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Posted: 3 years ago
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Formerly Disabled - Mental Health
Hello Everyone :)
I'm sorry this is a fairly complicated question, and I very much appreciate any thoughts on this - I've researched to no avail so far..
My situation: I got on disability (SSDI) 10 years ago, and was briefly medicated for a few conditions (nothing too wild: Bi-polar, Anxiety, Depression, etc). The medication lasted less than a year. Very gradually my conditions have improved (as I believe they were related to a very rough period of my life, and various incidents). In the past year or so, I have gradually returned to different entry-level jobs, eventually reaching full-time for a while now, and consider myself no longer disabled - basically mentally healthy. I do not foresee any problems returning in the near-to-distant future, either. A little while ago, I reported to SSDI that I am working full time, and in less than 6 months, my SSDI will run out.
For the DOT physical, AND, for the process of getting hired with trucking companies: I am planning on saying I have no mental health issues on my DOT physical form, because I truly believe I do not (not to mention I have not been medicated for over 9 years). I should then get my MEC from DOT, after I pass the physical of course. I am then planning on telling the trucking companies that I was on disability (which I have much documentation of) during the unemployed periods for part of the past 3 years. I want to tell them that, so as to explain my unemployment gaps (which I'm told can be a major issue with trucking companies).
My Questions: 1) Do employment gaps even matter much to trucking companies, so maybe, when speaking with them, I don't even need to bring up the SSDI (that is 100% ending in less than 6 months anyways)?
2) If so, when mentioning disability, will the trucking companies ask about what type of mental disabilities I had? Would they require letters from psychiatrists saying I am currently fit to work/drive (it sounds like DOT cares about even mild depression, from what I've read)? Would they require that my SSDI is completely cancelled now? (which I can do, if need be). Are there waiting periods before they consider you fit to work again? Finally, in they do get that involved, would it also be a problem if I didn't mention my (former) disability with DOT beforehand on the physical (would the trucking companies be able to revoke my MEC from DOT, etc)?
Again, thanks so much! I only posted once before, and everyone here completely cleared up a gray area I had, so fast! I'm slowly coming to realize that the trucking community is comprised of so many awesome people! I'm just weeks away right now from finally starting this career (already got my learner's permit), and I just am doing everything I can to become a part of the community and do the best work possible out there on the road..:)
Thanks Again, -Lee
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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Thank you everybody for all those replies and helpful comments!! This really sets my mind at ease. It sounds like there will be some understanding of the situation during schooling and so forth, and i shouldn't be too worried. Also, i'm hesitant to go to a doctor about it, becuase my mom had the exact same issue in the exact same place, and they wound up giving her this really expensive physical therapy which didn't even help.. The issue is slowly but surely getting better (hydration & supplements (including keeping chewable tums(which only contain calcium) in my pocket or near me) & stretches seem to be helping the most, along with other stuff).. So yeah, it sounds like it shouldn't be a major issue for the instructors etc, regardless, so, thanks again - this was a big worry for me - i start school in 2 months and i'm very excited!! :) You Rock - TruckingTruth Peoples!!!!!
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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I haven't been to a doctor, etc, about it, and they have slowly been getting better from many things i've done after a bunch of personal research, but if they don't go away, or get worse, or are a dealbreaker for trucking, then i certainly will pay the money to go to a professional.
Thanks for responding! :) -Lee
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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Haven't found the cause (cramps are often difficult to diagnose), Also, they run in my family, my mom has the same exact problem (she even got a cramp so bad it caused her to pull a muscle! Sheesh!)..
I can brake, and use pedals functionally, but with pain; but I'm worried if i need to pull over and get out and walk around (sometimes thats the only thing that helps - walking), if an instructor, trainer, etc, sees i have a foot cramp, and i need to stop driving and get out and walk for 10 minutes, if that would raise any red flags, and i would be considered impaired, and consequently have to then go to dot about them, etc? I'm pretty sure i could just bite the bullet if i had to, and keep driving with the pain, and wait for it to pass.. The one time it happened in my car, about a month ago, i was able to slow down and drive to a parking spot well enough (at which point i walked around and i was fine 15 minutes later.. I'm just not sure if it's the kind of thing they would flip out about, or would they just say "eh, whatever, it's just a foot cramp - almost everyone gets those sometimes"..
Thanks! -Lee
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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Will Major Foot Cramps (that temporarily may impair driving) mess up getting a trucking career going? (schooling, hiring, training, etc)
(these foot cramps are well worse than normal ones, otherwise i wouldn't even care about something as silly and mild as Average foot cramps. But as bad as they are, they aren't absolutely insanely ridiculously bad, just very very very harsh - Not your standard foot cramps)
So, I'm Just wondering if my once-every-two-or-three-week cramps (which are rather intense, as i said before), will mess anything up. I'm sure I can pass a Dot physical, But i'm just imagining : Going to school, or starting work at a company, and I say: "oh wait, I need to pull over and get out and walk around for a few minutes because I got this foot cramp out of the blue here", will cause anyone to say "Oh, this guy is impaired and needs to get referred to Dot to look into in-depth treatment, etc etc...
Maybe I'm just worried about nothing, and I can very likely just hide it, barrel thru it, and drive just fine (but with 10 minutes of harsh pain), and no one will even notice i have them... On a few rare occasions the cramps get bad enough that i've had to walk around, and with a limp from the very very severe pain in my foot and calves, for 5-10 minutes (but this has only happened a few times in the past many months)..
Also, I will say I've done a TON of research and practiced a ton of treatments, stretches, exercises, supplements, hydration, dietary changes, etc etc etc etc, and those have all helped to an extent - so no need for any info about that (but i can provide some if anyone needs it) - I'm really just worried about my concerns stated above...
Thank You So Much for Any Answers about this!! This forum absoutely Rocks, as does TruckingTruth in general!!!
Thanks Again, Lee
Posted: 3 years ago
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Formerly Disabled - Mental Health
Thanks for the reply Travis!
So it sounds like saying i had a disability won't make up for employment gaps (and it sounds like trucking companies really do care a lot about employment gaps).., So maybe I shoudn't even bring up the former disability, and just try my hardest to find a company that will hire even with a massive employment gap... --sigh-- But... I bet with enough perserverence it can be done. Certainly hope so :)
Anyways, Thanks Again!
(As for the SSDI, i'm actually not worried about losing it, I'm already making more than the limit, which is why it will run out later this year (they let you make over a certain limit for up to nine non-consecutive months). I've reported all my wages to SSA, and am happy for benefits to end. I'm just trying to get out on the road! :)