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Posted: 3 years ago
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How long have you been driving?
Hello Laura. Thank you for asking. I learned driving when I was 21. I am in my late thirties now, and driving has given me a quite lot of opportunities. It had given me food on the table which makes me start and pursue a trucking business.
Posted: 3 years ago
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Looking to get truck finance – what things do I need to consider to get the best deal it will be my first truck I am buying I am thinking of getting a Volvo truck I have heard good things about them.
Posted: 3 years ago
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You're doing fantastic! I can tell you're a fighter based on what you've said, and you're going to take your new career to the next level. One piece of advice: Do it with everything you've got. You can do it because you have the potential.
Posted: 3 years ago
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First and foremost, take a break from everything. You can't give your whole focus because of what's going on in your life. That's OK. However, you must never tolerate disrespect from your instructors. They should not be annoyed with the newcomers because it is their responsibility to teach.
Posted: 3 years ago
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Anxiety driving through large cities
I've been there and done that. In my case, I've asked myself why I'm doing these things in the first place. And the reason for this is that it is something I desire. So it's either I overcome my anxieties or I become a crybaby. It worked well for me. I wish you good health!
Posted: 3 years ago
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Looking to get truck finance
Noted. That is very a fundamental knowledge, especially when looking for a finance company. Thank you so much for sharing.