Atlanta, GA
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Rookie Team Driver
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Posted: 2 years, 8 months ago
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Thanks again man that's great to hear I'm pointed in the right direction at least, when I first started pondering his blog I was looking just like your avatar there
but I buckled down to get my head screwed on straight with this stuff cause money can't solve all your problems but it can make damn sure you have a hell of a lot less of them to have to be worrying about. best of luck man
Posted: 2 years, 8 months ago
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Bush Country I appreciate it like I was saying to read the Mustache King cause I'd do a bad bad job of explaining those. if its alright I'd like to run my whole understanding by you though to make sure I've got it square since after all it's about my future. lol
Interest is the wrong term I see that now but the logic behind it was that since me and him are both youngins we could reasonably figure the return on investment would be closer to 10% since we're talking about the stock market as a whole over a few decades, that's why I say average cause its just an example for talking general. now what I mean by interest even if it's not the right term is just the pay off, twenty years down the road with the example numbers I'm giving at 10% you could start taking out the dividend the index fund pays towards that $64k each year and the rest of it set to automatically withdraw into your account, there would be less shares cause you sold some but over a few years the amount the rest will grow back could keep resetting you back to where you were when you started taking money back out. yeah this will all depend on what the stock market is doing at that time but give it a few years and it tends to keep going back up, also why you wanna set an amount higher than what you will live on and also why you take from the index funds before touching the 401k. sorry if I cant explain it better than that but that's kinda the way it goes if I was reading him right? thanks man
Posted: 2 years, 8 months ago
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The best advice I can give is to be a Mustachian. see there's this guy Mr. Money Mustache who does a bunch of free advice on his blog about early retirement. the jist of it all is you get yourself in the habit of spending less then you make and you start putting a chunk of that extra money in index funds. I'd do a crappy job of explaining those but search for what he has to say about it. one of the safest ways to invest over the longterm and get good returns and if you start now when you're this young you'll be sitting pretty down the road. I'm putting 10k in at the end of my first year and plan on doing that again each year, maybe 20k if I can start to swing it. so now if your averaging 10% return on investment per year which is how the index funds go and I keep on putting 10k in each year, in 20 years that's $430,000 interest earned. now at that point you got $640k total and if you stop putting money in then you still average $64k interest each year, that's most people's whole salary, but it's free money each year, sacrifices in the short term pay off big in the long run.
Posted: 2 years, 9 months ago
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Electric trucking companies hiring?
People sure like to rag on electric vehicles and many who driving them are a bunch of dumb **** lickers but the way somebody put the question to me was are they supposed to be perfect? or are they just suppose to be better? then what we got now. so yeah you can go right on and say lots of the power plants could still be burning coal and the batteries they got now are bad for the environment but the guy I was arguing with about it was saying if the cars not in India or China the electric vehicle still don't give off much pollution as ones burning gas and the more the country switches over to nuclear and solar the better they keep on getting. even the damage from the batteries gets off set by the savings and from what he's saying they keep on making better ones all the time. just cause some of those cali commie don't mean the cars are wrong.
Posted: 2 years, 11 months ago
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Advice on an HOS situation, please
Doesn’t sound like you will have time for any bathroom breaks… do you have any Depends to use?
That's good man but just so you know a lot of people looking to learn about trucking come here already been hearing a bunch of crap about how bad being a trucker is, why just last week some British funny man with a huge show on HBO made it sound like we're all just a bunch of dumb 1099 fleeced drivers pulling freight for Amazon sitting forever not getting paid slaves to the ELD not being allowed to stop for a bathroom break having to go in our hands, people see that and come here looking for the real scoop and they won't be able to tell you're just having a laugh here poking fun at ole Matt, but ya know it falls on us to set em straight cause hell no one else will.
Posted: 3 years ago
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Let's hear it - what do you guys think about the Canadian Truckers?
I hope yall don’t mind a man speaking his mind even if I got something else to say. Lord knows I’ve been tarred and feathered on facebook for it, hell even got Zucced for thirty days for peaceful speech. Now I admire the spirit they’ve got going on up there but I just don’t think it’s a hill worth dying on. My family doctor is my uncle an law now and he was talking about this with me last Saturday and he says where’s the protests when they mandate blood pressure? And I’m like hell why do we go for strong borders to protect our country from illegals but can’t do nothing to protect from bringing viruses in? He says this one sure ain’t the worst one it could be but we’ll all thank the lord we did so much to prepare fighting against it when the next one comes along that’ll really mess you up. I read some of them up there saying how they don't got an income for weeks cause they didn't get the vaccine and it just makes me sad cause it's not like they're being told to chop off a limb or anything.
Posted: 3 years ago
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Changing trucks: The unloading, the reloading
We just switched trucks last week and I gotta say I'm in Andrey's camp on this, it took about an hour. but maybe that's just cause we're running teams, there are a few more things I'd bring out here if I was running solo, I dunno.
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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The only diem that matters out here as far as I go is carpe. The companies just love to tell you how fleece is good for drivers too and just look how that turns out, am I right or am I right?
Posted: 2 years, 7 months ago
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Bored to tears.
If your lookin for excitement you could always team with Packrat. and if you really wanna be kept on your toes just don't let him know about it beforehand