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Experienced Driver
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Posted: 7 months, 2 weeks ago
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Most likely a stupid technical question...
One other thing I found out and it sucks. I have a Bluetooth stereo, but the Bluetooth is disabled....ugh! Oh well.
You could get a cheap FM tuner as a workaround, I had to do that with my first truck, allows you to run whatever Bluetooth audio through your stereo. Got it at a truck stop with points.
Posted: 8 months ago
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I'd like to hear from some LP drivers...
You need to focus on finishing your training and getting accident/injury free experience under your belt. I’ve read through your other post without commenting but you have to keep your eye on the prize. Look at this first year as an investment in your future and learn as much as you can. You’re not going to get rich your first year, period. There are plenty of really good paying jobs available to drivers with a good/safe track record. If you don’t stay focused at the task at hand you’re never going to succeed. Get your year of safe driving and then find something that fits better.
FYI I make a lot more than the lease driver you mention… as a company driver that’s home daily and weekends off.. so yeah. Focus on your training, good drivers will always be in demand so become one and your have the opportunity to make plenty of money.
Doesn’t seem like your focused on what’s really important right now.
Posted: 8 months, 1 week ago
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I’m not sure about US foods but PFG requires a minimum of one year experience, Sysco may have been 6 months. Not really starter companies for someone without a CDL or experience. PFG does have driver training programs but that’s for current employees which would require you to start in the warehouse or similar position.
I want a career change, how do I get a job driving for us foods or Cysco? Do I get my cdl on my own then apply?
Posted: 10 months, 1 week ago
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How do you deal with the corporate bs long term?
I normally don’t post my dislikes about the OTR experience or the lifestyle but what I will say is this. I made a decent wage on paper while OVR but when you factor in all the BS I put up with and all the hours I put in, it really was pretty poor. I’ve never spent so many hours on the job and I really did hate what little value my time seemed to have.
Now I’m still employed by a large company but I’m local. I average 45-50 hours a week, home every day, weekends off and tons of PTO and other perks. Even on paper I make more money now… so when you factor in my hours worked compared to when I was OVR the difference is just mind blowing. I mean I hit 6 figures last year… only working 45-50 hours a week. I know there’s OVR drivers who make more but not even close if you factor in how many hours they work.
I could find similar gripes with local companies right? But I’m not sacrificing my life out on the road for them.. I’m putting In My 9-10 hours and going home. Making more money and working significantly less than when OVR. I know many of you do, but I’ll never understand why anyone would want to maintain that lifestyle but I’m glad there are those that do enjoy it, for whatever reason.
If your at that breaking point and your as valuable of a driver as you seem to be, why not explore local opportunities?
Posted: 10 months, 2 weeks ago
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We have both inward and outward. They definitely track your eye and hand movements. If your eyes are fixed on something like the radio it will warn you with a couple beeps and then go off for distracted driving. I had pulled my phone out of my pocket to put on the dash and it recognized having a phone in my hand… it actually said to “put down the cell phone” but it never goes off if I have a snack or drink.
I haven’t had any real issues with them. Our supervisors only get the footage if we are doing something wrong. The outward is supposed to read signs, it will go off if you pass 10 over the posted and tells you to reduce speed.
Posted: 10 months, 3 weeks ago
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Can you let me know where you got your training?
You could also try some beverage or food service companies in the meantime. I know for our delivery or shuttle drivers you need a years experience but they do hire non-CDL drivers, loaders, pickers, yard jockeys etc and have a program to attain your CDL. Any time worked for the company, no matter the position counts towards your seniority for when you do become a driver. Good luck.
Posted: 11 months ago
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Can you let me know where you got your training?
James, if you want the current hiring info from Schneider, you are going to have to track down the number for recruiting and talk to a recruiter. Shouldn’t be too hard. Things change at Schneider, so what their website says may not be either accurate or current.
I went into their training with a valid CDL. They started the complete training to obtain a CDL shortly after I finished the program. But I got paid from day one of training and lodging plus food provided.
But things change which is why you need to actually talk to a recruiter.
Hi BK.
Yeah, you're right. I have no idea if the info on their site is correct. I got a few more ads to place on FB Marketplace and I'll give them a call.
I think my choices are down to Schneider, Prime Inc. and Knight Transportation. As long as I got a roof over my head during the initial phase of training.....I don't really care about the rest.
Your looking for the CAT program at Schneider if your going in with just your permit. Unless the account you apply for requires special training like mine did, where my training was for 7 weeks.
During training they took care of my flights, lodging, 2 meals a day plus the hotel breakfast (unless you had the day off then it’s on you), and daily pay.
When you’re on their site, look at what jobs are available from your home location. This doesn’t mean local jobs, regional and over the road position still come up. It will say whether or not the cat program is available for that specific job and then you just apply to it like you would any job and a recruiter will reach out.
I’m from update NY but they flew my to Indy for all my training.
Good luck.
Posted: 11 months, 3 weeks ago
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Fleet has a lot for daily truck parking right in North Bergen as well but really expensive. If you need to park that close maybe your company will cover the cost?
Posted: 11 months, 3 weeks ago
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There is a paid lot in Linden which I believe is 20 something miles away but it’s pricey.
Posted: 6 months ago
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Swift vs Schneider for a rookie?
My trainer at Schneider was a local driver who only worked 4 days a week. They put two students with him at a time so the driving time was split. Most days we would only do one local assignment that would be like 20-40 miles and the rest of the time would be sitting at the dock or back at the terminal. It was a pitiful amount of miles/experience behind the wheel. The only plus was that it was in Indianapolis so I probably got much more out of it than just running highway miles.
They were revamping the training program shortly after I finished so maybe it’s better now but it wasn’t something I would have recommended to anyone.