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Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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Some people might think this is hard-hearted, but I really think that you should put your father into a memory care home. This is for his safety as well as for your sanity. He is already wandering around. It's not long before he will be turning on the stove and forgetting it. I have personally known two people who wandered off into the woods and were never found. Another person wandered out of the house and fell into a ditch and was found dead in the morning. Unless you want to live in a locked home and deal with your father who will be angry at you and who might even physically attack you for keeping him safe, think again.
It seems that everyone else has made you feel that this is your responsibility. IT is not. It is equally everyone's responsibility. The same people who dump everything on you will also claim that you committed fraud by using his social security checks to pay for his food. Maybe not, but I've seen it happen. It would be different if this man had been a loving kind father to you all of his life. Anyone can turn nasty with Alzheimer's, but I'm hearing you say that this was not him. If he has assets such as a home, etc. this can be used to get him into a memory home. Yes, you won't get much money from the inheritance, but think of all the money you will save on psychiatric bills for yourself.
You are in the prime years of your life. Live it. Go get your license. Drive regional or local if you want, or go OTR. There are no replays on life.
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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Burnt My leg - looking for advice (including pics of the burn)
It's good you went to the doctor. Third degree burns are those that go completely through the skin. They don't hurt because all the nerves are burned out. They will heal at 1/2 to 1 inch per month as the newbie skin cells have to grow in from the outside. Keep it clean and dry. If it starts to get red on the outside or warm and tender, then go back to the doctor. Also go if using your common sense it does not look good. You can get sterile water or just distilled water at any grocery store. Use sterile gauze. Telfa or similar will not stick to the skin. Remember, humans evolved over 3 million years and our bodies can take care of a lot (at least if you believe in evolution).
I do recommend not resting your leg on bike exhausts in the future!
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Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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Should I Go Off My Mental Health Meds To Become A Truck Driver?
It sounds as though your psychiatrist is just unfamiliar with filling out forms.
Given your history, it is probably not a good idea to go off all these meds except under a doctor's supervision. Also, a doc who does a lot of DOT physicals can probably tell you about options. Even if you have to pay for 2 visits, go anyway. Also, since one visit is for medical advice, not a DOT physical, insurance might pay for it.
You can go to another MD such as a primary care MD or a neurologist. Bring copies of your medical records if they are not on the same medical record system. Explain that you just need someone to verify whatever- probably that you are stable on these meds. There are a lot of meds, so there might be some issues with sedation. You could also ask your psychiatrist to write a note about your stability. Most doctors cannot do DOT physicals, but they can write a medical opinion for the DOT physician to review.
IMHO, it would be better to go to a doctor/MD or DO, rather than an NP. A doctor will be better trained to discuss the situation with you for your safety as well as for the ability to get a CDL A. You wouldn't want to stop and have a relapse, nor would you want to hurt someone, right?