My name is Sertac. It's my first topic here. Hello to everyone, again :)
I'm from Turkey and 31 years old. I'm geological engineer. Maybe you know that, there are some economical problems in Turkey so i can't find job :)
Since my childhood, i'm interested in trucks. I have droven a few times in closed trafics. I'm good with lower consumption and mechanics. If i had driving licence which spelled es "CE" for truck + lorry for Turkey, can i have a trucking job?
BTW, i know how to use hydroulic retarders, exhaust / jake brakes, reverse parking, lowering consumption... I love to be in roads. I have drive lots of in construction sites etc...
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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Being a trucker in Europe for non-European Trucker?
My name is Sertac. It's my first topic here. Hello to everyone, again :)
I'm from Turkey and 31 years old. I'm geological engineer. Maybe you know that, there are some economical problems in Turkey so i can't find job :)
Since my childhood, i'm interested in trucks. I have droven a few times in closed trafics. I'm good with lower consumption and mechanics. If i had driving licence which spelled es "CE" for truck + lorry for Turkey, can i have a trucking job?
BTW, i know how to use hydroulic retarders, exhaust / jake brakes, reverse parking, lowering consumption... I love to be in roads. I have drive lots of in construction sites etc...
Please help me. Have a nice, safer drivings...
See you!..