore, we are closing out this request. If you believe HireRight should have information on you, please call HireRight at 1-800-381-0645 to speak with a Customer Service Representative or send an email to customerservice@hireright.com."
Does this mean that Stevens didn't report to them what happened? It's only been 13 days since they said that they couldn't hire me. Do you think I'm in the clear?
Posted: 3 years, 5 months ago
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Finished school, Stevens Transport wouldn't hire
Scott that is a mess. As said you did everything right, they messed up. The clearinghouse is the important area of concern and since that failed test was not job related shouldn’t be reported to them.
I went a round or two with them a couple years ago. You need to contact the folks that take care of the school and/or the safety director. You did get a cdl through them so paying something for that is probably going to happen, but you can probably get it reduced. Otherwise you can always have an attorney send them a letter.
They probably haven’t responded to you yet as noone probably has a clue how to handle this. I would be concerned with did they consider you an employee or just a student???
Thank you PJ. My Clearinghouse is clean. I sent emails to Tonya, (recruiting department qualifications representative), Albert, (Training counselor), Bill, (VP of risk management and training) and I sent 2 emails to Robert, (school director). This is what I said...
"Good morning Mr. Wall. I desperately need to speak to someone in regards to what happened last Thursday Oct 14. I was accepted, approved and attended your school for 5 weeks. I did everything that was asked of me and had no issues during that time. I passed, attended orientation and received my CDL. I was going on the road with my trainer on Friday. The day we went to DPS and got our CDL, I was called upstairs by Gina and told Stevens was not going to be able to hire me because someone made a mistake. I'm still in shock over this. I didn't do anything wrong. I need to know how this will affect my career and my future, in regards to my CDL. Do I need to request a grievance or arbitration hearing? If so, who do I contact? As you may imagine I'm devastated and confused over this and don't know where to go from here. I quit my job and paid for my own housing and food while I attended school. I need some advice. Please contact me as soon as possible. Thank you for your time."
So far, complete silence from them. I feel the training I got was mediocre at best. They constantly told us that we'd learn when we get on the road for 240 hrs. What makes me sick is, after all that time and effort, I'm back at my old job for now. I'm worried that if I apply somewhere to get my OTR training, that they'll contact Stevens and Stevens will tell them I failed a drug test 3 years ago. Then it would go on my DAC as a refusal to hire.
Posted: 3 years, 5 months ago
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Finished school, Stevens Transport wouldn't hire
Personally, I would tell them to go scratch when it comes to their 6k. If you told them honestly before hand it's on them for not noticing.
As far as where to go, since you have your CDL apply at every company you can be honest about the drug test and see what happens.
Thank you for the reply and advice. If I apply for a job, can they put on my DAC that they "refuse to hire" because of that failed drug test? In school they pounded into our head how important our DAC report is. That drug test would never show up on any record. I talked to the director of the program and they don't disclose info on anyone, especially drug tests or medical records.
I've always been very honest and with Stevens and this career path,it screwed me. Honestly, from the conversation I had with Stevens last week, I feel like they just want to sweep it under the rug. It's been 10 days and I feel like they may not even bill me for the school because they screwed up so bad. They did some really shady **** while I was there. On 3 tests they just gave us the answers and didn't even read the questions. They also marked on my folder that I did backing maneuvers for five hours on one Sunday when I wasn't even there. The instructors constantly told us not to worry when we asked questions. They said you'll learn it on the road. I never made it to "the road".
I just want to start my new career and be the best I can. I would really like to get the OTR experience with a good trainer.
Scott, as disclosed... I am NOT A driver, but launched one into the industry in 2003. This is some 'shady arske' shiz IMHO ... unheard of, to me. I do some 'work' in the industry myself, and.. this is just WHACK out of left field.
IMHO, I don't even THINK that is the reason they passed on you. I'd bet $100 on it. WHY? Come up empty there, as well. THEY erred somehow, and i don't think the THC disclosure that far back, is the reason.
To y'all vets, it's moments like this I wish Rick S. (Rickipedia) was still with us.
Anyhow . . . Stevens has been known to be shady. PJ (a mod and O/O on here) has a ladygal with him now, that started there. He can speak of that & on that, as he has time. I texted him; he's real busy pulling those tanks w/the Sweet Pete; but . . . I'm thinking he may be able to know someone you could talk to there, at least.
Why don't you just pull your OWN DAC ... ASAP? (One free a year, and we just do it .. because! LoL.) Here's the link: DAC.. via HireRight . . . 1x year FREE!
Best wishes, man.
~ Anne ~
Thank you Anne. It was a very disappointing experience. I had 31 students in my class. Only 1 instructor. From day 1 the purpose of that school was to pass your test and get your CDL. We were told that every day. The school was way overcrowded. I stood out and was the best in my class, both with driving and textbook knowledge.
I got a 100 on all my tests for my CLP and never made a single mistake driving or on my backing maneuvers. The instructors said I was the best driver while I was there. To be fair, I learned to back horse trailers when I was 10 and by 13 I was towing our boat to the boat ramp by myself.
Stevens told me that last day that their policy is no positive drug test or refusal to take within 7 years. Swift trucking said their policy is 10 years. The test that I tested positive for THC on, would never show up on any background check. I spoke with the program director there and she said that they don't disclose that information, even if asked directly.
Do you know if Stevens would disclose that I admitted to testing positive 3 years ago to potential employers who were checking how I did in their school? I was told that they aren't allowed to disclose why they didn't hire me after school.
Thanks again for your time
Posted: 3 years, 5 months ago
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Finished school, Stevens Transport wouldn't hire
Personally, I would tell them to go scratch when it comes to their 6k. If you told them honestly before hand it's on them for not noticing.
As far as where to go, since you have your CDL apply at every company you can be honest about the drug test and see what happens.
Thank you for the reply and advice. If I apply for a job, can they put on my DAC that they "refuse to hire" because of that failed drug test? In school they pounded into our head how important our DAC report is. That drug test would never show up on any record. I talked to the director of the program and they don't disclose info on anyone, especially drug tests or medical records.
I've always been very honest and with Stevens and this career path,it screwed me. Honestly, from the conversation I had with Stevens last week, I feel like they just want to sweep it under the rug. It's been 10 days and I feel like they may not even bill me for the school because they screwed up so bad. They did some really shady **** while I was there. On 3 tests they just gave us the answers and didn't even read the questions. They also marked on my folder that I did backing maneuvers for five hours on one Sunday when I wasn't even there. The instructors constantly told us not to worry when we asked questions. They said you'll learn it on the road. I never made it to "the road".
I just want to start my new career and be the best I can. I would really like to get the OTR experience with a good trainer.
Posted: 3 years, 5 months ago
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Finished school, Stevens Transport wouldn't hire
I was accepted and attended Stevens Transport school for 5 weeks, because of overcrowding. I finished school, attended orientation and received my CDL last Thursday. The day they shuttled us to pick up our CDL at DPS, I got a text to come upstairs when I returned. I was told that they made a mistake and wouldn't be able to hire me.
When I filled out the application 7 weeks earlier, I self admitted to testing positive for THC three years ago at a intermediate living facility for the homeless. It wasn't for a job. I was told that somebody at Stevens made a mistake by not seeing it. She apologized and said.. "at least you have your CDL" and they would work out some arrangement for me to pay the $6k for school. I was supposed to leave the following day for my 240 hrs of OTR training. Now I have a license with no experience. I had no issues at all while attending their school and excelled at everything that I did.
I've sent 4 emails over the past week, including to the VP of the school, and they won't communicate with me. I just want to know how this happened and what affect it might have on my career, but they won't respond.
Can someone here please give me some advice on what to do now? Since I didn't have a CDL and wasn't applying for a job, can they report it on my DAC? They said I shouldn't have been admitted to their school so how can they report it on my DAC? I have a clean background except for driving while license was suspended 27 years ago. Obviously I'm devastated over this. I went back to my old job on Tuesday because I have to make money until I figure out what to do.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Posted: 3 years, 3 months ago
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Finished school, Stevens Transport wouldn't hire
Well... Checked my DAC yesterday and Stevens filed a report on me. It has "Period of Service drug/alcohol disclosure". It also says that I " resigned or quit" during orientation and " review required before rehiring".
I don't know if I should even apply for a job driving until I get this off my DAC. Trying to find a lawyer now.