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Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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They certainly dont understand a terminal. This isnt just my opinion gents, there isnt a single person at my terminal thats happy with the company. We try to tell the higher ups how bad the situation is, and they just blame us. A lot of our middle management has never been in a truck, never driven a forklift, they just assume they know these things.
Robert wrote:
Because I have faith in TFI, they need to see what the employees are disgruntled about. Im trying to save this company.
You threw them under the bus...and then you claim you want to save them? JV.
We are drivers here. The point of this site is to assist people trying to get a good start on a driving career.
I think you took a wrong turn and are in the wrong room.
As you say, this is to assist people trying to get a good start on a driving career. Do you want a good driving career? Go elsewhere, T Force isnt it.
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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Im sorry you feel that way, but if TFI doesnt know what is going on, it cant be fixed. What I am writing here is felt by many in the company. If we dont speak up, our company will close. I kept quiet when UPS bought Motor Cargo and immediately began to destroy it, and I see the same happening now. We have no way to speak with anyone that cares. My hope, is that someone from TFI will see this and look into the massive problems that exist. Feel free to delete my post moderator, It was intended with just enough malice to get attention.
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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Because I have faith in TFI, they need to see what the employees are disgruntled about. Im trying to save this company.
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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T force is failing hard, its still punishing hard workers and rewarding the lazy, doing everything the ups way. Ive been here since 2003, the motor cargo days, i saw it all happen, and its happening again. Our leadership, the guys T-force put in charge, are the same out of touch, arrogant upsers.
So here I am, watching myself getting thrown under the bus again. Watching the new hires make more than me, with a sign on bonus! Way to boost morale! I did't get paid for last week, may not get paid at all before Christmas.
Meanwhile, ALL of my terminals forklifts have 20,000 hours, we have not a single extra truck. We are forced to use this ridiculous ECD that is so slow and inaccurate that we need extra employees to make up for the incompetence.
I have never seen morale so low, and it was extremely poor before T Force.
T force is trying very hard to make as many enemys as possible, just like UPS!
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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T-force is a failure
Going elsewhere isn't as simple as you think either, it took me 14 years to get a full time status here.