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Posted: 3 years, 4 months ago
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Home Kit or Self Lab test in preparation to pass actual Drug Tests?
If you were a heavy user, you will need to wait more than a month for an acceptable sample. I would recommend waiting at least six months.
A failed test will ruin any possible driving job before you even begin.
THIS is sage advice. Side note: If I were a recruiter, and a candidate showed up asking me which technique we used for our pre-employment testing, I might be inclined to suspect someone's gonna show up with a fake bladder... just sayin...
Haha, ya true.
If it is only marijuana you are concerned with then a home test kit should be fine. Dot uses a 5 panel drug test. You can save money by buying a test for THC only instead of the 5 panel test. But what you should find out is if your company requires a hair test....
Thank you for replying, just found out from HR, though he is not 100% sure, he told me he doesn't think there's a hair test. So, some relief right there. Also when I first got hired as a warehouse worker at this same company I plan to drive a truck for, they did the pre-employment urine test only.
Posted: 3 years, 4 months ago
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Home Kit or Self Lab test in preparation to pass actual Drug Tests?
IMHO, I would wait AT LEAST 60 days before taking any type of drug test.... While "home test kits" are decent, they are not as sensitive as a DOT urine test, so a "negative" on a home test might put your mind at ease, a DOT test MAY still give a positive result. As far as hair tests, they can show anywhere from 60 days up to 180 days of any drug use, even just 1 or 2 joints, depending how much of a sample they take... And for people thinking about shaving all of the hair in hopes of not being able to provide a sample, they will get it from the "nether regions" (yes, I mean THOSE nether regions, use your imagination)..... and remember, refusing to provide a sample for a DOT drug test equals a "positive" result and will pretty much "black list" you from a CDL job until you jump through a bunch of hoops....
Thanks for your reply. It's been a month so far since I smoked pot, so I'm thinking of waiting 30 more days and just going to a lab like quest diagnostics and getting drug tested, instead of doing the home-test kit, to see if I am ready or not. Sound like a good idea?
Posted: 3 years, 4 months ago
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Home Kit or Self Lab test in preparation to pass actual Drug Tests?
Hello, I haven't smoked any marijuana for about a month. I was a heavy dabber before that. Would it be a better idea to go to a lab or buy a home drug test kit for self drug test in order to prepare for the actual DOT Drug test and further random drug tests. Will the lab and or home test kit apply to DOT guidelines? I am interested in driving a tractor trailer for my company.
Posted: 3 years, 4 months ago
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Home Kit or Self Lab test in preparation to pass actual Drug Tests?
Thank You, and yes true. Though might also be good to go to a lab beforehand just in case.