Profile For Chris B.

Chris B.'s Info

  • Location:
    Citrus Heights, CA

  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Solo Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    10 years, 9 months ago

Chris B.'s Bio

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Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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Been a while

Well i started my new career in trucking by attending the tda school in sacramento on march 10 2014. got my cdl permit 4 days later. March 16 i left for fontana ca for the rest of my schooling and on march 31,2014 tested and received my class a license. April 5 I started the real learning with my mentor for swift/central refrigerated and have been out until i returned on to the swift yard on may 14 2014. I then upgraded to company solo status on may 14 2014. And after another small class that i had to do I was issued my first truck. A 2014 freightliner cascadia evolution with less than 70000 miles on it. And then the fun started the very next day on friday. I finally made it home for the first time since March 16,2014 for home time. I head out again this saturday for what i hope will be a couple of very good runs. but i will do just about anything they want me to do. any run less than a 100 miles is considered local pay and it pays a flat rate plus miles. I want to thank everyone on this website for answering my questions and helping me out. I look forward to meeting some of you out on the road. I find it very cool to drive something as big as a truck. P.S. My parents and my wife and all my friends have new respect for me and they all think its very cool. thank you all againdancing.gifdancing-banana.gifdancing-dog.gifthank-you.gifthank-you-2.gif

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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Update to my status.

Well I completed tda received my class a on March 31. And I started my on the job training with swift on Saturday april 5. My first load driving was a 44409 pounds thru a texas thunderstorm with my instructor laughing at me the whole way. I am lucky I have i think is a great Instructor. I am learning a whole lot. I will try to keep updates coming.

Posted:  10 years, 7 months ago

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Pre trip Inspection help needed.

So I have my class a Permit. Went to the tda yard in rancho this morning and started pre trip inspections. Did it all day today. Almost have it down. Im just looking for to tips and pointers to help me out with it and pass on to my classmates. We also do more pre trip inspections and actually start straight line backing on Sat.shocked.png We are all looking forward to start driving something big even though it is in reverse.

Posted:  10 years, 7 months ago

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Class A Permit

Today I went and tested and passed with very high marks on my tests and was issued a Class A Tommorow I go to theTDA yard and start doing pre trip inspections. I sure i will do great on it.

Posted:  10 years, 7 months ago

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Update on school

I think it was drug testing that they failed. They will not say. One guy was mad and three others just left. One other person just did not show up yesterday. And daniel b I said hi to henry for you. day 3 today.

Posted:  10 years, 7 months ago

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Update on school

Well day one was the dot physical and drug testing. Out of 16 of us we lost 4 before the first day was done. 12 of us received our long forms and 2 year cards.dancing-dog.gif then it was free time until we started airbrakes info. after going thru that we tested our knowledge. I missed 3 questionssorry.gif Day 2 was today. We started out with a second airbrakes test and i killed it missing only 1dancing.gif . After that it was straight to general knowledge. A break for lunch then more reviews and some training videos. Then we did a 50 question test on general knowledge. Hit that one out of the park by missing only 3 out of 50dancing-banana.gifdancing-dog.gifdancing.gif . I will do better tomorrow and then straight to combination and then the full monty test of 150 questions. Then on to the dmv for the real deal class a permit test. I will keep updating my progress as i can.

Posted:  10 years, 7 months ago

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Truck School tomorrow.

Made it thru day 2. Did a second air brakes test today. Missed only 1 question this morning. After that we went straight to general knowledge. After lunch and going over more knowledge questions. We took a 50 question test. Missed only 3 questions. Only a couple of us scored so high. Thanks to the training program found on this site. Day 3 tomorrow will start with another air brake and general knowledge test again. I shall do better tomorrow. I will keep updating my progress

Posted:  10 years, 7 months ago

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Truck School tomorrow.

And I said hi to Henry for you Daniel b

Posted:  10 years, 7 months ago

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Truck School tomorrow.

I choose central refrigerated because they worked with me and I got to go to school for the first week before leaving for fontana. My first day went well. Except I missed 3 Questions on a practice test for air brakes. I WILL do much better tomorrow. Combi action work tomorrow. I should do very well. And yea j will save you a seat

Posted:  10 years, 7 months ago

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Truck School tomorrow.

Started class today and passed the drug test and physical

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