Sioux City, IA
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 2 years, 7 months ago
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How in the "BLANK" do I get going
Ok, hey everyone.
Well, I did it. Passed a 172 hour course. Double clutch. Done. Completed. Feels good knowing I've got plan B in my back pocket.
Now, the question: is it possible to get part time work to gain some time behind the wheel. Craigslist is full of scammers!!
Posted: 3 years ago
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How in the "BLANK" do I get going
All- This is why I love this website / forum...to bounce this stuff off people who have knowledge, wisdom, and advice. Much thanks to you all!
Long story short, I'm headed back to college after all these years! 43 and frankly, never to young to learn from the best. Went yesterday and enrolled at our local trade school (Western Iowa Tech) here in Sioux City, Iowa for the 6 week driver trainer course. Classroom, simulator, and hours of on the road training.
Not 100% sure yet, but I've been told we drive/test on a double clutch.
Thanks again...time to move forward!
Posted: 3 years ago
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How in the "BLANK" do I get going
Hi guys & gals!
Need some advice here.
A couple of things 1.) - I have no time whatsoever behind the wheel. 2.) - I was told and have received my CLP (Commercial Learners Permit) ***allows me to drive evidently? 3.) - There was an add at our local DOT who would train me on 1 day, test with DOT on Day 2. ***Well, that day (1/24 and 1/25 (today) came and went. Why? No drive time, no time behind the wheel at all! ***So, the guy that will train me for 1 day and test the 2nd has moved these dates back 1 month
My question is this:
"How do I find someone who will essentially let me drive with them to log time/hours behind the wheel?" "Secondly, who in the hell in their right mind would do this?" "What part of this equation am I missing?"
HELP! :)
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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How to gain experience when I have none
I've got my CLP and test with the DOT later this month.
You'd think it'd be easy to find someone here who would allow me to drive with them to gain some experience that way too (I expect to pay that individual for their time and truck use too)
Anyways, thanks again!
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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How to gain experience when I have none
Thank you for your input! Greatly appreciate it!
I was hoping to get my feet wet part time as I hold a full time professional position. Because this all so new to me, I had thought doing local runs on Saturdays or nights but its looking like this isn't a pick & choose like working a part time gig at a Casey's or Kum & Go.
The plan was having my CDL in my back pocket as a "plan B" or a "just in case SHTF here at our family run business".
It would be nice to find part time (hauling grain for a farmer or something) simply to gain the experience. But if I read between the lines here, it looks like go big or go home. I'm not opposed to that. Income could be a challenge as I am 6 figures now here in Sioux City, Iowa.
Again, appreciate everyone's advice thus far and am open to hearing more!
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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How to gain experience when I have none
Hello everyone!
Later this month, assuming I pass the test, I'd like to find some part time local runs.
As expected, most company's are wanting folks who have experience. With the driver shortage, do I stand a better possibility of getting hired with NO experience for part time local runs?
I am open to any and all advice / suggestions or leads on who/what company to approach.
I am located in Sioux City, Iowa (100 miles north of Omaha) where Iowa, South Dakota, Nebraska meet.
Posted: 2 years, 7 months ago
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Truck Recovery After Abandonment
I was asked a week back to do a recovery from Norfolk, NE to Chicago, OL (572 miles) and then they'd fly me back home.
My question is there: what is the going rate for something like that and how am I guaranteed the agreed upon dollar amount?
I am very new to the industry.
Thank you