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Posted:  1 year, 6 months ago

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Prescription adderall




There is a difference between what is OK with FMCSA (and 5 panel DOT drug tests), and what is acceptable to a company. And a company can test for whatever they want to - over and above what DOT requires.

And one can go crying all the way to their ADA specialty attorney, but a company's safety and insurance departments can decline to put someone on the road for ANY REASON THEY WANT.

It's a tired argument already - especially when ancient posts are resurrected by first time/new posters.



Like being deaf or needing a service dog?

CRST to Pay $47,500 to Settle EEOC Disability Discrimination and Retaliation

JBS Carriers Sued by EEOC For Disability Discrimination

JBS Carriers to Pay $250,000 and not Resume ErgoMed Screening to Settle EEOC Discrimination Suit

Drivers Management and Werner Enterprises Sued by EEOC For Disability Discrimination In Hiring

If you are a carrier it is probably best to consult legal counsel if you think the DOT medicals except you from the ADA.
Perhaps if you actually could provide evidence you claim is correct?
My intention was to help with this site's stated mission. Hopefully people who s have ADHD, yet still may be great drivers see that through a few responses which seem to take issue with that goal. Old misinformation is still misinformation.

Posted:  1 year, 6 months ago

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Prescription adderall

Forgive me but you're replies feel biased and judgemental. Each situation is a case by case basis and if someone has a condition that taking adderall would help them function normally or better, they shouldn't be disqualified from any job if they can perform it.

There are many other drivers on the road with other conditions including alcoholism and depression to name a couple, that should not be but are.

Why should someone's judgements and assumptions stop another from feeding their families?


The point being that yes, done properly, a company could ban drivers who took these medications but it is not due to the FMCSA and they can't do it without strong justifications


I believe this has been the point Rick has been trying to make all along. Unfortunately I believe your arguments have very much clouded the situation but I can appreciate your feelings about the matter and your personal stake in this.


Telling a driver that they can be hired if they stop their medication would be really really hard to justify as a safety measure


If a medication may cause drowsiness or somehow impair a person's cognitive functions it is easy to justify asking them to use something that is deemed to be a safer medication.


there are lots of companies and not all of them want to discard such a huge potential pool of workers without at least giving them a chance.


Giving them a chance? In other words, a company should let someone drive an 80,000 pound rig surrounded by innocent families while taking a medication that may inhibit their ability to drive safely and just see what happens??? Like hey, as long as they don't kill someone we did the right thing and if they do kill someone then we'll know that person isn't safe? Does that really make sense to you? Then of course the company is the one who would be held financially responsible for the multi-million dollar lawsuits that would soon follow. That is simply not a risk they're going to take if they believe a medication may prevent someone from driving safely.

Trucking is not an ordinary job by any means. These companies are burdened with the responsibility for hiring people who are qualified and safe to drive. If anything goes wrong the burden falls upon the company to prove the driver was worthy of life-or-death responsibilities piloting an 80,000 pound rig. When you're talking about a desk job then sure, you can take a risk on someone, give them a chance and see what happens. Under life-or-death circumstances there has to be higher standards set.

Again, I can appreciate your feelings and your stake in this matter, but not everyone can be or should be eligible for a job with such dire ramifications if something goes wrong. I personally do not know enough about these medications or conditions to be the one to decide these matters, but a precedent has been set and companies in the end do have the ability to decide which medications they will accept and which ones they will not.

Posted:  1 year, 6 months ago

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Who is only testing urine in 2021?

Hub group in Georgia (Atlanta) does hair follicle testing?

My company does hair AND urine test.

HUB group

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