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In CDL School
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Posted: 2 years, 11 months ago
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Ok I thought we both will be training in Gary, anyhow good luck
You're training in Gary? Wow pretty close to where I'll be in Chicago. That's where the Intermodal yard is. Hope you like that gig, sounds good.
HI Francis,
I start also Monday with Schneider. I graduated on March 11, took the SOS on March 9th. Hazmat, Tanker and Doubles/Triples endorsements plus TWIC Card. I am from Aurora IL. About 1 Hour from the terminal in Gary Indiana. Driving myself but staying at the hotel as well. I am on a dedicated account with Walmart day time deliveries. 2 Days off a week(if I want). Its a $5000 sign on bonus paid monthly. Plus tuition reimbursement at $200 a month(so so). I am sure yours is similar.
See ya then Keith
Posted: 2 years, 11 months ago
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CDL Student College of Dupage Addison Illinois
No parade here, everything I "heard" I read here.
Keith wrote:
I was going to go with Prime. Thank God I didn't
You made the right choice for you, it worked. You did not experience Prime, KLLM or any of the other Paid CDL Training Programs. Yet you went out of your way more than once to basically bad-mouth them.
I’m glad your path worked for you. Really I am. However the negative editorial commentary was unnecessary and of no value. Sorry to rain on your parade, but please stick to your first hand experience and not what you heard from questionable sources.
Posted: 2 years, 11 months ago
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HI Francis,
I start also Monday with Schneider. I graduated on March 11, took the SOS on March 9th. Hazmat, Tanker and Doubles/Triples endorsements plus TWIC Card. I am from Aurora IL. About 1 Hour from the terminal in Gary Indiana. Driving myself but staying at the hotel as well. I am on a dedicated account with Walmart day time deliveries. 2 Days off a week(if I want). Its a $5000 sign on bonus paid monthly. Plus tuition reimbursement at $200 a month(so so). I am sure yours is similar.
See ya then Keith
Posted: 2 years, 11 months ago
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CDL Student College of Dupage Addison Illinois
Well just finished week 6 at COD. We took our SOS skills test and Road Test on 3/9 All 3 of us passed. We are now truckers. Yesterday and Today. Did more simulated alley docking, 45 backing, floating gears. Today I was the only one of us to show. So I went on one our usual routes and drove floating gears with the instructor and 3 new students. Then 1 student Rudy drove the practice run double clutching, did excellent. Switched to 2nd student he practiced his double clutching around the industrial park then back to the yard for lunch. After lunch back the yard 1 new Student Rudy learned skills on the Mac, while I sat in the Automatic with another student Mike doing his pre-trip. The other Truck came back and picked him up. He then went in the truck with one of the instructors and 2 other students and I went in the Mack (day cab) we do our SOS skill and pre-trip on and Rudy stayed with me while I did simulation ally docking and 45. I had the truck for about 2 hrs. After 1 hour I let him do his skills. He did very well.
Then plugged the Trucks up. And I was done. So glad I chose COD. I felt I had 1-on-1 training. The instructors knew what your were doing wrong and were able to easily fix it and explain why and how. We were never given the pre-trip and told go learn it. They were there with us the whole time. I was going to go with Prime. Thank God I didn't.
In 6 wks I have 42 hours of drive time. Hazmat Training. Alley docking, 45 back and coupling and uncoupling. Plus I will get my tuition reimbursed.
I will have all endorsements and no restrictions.
Thank You to those that have read this and commented.
Hearts to All
Posted: 2 years, 12 months ago
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CDL Student College of Dupage Addison Illinois
Just started week 6. We do our SOS test on Wednesday. There was another round of students today 7 in total. So we were put in the room across form our "normal room" no big deal. Sent to the yard to pre-trip the 3 trucks, snowed overnight. Unplugged them did our pre trip and safe start. Time to warm up. We each did 1 SOS route then back to the yard for more skills. The 4 new students were learning forward and backing in 1 sleeper the other 3 in-cab and coupling the other sleeper. We 3 were doing our skills in the Day cab 2 in the cab and 1(lol) directing. I got called to the students doing forward and backing to show them the in-cab with air breaks. Went thru the in-cab and airbrakes with the new students. I have always been a trainer, I come from the restaurant business as a server trainer. So, I always train the new servers to the companies standards. It was very easy for me in that sense. Then back to the Mack for more skills. We took our lunch break then back to the yard. Us 3 did skills for about an hour and the new students back to the classroom for videos. 2 in 1 truck with 1 trainer for an SOS route and 1 of drive time and 1 student with the other trainer for SOS and more hours, he was behind 2 driving hrs. Back to the yard to post trip and plug the trucks in. Tomorrow is day 2 of our last week.
Posted: 3 years ago
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CDL Student College of Dupage Addison Illinois
Well this is the middle of the 5th week. Took the Hazmat training yesterday at the school. I am glad it is included in our CDL training. 3 of Us from class and 3 CDL holders. The class is required to test for the Hazmat endorsement in addition to getting your fingerprints at Identogo. One of the other 3 CDL holders was an O/O, one was leaving his current company and going with a tanker company(fuel) and the 3rd was a company driver who wanted his Hazmat. We all passed and got our Certificates.
So this week we have been practicing our SOS testing Pre-trip, A, B and C plus the SOS driving route. Since we have 3 Students and 3 Manual Trucks, 2 students go on the SOS route with an instructor and the other Student stays back and does the SOS testing. Then we switch, so glad only 3 Students. Another class starts on Monday with 8 students. We take our actual SOS test on Wednesday 3/9. Since only 3 students we have also been learning Alley docking setup to straight back and setup to the 45. Learning where and how to setup ie: Drivers door in the middle of the parking space, 4 feet from the from the space etc. The Marine already knows how to do the maneuvers since he was a driver in the Marines. So tomorrow (Friday) we will continue the SOS route and more alley docking. Practicing skills, Air Break portion and jack-knife parking plus Coupling and Uncoupling the trailer. Our instructors are so cool, they are teaching US more than just what we need to pass the SOS. Most schools don't teach you how to couple and uncouple, alley docking set up straight,45 and jack-knife parking. And we will have a manual endorsement on our CDL.
Monday we are going to do another Marathon (mock SOS) each will do the in-cab and air breaks, then form A, B or C. Then the road test. Plus more Alley docking and set up, 45 and setup. I am guessing the same for Tuesday plus Coupling and Uncoupling the trailer. Wednesday we test. Then we have Thursday and Friday to hone our Alley Docking and 45 and Jack-parking. We are also going to learn to float gears. Illinois requires you to double clutch so for the SOS we will double clutch. Floating gears is not using the clutch to switch gears, at the proper RPM let your foot of the gas pedal and switch gears.
So I am still looking for a Job from the recruiters that came I am interested in ABF $10,000 sign on bonus ( pay for my tuition) but a 3 yr promissory note. ABF is in Sauk Village about an Hour and 10 minutes Werner has 4-5 different openings with various pay and sign on bonus. Werner has no contract, they do have tuition reimbursement paid $200 a month on your pay check would take 24 months. Schneider has the same type of offering plus the tuition reimbursement and a 6 month contract. Schneider has 5 days classroom 7 Days on the road training( only day training) then 5 more days of class room then you get your own truck. Schneider is in Gary IN about 1.5 hrs. from Me. I like the 6 months with Schneider. Plus Amazon Freight is a possibility its 2 miles from me. $27 an hour 40 hrs in 3 day then the rest is overtime.
Anyone have any advice or ideas, I would greatly appreciate it.
Posted: 3 years ago
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CDL Student College of Dupage Addison Illinois
Sorry Vets. I have nothing against any Vets. I am grateful for your Service as I believe all Americans should be. My issue is he always wants to leave early, is dismissive of the Recruiters if they don't meet his needs, ie. excuses himself to the restroom or says he has to go home. I am taking this training very seriously. He has never driven a stick before, that's what I learned on, a 1970 VW van. I got my sisters hand me down pinto also a stick. He doesn't want to drive the White Freightliner because it is older and not as nice as the Red Freightliner. I believe he doesn't take it as serous as I do, since he has his Military "CDL" Plus I think he is delusional to what a truck driving job is. He is recently married to a girl from Belarus(she is not yet a citizen), he met in Virginia. So he has to be home everyday he says by the latest 6pm. Cannot go over the road for training. He actually told the recruiter from Werner, I like would like that job but I cannot, because of the over the road training so Thank You, and left. That's where I am coming from.
Enough on that. So Just finished week 4. I was incorrect when I said we test on week h is our last day.
Monday pre-trip, Paper logs, skills and 2 SOS routes each. Did Uncoupling and coupling the Tractor to the trailer. We have each done it 4 times now. I guess most schools don't teach that. But since there is only 3 of Us we have lots of extra time. After lunch we each drove 1.5 hrs. Did our Paper logs.
Tuesday almost mirror of Monday. Did verbal in cab, coupling A,B,C while we were driving. 2 SOS routes each and then Skills and road.
Wednesday Did our Paper Logs in the classroom. Had question and answer time in the classroom. Went to the yard and each did a complete pre-trip(its Illinois its freezing) Each did an In Cab coupling A,B,C we have 4 Tractors 3 Manuals and 1 Automatic(which we have never used) 3 instructors and 3 students. We also have a tanker. The school trains new hires for tanker companies in the area.
Yesterday Thursday had 3 hrs. of drive time. Since only 2 of Us were in class. Did our Paper logs, Pre-trip, Skills then SOS route. Then after lunch we went on the road. Went on the 290 to the 55 to Summit Il. Went to our instructors previous employer a tanker company and switched drivers the other student John drove the same route back to COD.
Today Friday had 3 hrs. of driving time today since only 2 of Us were in class again. I went with 1 instructor and John went with the other instructor. Did 4 SOS routes and then went on the road. Kept up with our Paper Logs. I drove a total of 47 miles today. Did 1 set of skills, off set backing, parallel and straight line backing. Did in-cab, coupling and A, B, C.
Wednesday March 2nd is our 8 hrs. of Hazmat training.
Thank You Again Vets.
Posted: 3 years ago
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CDL Student College of Dupage Addison Illinois
So I am in Week 3 of my CDL at COD. We do our SOS test on March 9th, 5th week. Had Schneider Recruiter this past week. Great Pay benefits etc. Schneider training is 5 Days classroom 7 Days OTR, back to terminal daily then 5 Days classroom. Lots of opportunities. Considering applying for Dollar General account. Up to $104,000 a year 4-5 deliveries a week. Unloading yourself, either by roller or by cart. No big deal. Average 2 hr unload time. Get paid per stop, and per unload time. Full benefits, 401k, flex spending etc. Work week either Sunday - Thursday or Saturday - Wednesday.
Have been doing our daily log. Skills - straight line backing, offset, parallel. Also driving our IL SOS course. College of DuPage is very thorough in the training. I have already logged 31 hrs. Driving time. Only 3 Students in our class.
So Glad I didn't go to Prime or any other Company Training. There is no waiting for Driving or Pre-Trip. We have 3 instructors and 4 Trucks. 3 Manuals and 1 Automatic (auto we never drive) Our instructors are the best.
I had to pay for the class myself $4800, 2 other students, the Marine who had his " Military CDL" got the "worknet" so basically my tax dollars will pay for his CDL. The guy from Zaire (20 yrs here) had a sponsor from his Church pay, which he has to repay to the sponsor. Not really happy your tax dollars and my tax dollars are being used to pay for some else's CDL.
I guess that is something I should take up with our Director.
Anyhow, Good Luck to all and Thank You for reading.
Posted: 3 years ago
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CDL Student College of Dupage Addison Illinois
Just finished week two of CDL training at COD(College of DuPage)
I am more than happy I didn't go with Prime, KLLM, etc. 3 students in my class not 70-100 We don't have to stand around an wait. We each are getting 2 hrs of driving time everyday. Our instructors a very impressed at our evolution. Week 2 we are one the Highway driving already. Our trucks are manual. Up shifting, down shifting. We drive on heavily driven roads, lots of different traffic patterns. Country Truck routes, small town city streets, up and down roads. Friday afternoon traffic.
We had recruiters from DOT Foods. Another contender, I will not consider Prime, KLLM, or any of the Student CDL holders. Chicago land has a lot of opportunities. DOT Foods will reimburse you for a daily shower.
DOT Foods .56 a mile no experience $30 pick up $15 drop/hook $30 hr after 2hrs and 15mins waiting $15 after 16 hr layover $50 no touch delivers
BCBS Medical Dental Vision
Driver types NTF No-Touch Freight More Miles Out 2-3 nights
CDS Customer Delivery Specialist Less Miles Makes Money on Deliveries Separates product on dock Paid by the case and item Home 2-3 nights a week
Traditional 5 days on 2 days off Full benefits 34 - 48 hr reset on the weekends at home Own Truck 4X3 flip 4on/3 off Full benefits Front or Back half of week Share a truck .52 a mile
401K Paid vacation 8 Paid holidays Bonus MGP, Safety, Quarterly Eligible after 1st. Quarter5Tuition Reimbursement Payments after 90 Days
Training $750 wk 8 weeks 2 wks classroom M-F 8-5 Lunch is provided 6 wks w/Driver Meals and showers paid
Endorsemensts Tanker Haz-Mat Went last Saturday for my Haz-Mat at IDENTIGO appointment at 11:50 am 5:30 PM received email Cleared for my Haz-Mat. I do have my TSA and REAL ID
Average Pay for DOT Foods
NT NTF $65,000 FT CDS $70,000 4x3 NTF $45,000 4x3 CDS $52,000
4x3 Full benefits and you actually are working about 6 months out of the year.
Lots of Possibilities
I will update
Posted: 2 years, 10 months ago
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CDL Student College of Dupage Addison Illinois
Just finished my 2 weeks training with Schneider in Gary. It went Okay, didn't like the fact that they pushed respect and didn't even know our names. We were always referred to as Sir or between the trainers as being my guy. Also didn't like when you were doing 45 and when would a GOAL and ask them a question or tell them what you were going to do, they would say "what" like you were wrong then you would question yourself. Didn't really like that, there was no reaffirming or direction if incorrect.
So Monday I meet my TE (training engineer) in Sterling, IL. I will be on the Walmart account as my TE is. Which I am grateful for being put with a TE on the same account. Sterling is about 80 miles west of me. I will start at the Walmart DC every morning and end back there at the end of the run. So I will be in the sleeper every night at the Walmart DC. Schneider has a OC there, Showers, Laundry, Cafe. I can choose 2 days off a week or work 6 days (which has a bonus if you do) Just wanting to get the experience for now.
To those who are reading this blog Thank You