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Posted: 2 years, 12 months ago
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Should I Go Off My Mental Health Meds To Become A Truck Driver?
So I asked a bunch of people that did DOT physicals, and one got back to me. It sounds like I will pass a DOT physical even without a doctor's note. They said, "I don’t believe so. Only BP meds, diabetes or sleep apnea need doctor’s notes"
So I guess I have no reason to go off the meds.
Posted: 2 years, 12 months ago
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Should I Go Off My Mental Health Meds To Become A Truck Driver?
My own sister was schizophrenic from excessive drug use, and my father was depressed. They both committed suicide. Mental health is something I take seriously.
Sorry to hear it. My father committed suicide from depression as well.
Trucking is also something i take seriously. Recently there was an uproar over 110 year sentence for a driver who killed 4 people and injured dozens. Your mental and physical health can kill others and yourself. You can be imprisoned for your mishandling of the vehicle. Carriers will be sued for millions of dollars if you have a serious accident like that.
That was more to do with poor judgment than mental illness. Plus the sentence got reduced to 10 years by the governor. I'm aware that driving a truck is a big deal.
Your doctor is staying you need to stay 9n the meds. You have said you have been on meds your whole life.... It is a federal crime to lie on DOT paperwork.
I actually said I have been off such meds for most of my life. You read it wrong. My doctor did not say I needed to stay on the meds. She did not address me telling her I might have to go off them either way. I need a new psychiatrist, but I'm lucky to have any at all.
Posted: 2 years, 12 months ago
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Should I Go Off My Mental Health Meds To Become A Truck Driver?
You state you don't need the meds ..it is probably because they are working. You state you don't think you are depressed anymore.... Have you considered that the stress from trucking ....which is an amazingly stressful job ... Could jeopardize your mental health?
I really don't need the meds. They're not that effective, but they do make my life easier, like I said. (Using how I was before them as a baseline) Also, I think it would be good for me to get out and do something instead of focusing on my misery. It could backfire, I suppose.
Even if you come off the meds, you will be asked what you have taken in the past 3 years. Meaning of you stopped today you wouldn't be hireable for years.
It sounds like IDMtnGal's brother took mental health meds and was still hirable (Not by prime I'm guessing, but prime already won't hire me anyway.) Will these meds really make me unhireable? Swift gave me a pre-hire while I was on mental health medications.
Please stay on your meds. For your safety and that of others.
Me being off my mental health meds doesn't jeopardize other people's safety.
Posted: 2 years, 12 months ago
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Should I Go Off My Mental Health Meds To Become A Truck Driver?
So I guess I'm not understanding why you need your psychiatrist to write a note, when it's not necessary but it's what you want her to do.
That's the part I don't know. Do I need a note if I stay on the meds or not? Because I can't get a note.
Posted: 2 years, 12 months ago
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Should I Go Off My Mental Health Meds To Become A Truck Driver?
Thinking of myself from the viewpoint as a carrier or an insurance company, I would be hesitant to hire/cover someone after your previous explanation.
the FMCSA actually studied it, and found no evidence that people with psychotic disorders had an increased crash risk. So, even when I was dealing with psychosis symptoms, I wasn't necessarily more dangerous on the road. (Not to mention I don't suffer from it anymore) https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/sites/fmcsa.dot.gov/files/docs/Psychiatric-Executive-Summary-prot.pdf
Posted: 2 years, 12 months ago
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Should I Go Off My Mental Health Meds To Become A Truck Driver?
NEVER go off your meds, especially all at once, without the doctor's guidance. Some of those medications HAVE to be tapered off.
I'm well aware of needing to taper off, and I've already confronted my psychiatrist with what I might do. She's not particularly helpful.
Lithium is a mood stabilizer and is generally prescribed to people that are bipolar. I'm not. Is your brother a truck driver?
Anyway, none of my medications are prohibited, but it's passing the DOT physical that I'm concerned about, since my psychiatrist won't give me a note. After that I have to convince a company to hire me, which might also be harder with these meds. Almost all mental health medications have potential side effects that someone shouldn't drive while experiencing. That seems to translate to the industry being against them.
Posted: 2 years, 12 months ago
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Should I Go Off My Mental Health Meds To Become A Truck Driver?
What's the reasoning for your need of all these prescriptions? Has to be a reason (real or not) that a doctor felt the need to prescribe all of these.
I was diagnosed with depression with psychotic features. Basically, I had depression with auditory hallucinations. I still have some depression, but no auditory hallucinations now. I also suffered from anxiety, which was what the buspar was for.
Secondly, have you ever been "off" all of these previously?
I've spent most of my life off such medications.
There's nobody on here that can tell you to stop taking your prescribed medication. That is between you and your doctors to figure out.
What I mean is: is going off such medications the only way I'm going to manage to become a truck driver? Like can I even pass a DOT physical if my prescribing doctor won't give me a note? I've already told my psychiatrist that I might have to go off the medications if she won't give me a note.
Posted: 2 years, 12 months ago
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Should I Go Off My Mental Health Meds To Become A Truck Driver?
My psychiatrist has me on Effexor, Zyrepxa, Buspar and Wellbutrin. I don't believe I need the medications now, but they do make my life easier. However, she will not sign anything for me. She said no one else has ever asked her to do it and she wasn't comfortable with it. It sounds like to me that the trucking industry is against medications for the most part. Should I just go off all my mental health meds to pass the DOT physical? Also, some of the meds I take cause a false positive with drug testing.
I tried to find a new psychiatrist, but no one responded. I have crap insurance.
Posted: 3 years ago
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Sadly, that FMCSA link you linked to makes it sound like you'll have to wait. It says effective date: 3/22/2022
Posted: 2 years, 12 months ago
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Should I Go Off My Mental Health Meds To Become A Truck Driver?
I'm not to that stage yet. I'm going to avoid flatbed work starting out because it looks like a lot more to learn, and I'll probably avoid LTL since everyone recommends it. Swift, knight, May trucking, etc. I'm going against the recommendations here, and I'm going to a paid trucking school first - I can get it for free anyway.
I'm kind of a loner by nature so being alone doesn't bother me. I'm aware it'll be very stressful at first. I guess truck driving appeals to me for a variety of reasons: You don't have a boss watching over your shoulder the whole time. It can be good pay (I'm not going to ever find a job that can pay 80k/year working in a warehouse). I like that you get paid for productivity, and I like that it's an adventure. What intimidates me most right now is trip planning. I'd absolutely love to find a dedicated route starting out so I don't get lost navigating new roads everyday.