Profile For Adam T. (Diz)

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Posted:  2 years, 8 months ago

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Help, stuck in a contract with a TERRIBLE company

Most of the companies calculate the miles via a computer program, "Pro Miles." It's known in the industry as "practical miles." What makes it practical is that we drive more miles for less pay, making it practical for the company. This is NOT limited to CRST. Every company does this.

I am somewhere around 800 assigned loads, and I have been paid for more miles than I've actually driven four times. That's it. Four times.

Wow. Yikes!

Okay, good to know, thank you

Posted:  2 years, 8 months ago

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Help, stuck in a contract with a TERRIBLE company

Another way to look at it is if you stay through the contract, Excell at what you do, and really work the relationships with people there so that when they leave you have them as solid references, you are increasing your marketability.

I've had 4 DMs in a year, all of them have me on speed dial and will gladly be a reference. My TM would understand if I left, she would not be happy but would gladly be a reference. I have a perfect safety record, zero at fault load failures, and excellent production numbers. I've won two safety awards in my first year.

There are ample times where I've fixed bad trailers and shut down for weather, killing my production bonus, but preserving my CDL is more important than this week's pay stub. My long term options get better every successful day I have.

Think for a minute about how good it would be to go to your next company as a high value driver with credentials and references to back it up. You will be able to pick and choose your own career path.

There are a lot of drivers at my company that couldn't effectively leave if the wanted to. If you can maximize profits out of chaotic loads and inferior communications, you will build skills for any company.

Case in point. I just got handed a 247 mile load, I communicated on it, and got an extra 150 dollar layover pay added, and 3 additional loads added. All can be done over the weekend, and I come out as a hero for taking a bunch of short loads that no one else would. By their own right, the loads suck. But when strung together. They add up to 1800 miles and a higher pay rate. A win win situation.

This is fantastic information, and had given me a different perspective to look at all of this.

Thank you! The next time I get a short load I'm definitely going to see if some other shorties can be strung together.

Also, I never considered the marketability aspect! This is something I feel a little short-sighted for missing.

Posted:  2 years, 8 months ago

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Help, stuck in a contract with a TERRIBLE company

Hey G-Town, thanks for taking the time to make this long response, I appreciate you!

So not insulted, and I appreciate your candor.

I don't believe I'm entitled to top pay, just median pay. When I tell Marten, for instance, that I have 4-5 months experience, they tell me .74cpm. If I didn't have this contract I would likely be there, or Knight, or Hirschbach, etc etc. All have offered me at least .60cpm+, with my current experience. If I had no contract.... So that's why I'm frustrated by .40cpm. I never expected to make $100k+ out of the gate, but I guess I didn't think $60k was unreasonable. And that's what they made it seem like I was gonna get, before I got here.

While I am extremely fortunate and happy to drive a 22 Freightliner, my school was CWW and I fully expected something 5-10 years older, and a 13 speed. I did expect our trailers to be in better condition, and I have griped about that.

As far as downtime, I have been home only once per my request, and that was for my birthday in May. I have been home 3 times now, but the other two were due to being down for repairs for an extensive amount of time. I am home currently for that reason. We will likely be on the road again tomorrow and I don't expect to request home time again until mid-September, when I expect my contract to finally be paid off.

Also, I mentioned earlier, I read the info from this website and the emails I was sent extensively before I ever even got into school. I saved those emails and reference them frequently, including info that you hyperlinked in your response. So I didn't expect the world to be handed to me, at least not until I was two years in and showed that I am a super-trucker with diesel in my blood! (Joke) My complaints about runs was more about not being kept moving than about ease or quality.

For the record, I hope your hear my "tone" here as conversational rather than argumentative. I wanted to give you the same time that you gave me.

I do appreciate what you said about median pay being subjective. I am finding that to be true. I guess it just seems like a lot of offers I've received recently tend to be in the $60k-$80k range. But I do take your point here.

I didn't know that zip code to zip code was prevelant in this industry, it seems like a lot of places talk about paying "actual" miles, and CRST is so cheap about so many other things, it wouldn't have surprised me if this was "just another way to screw us." I stand corrected, thank you.

What is stop pay and dispatch pay?

Using the macro is a fantastic idea, and we will be doing it moving forward. I do tend to text more than call my DM as I *know* she has a lot on her plate, but her comms skills leave much to be desired.

I did hear you, G-Town, and while my post here has been somewhat negative, if you knew me you would know that I'm the eternal optimist. I posted this thread somewhat out of a LOT of frustration, and in hopes of getting some info to help me that I did not have. In that way, this has been *extremely* helpful, and I thank all of you for it.

I will be finishing my contract, and then some, if the miles stay consistent. I will finish the contract at the very least. I will try to be more positive, and as always I am trying to learn and get better.

Thank you for your input!

Posted:  2 years, 8 months ago

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Help, stuck in a contract with a TERRIBLE company

I don’t know about your company, but the companies I have worked for don’t hold you accountable for a late load when it is not your fault. IE. breakdown, assigned after it is already late type stuff.

I have worked with many dispatchers, FM’s or DM’s depending what the company calls them. Some were ok, a handful were outstanding, and a few that were horrible. Just the way the job seems to be, like anything else. I have had them flat lie to me, heard them lying to customers, it runs the gamet.

Your going to encounter lazy drivers at every company. I hated swapping trailers alot because it was always a shootin match what you were going to get. I carry spare tail lights and marker lights. Your shop should be willing to give you a couple each, instead of you buying them. Also a spare mud flap is always handy to have. Store it under your mattress of the bottom bunk.

Hang in there and do a good job till your contract is up and move on to something that will suit you better. Best wishes.

Thanks, PJ. Our shop does provide us some stuff, but tail and markers isn't one of them. My co-driver and I are going to invest in some, and a mudflap or two, per yours and others advice.

And thanks for the well wishes, they are appreciated.

Posted:  2 years, 8 months ago

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Help, stuck in a contract with a TERRIBLE company

Adam, I don't know what area you are from or dispatch out of. My last Head DM there was Kyle Brockmeyer, he kept us running, yet kept having excuses to not get us on a more "dedicated" lane, than running wild. Well, I figured out, he did this because he is not part of their "dedicated" side. Guess he didn't want us changing off his board, or whatever lol.

1 before him was also good, but changed jobs in the office, so in a twist of fate I/we ended up with Kyle. So in the end both me and my co-driver left them, he wanted do more local gig because of his elderly mom's care. Recently she passed away @ 82 .....Sometimes ya gotta micro-manage your DM's. I had 2 new young guys at 2nd job I drove with until I retired 3/22/22, They were new, and were ok, but I had to give em hints on some things.

I told em ALL, I'm out here to turn the miles, not sit around idle much, so they pretty much kept me running everyday...I stayed out 3-4 weeks and needed home time to get away from the truck lol 5-8 weeks was too much road time for me. So like mentioned by others, maybe your lady DM is new and learning as well, sounds like you're communicating plenty........Yeah zip to zip sucks, since in a years time, you're driving a lot of "free" miles

Hey Steve,

I'm in Colorado, so I dispatch from the west.

Thankfully my DM is apparently now in charge of CAT Dedicated, so our miles are definitely far more consistent than they used to be, but she's only held that position for about a month. Before that we just basically got the "noob scraps" as I came into this expecting, and call them. I never expected to get prime loads being brand new, but I guess I did expect to be kept moving.

I don't believe she's new, I just believe she is overwhelmed. I worked in IT for 22 years before pivoting to this new career, and I have seen more than one company grow faster than it was ready to grow, and I get that feeling here. Not a bad company, just playing catch up to their growth. I know I called them terrible in this thread name, and that's mostly because I *hate* feeling like I don't matter, and the lack of communication drives me bananas. In that way, they, to me, are terrible. I'm a little frustrated by the pay, but I am aware it could be worse. I don't like driving 200 miles further than what I'm being paid for. And the constant trailer repairs because others don't do their jobs, or do the half-assed, is maddening.

All that said, I read the information on this website extensively before I ever even got in to school. I can show you screenshots of all the emails I've saved, to reference, as I progressed. I knew I wasn't going to get $100k fresh out of school. I knew that I was going to have crappy runs before I had good. I knew that mega carriers can be a good foot in the door, but not to expect much. I knew these things because you all told me. But I guess I still expected a little better than the actuality.

I'm going to complete my contract, and if things stay consistent, as far as mileage, I will likely also stay the full year. I do hear the voices of you all that have far more experience than me, and I want to succeed. The whole reason I started this thread was just to see if there was a better way, or if I was missing something.

Posted:  2 years, 8 months ago

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Help, stuck in a contract with a TERRIBLE company

Hi.... I am going to point out a few things...

1. It is common practice to pay zip code to zip code miles. Many companies do it, including mine

2. 40cpm each for a team is not bad. It has been about 2 years since I did full team and not training team.... But I averaged 42cpm at the time and had 5 years experience I believe. Yes the pay would be more now but not that much more.

3. Yes 10,000 miles per month is low to average for a solo... And terrible for a team. What have you done to try to correct this? If you aren't getting help from your DM then go to the operations manager above them. Make it a point to ask for more miles. My company pays us bonuses above a certain number of miles, perhaps this is true there? Try to rectify the miles situation and this will improve. However you also stated that you did 5000 a week on good weeks... So are these truck miles you are giving us or individual miles???

4. It takes an average of 6 months for a Prime trailer to make it back to the company. Part of our job is getting the equipment fixed and reporting it.

5. Some of our accounts have very high late fees. One has a $5,000 late fee. Many teams do not get these high priority loads until they prove themselves. Ask your DM how you can improve.

How is your lateness and accident record for the team?

While I understand that zip code to zip code may be common practice, it's theft of labor, at best. They already stiff us on so many things that others get paid for without second thought, to rip us off for thousands of miles is just adding insult to injury.

When I consider that I'm only on track to make about $40k and the national average for a truck driver is between $60k-$70k, from what I've read, .40cpm doesn't seem like much. Marten has offered my co driver and I .74cpm AND guarantees at least $1500/w, just as soon as I finish my contract. Not that I'm going to go there, but that's 1 of the many offers I've had.

It's 5000 miles for the truck; 2500 split. I have asked and asked for more miles. I have spoken to our DM Manager and he's just as hard to have a conversation with as our DM, if not worse. How I speak with you all in this thread is who I am in real life. I'm not rude, I don't cuss people out, I am patient and probably more understanding than most. In my opinion dealing with these folks is on par with screaming at fence posts. And there are no bonuses for extra miles.

If we are given the load on time, we have always delivered early. Frequently we are given loads "today" that were due to be picked up days ago, so it's hard to quantify our "lateness," as we are technically late picking those up in the first place. But we expedite when we do have loads, other than if there is a mechanical issue. And neither of us has any accidents.

Posted:  2 years, 8 months ago

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Help, stuck in a contract with a TERRIBLE company

It's all good, Adam. I just felt like 'disappearing ink' there, for a moment! Was needing Stevo to validate me, haha!

You're welcome. CRST just doesn't play. Haven't known a soul (on TT anyway) to get out from that contract.

MillionMilier24 went from the STREETS.. (of, I don't recall...) to having his own place and car and truck; two years in with CRST. His gratitude POURED out toward Brett & the folks here. He & I still email, on occasion.

Kearsey is THE bomb! Allie Knight had NOTHING on her, and Tiffany Hannah (a pal of mine as well) has her work cut out, w/Kearsey at Prime, too!

No wonder you're struggling now; you miss the female mentorship, methinks!! rofl-3.gif

Sincerely, hope you make this work, man.

No harm, no foul~

~ Anne ~

Thanks for all of the info, Anne, and for the well wishes.

I will undoubtedly make this work, just looking for info on the best way to do it. And if it means sucking it up for a few more months, so be it.


Posted:  2 years, 8 months ago

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Help, stuck in a contract with a TERRIBLE company

I would bet your DM is new, inexperienced, and has at least 60 trucks on her board. People do forget, but some are poor at communicating....

Any repairs and parts you're paying for should be easily reimbursed with a receipt. Keep track of your numbers and stay on top of payroll if there are any discrepancies.

The greater the number of drop-and-hooks you do, the higher the likelihood you will pickup a mechanically defective trailer. That's just a fact. Equipment takes longer to fix because of a shortage of both parts and technicians.

I would stay there and finish the contract. Don't go lease and don't fall for their, "How about being a trainer for more miles?" pitch.

CRST is where I started, too. Teaming was not for me. There are better companies out here if you prefer solo driving.

I don't know if she's new/inexperienced or if this is just sort of the corporate culture. I hear a lot of "I'll call you back," and not a whole lot of phone ringing.

We do get reimbursed, but it's a hassle, and my paycheck is always screwed up.

Makes sense about the lack of parts and mechanics. I do wish my co workers did a better job of cleaning up their own messes rather than leaving it to those of us that actually care.

I won't be going Lease/Op nor do I have any interest in being a trainer.

Thanks for the input!

Posted:  2 years, 8 months ago

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Help, stuck in a contract with a TERRIBLE company




Well, Adam, since I was a heavy line tech for 40+ years, diesels first. I carried a tool bag in the truck, and did all the minor fixes myself, buy a light, swap it out. Mudflaps, whatever, ABS only had FED Ex fix those a couple times. We didn't get inspected but once, in the beginning (Level 1=passed) so ABS lights, I really didn't worry about, just kept rolling. And tire passed EVERY trailer at nearest Love's since they're contracted with Love's.

What ya think FX did, they unplugged the light lol said abs computer was going out. Sounds like you've just been unlucky grabbing POS trailers others never reported or got fixed, that sucks, for sure. But I can attest that not ALL trailers have issues, grabbing an empty, I tried to find the newest 1s available too. It's gunna be the same probably no matter where you go, that's just how it is.

Whatever you decide, I hope the best outcome, for you...



This right HERE is why you can't LEAVE.

Also, guys like Adam, that won't heed a post, nor advice, from a mine above (did YOU see it?!?) Disappeared... 😆...

We NEED you, Stevo !! U r my FRIEND!!

confused.gif embarrassed.gif confused.gif

~ Anne ~


rofl-3.gif confused.gif rofl-3.gif confused.gif rofl-3.gif

Best wishes, Adam.

Watch this channel, in your spare time: Truckin' Along ~~~~ Tons of great advice for newbies; like yourself. Moderator on TT, also!!

ps: Could be your 'trainer' at the next company, hahahaha!!

~ Anne ~

I have now subscribed! I also watch Just Truckin since he's pretty positive and is relatively new as well.

My mentor was female, so I have no problems with that!


Posted:  2 years, 8 months ago

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Help, stuck in a contract with a TERRIBLE company


Well, Adam, since I was a heavy line tech for 40+ years, diesels first. I carried a tool bag in the truck, and did all the minor fixes myself, buy a light, swap it out. Mudflaps, whatever, ABS only had FED Ex fix those a couple times. We didn't get inspected but once, in the beginning (Level 1=passed) so ABS lights, I really didn't worry about, just kept rolling. And tire passed EVERY trailer at nearest Love's since they're contracted with Love's.

What ya think FX did, they unplugged the light lol said abs computer was going out. Sounds like you've just been unlucky grabbing POS trailers others never reported or got fixed, that sucks, for sure. But I can attest that not ALL trailers have issues, grabbing an empty, I tried to find the newest 1s available too. It's gunna be the same probably no matter where you go, that's just how it is.

Whatever you decide, I hope the best outcome, for you...


This right HERE is why you can't LEAVE.

Also, guys like Adam, that won't heed a post, nor advice, from a mine above (did YOU see it?!?) Disappeared... 😆...

We NEED you, Stevo !! U r my FRIEND!!

confused.gif embarrassed.gif confused.gif

~ Anne ~

Oh, Anne, I am terribly sorry, I hadn't seen your post! I did go back and read it just now, and I thank you for taking the time!

So I know there are people with this company that are quite happy. It is a very large company, so I think who your DM is, what "job" you do, ie Pharma OTR, or Dedicated, or Flat Bed, etc as well as what kind of worker/mentality you are/have all play a big part in whether you're happy here, or not. We started with a FANTASTIC DM but she moved to a different division. Our current DM doesn't seem to research anything and is terrible at communications. For instance our truck has been in the shop since Friday evening, and she asked us yesterday when we were gonna start rolling and deliver our load. My co driver and I had both sent separate breakdown forms as well as messages to dispatch forum in Maven as well as texts to our DMs phone and lastly we had even individually called in and left messages. And still, she thought we were just hanging out somewhere, not driving.

I do know that CRST does threaten people with lawsuits. I am not trying to rip them off, I was hoping there were companies out there that paid off contracts in lieu of signing bonuses, or that someone like Steve might have some insight in to what we're doing wrong so that we can do it "right." We want to work. We don't hang out in the truck stops or the terminals, and I am extremely proactive when it comes to getting that next load, if we don't have one already. And when we have one we run it.

I apologize that it seemed like I was ignoring you, I wasn't. I love seeing women out here doing this work, and I have the utmost respect for you.

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