Hi, can I have your email to contact you? I’m trying to get my SPE but seems that no one knows and I’m having a hard time.
Well, I started the process this past Februaryand can happily say I finally received my SPE Certificate yesterday. While I received my temporary SPE certificate in order to start school in March, I delayed starting school until June. With that inconsideration, it did not take a full six months to receive the certificate, but it does require an abundance of patience every step of the way. Going into the process it was fairly murky as to what to expect, and I had a number of surprises along the way. If anyone has any questions, feel free to reach out, I would be happy answer them.
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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SPE (Skill Performance Evaluation) Certificate
Hi, can I have your email to contact you? I’m trying to get my SPE but seems that no one knows and I’m having a hard time.