Profile For David A.

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Posted:  3 years, 2 months ago

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Bucket List

David, I admire your desire to do the bucket list. However, the truck riding thing is not realistic for more reasons than I have time to explain. Many companies wouldn’t allow it and even if they did there would be a fee for extra insurance. Lots of drivers use their top bunk for storage so you wouldn’t have a place to sleep. No matter what a great guy you are, you might not be compatible with the driver. And your bathroom schedule would no doubt slow the driver down. You might have gas, and I mean the methane type of gas. I could list many more reasons why your plan will not work, but your chance is slim to none. Sorry, I’d suggest you move on to the next item on the list.

Thanks you are probably right. It was worth asking😊 I live in Maine and love traveling. I have been in all 50 states except for Alaska. Through out Canada and 80 countries with my work. I was thinking seriously about truck driving and thought that if I could spend a week or so out on the road it would give me a better idea what it is like.Again thanks for taking your time for your answers David

Posted:  3 years, 2 months ago

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Bucket List

Welcome to the Trucking Truth site David.

Bucket List items are great, but how do we know you're not an active serial killer?

Good question. I do know that I am not and I am taking the same chance. I do know that there are a lot of good God believing, honest hard working people out there and I consider myself one of them. I have worked my whole life while saving for my retirement. I have been married to the same woman for 33 blissful years. I have just a few more items left on my bucket list to do and one is to go across country in an 18 wheeler. Thanks David

Posted:  3 years, 2 months ago

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Bucket List

I have always wanted to be a truck driver but instead I became an engineer for 40 plus years. Now I am retired (63) and to old to start a new career. I have a couple of items left on my bucket list to do. One of them is to do a long haul with an experienced truck driver. I live in the Portland Maine and if you do not mind having me tag along with you for a few days/ week please let me know.

Thanks and thanks for helping me with my bucket list


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