Profile For M Mann

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Posted:  3 years ago

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OD Driver Training Program, is it over for March




Which terminal/region? If its in the Northern CA region I can do you wonders. I am in close contact to all the powers-that-be



Hey Daniel I am in NY, the position is for the Brooklyn terminal, recruiter called from a North Carolina number. Appreciate the offer Thanks


If you do get back with them you better go linehaul. You don't want to be doing P&D in Brooklyn

No sir if its full time driving on the BQE or local as a rookie I will burn my CDL lol. I think its for the best that I missed that call as they say it all works out for the better. I def will give it a go after 6 months with OD its a well regarded company.

Posted:  3 years ago

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Freymiller New Training Program

I have a new question, didn't want to start another thread. The February 7th changes seem to be confusing to some and maybe to me as well. I've called around to some private schools and get different answers.

One shool told me that I can test out with just a permit if I got the permit before the 7th. He also told me that if I do not have my license then I cannot take a refresher course. Thinking to take the refresher course mostly for the pretrip as some states are different than others.

Another school tells me that if I don't have my license it doesn't matter what the law states, I have to take the full 160 hour course... I'm guessing he's saying that for the money.

I called Road Masters here in Orlando and they said they are only training people who are going to Werner, so if I'm not going with Werner I cannot test there.

The permit should be be good for the 'behind the wheel' requirements, its the endorsement part that was changed and even if you passed before 2/7/22 and the permit expires you can renew the permit and just have to take the endorsement tests again at the DMV one time AFAIK, YMMV. The online course cost $300 for all of them or $50 per like Hazmat.

Posted:  3 years ago

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Freymiller New Training Program

Before or after he explains the “mad frenzy” and how trucking is like the weather?

Not sure where he is doing all of his research... certain it’s not here.




with yearly truck sales being the best indicator.



Please explain this part to me, if you will?


Weather = traffic = trucking btw I used to know a guy who ate rocks, dirt in kindergarten when he was a kid he seemed to like it. Oh and my profile says NY and that's the area I am talking about hope that helps I have a hard time putting two and two together and its kind of annoying so bear with me.

Posted:  3 years ago

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Freymiller New Training Program


with yearly truck sales being the best indicator.


Please explain this part to me, if you will?

Truck sales are the best indicators of Trucking jobs, economy, which means more trucks bought = more money flowing thru our pockets in a nutshell if that helps.

Posted:  3 years ago

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Freymiller New Training Program


Where is “here”? And what mad frenzy?


Its the same thing around here #truckershortage nonsense and the sudden new Feb 7th changes have created a mad frenzy. I have followed trucking for a while, mulling it over but always changed my mind but I have to admit the media hype got to me as well lol. One things for sure trucking, weather, economy are all the same thing, they can get really good or suddenly flatline for a while, with yearly truck sales being the best indicator. I spent a good amount of time reading up on training reviews and it made my head hurt to sift thru it all. Hope you get a decent place to get your CDL.


Well the CDL schools are booked until 6 to 8 weeks out here in NY, if you have the time I will post the phone number here and you can make 2 minute call to find out, this is NYC which has about 2 that may be the approved kind and two others I am not so sure about.

Posted:  3 years ago

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OD Driver Training Program, is it over for March

Which terminal/region? If its in the Northern CA region I can do you wonders. I am in close contact to all the powers-that-be

Hey Daniel I am in NY, the position is for the Brooklyn terminal, recruiter called from a North Carolina number. Appreciate the offer Thanks

Posted:  3 years ago

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OD Driver Training Program, is it over for March

It's not looking good for you. Those programs usually have a finite amount of spots and they went with the next guy in line. How did you miss that call?That phone should've been glued to your hand with the ringer all the way up waiting on it until you heard different.

I'd keep calling you see if you get a response or if they're willing to let you know when they plan on hiring more. Good luck.

I was waiting since Sunday night when I applied the call came on Thursday when I was doing laundry, the sound of the washing machine....

Posted:  3 years ago

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OD Driver Training Program, is it over for March


Hey guys read all of your posts, want to start as well with OD driver training program, but I missed the call by the recruiter and its going to her voicemail for the past 3 days and no call back since 3/3/22 I was wondering if they are done onboarding people or it could be a lot of back up, there is another program that is calling and asking if I am ready go but I wanted to go with OD. I even contacted the terminal manager here but he was out of the office for some reason and the person who I spoke to said to try back later. Maybe Daniel, Bobcat or DrWho can put in a word for me :-) I have my CDL Permit with Doubles/Triples, Hazmat, Tankers, clean license.


Howdy, M. Mann & welcome to Trucking Truth!

While you're at it, doing research et al; read Brett's book, for free, here, along with other great info:

Curious, as to who the other program is? If OD and the 'other' doesn't work out,

Apply For Paid CDL Training

Apply For Truck Driving Jobs

Best wishes!

~ Anne ~

Hey Anne now I feel part of the TT forum, appreciate your kind words.

Posted:  3 years ago

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OD Driver Training Program, is it over for March

Which terminal are you applying at because they all have different hiring needs.

Keep trying the terminal manager or recruiter, sometimes they get busy.

Hey Bobcat, its the one in Brooklyn.


Posted:  3 years ago

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Freymiller New Training Program

Its the same thing around here #truckershortage nonsense and the sudden new Feb 7th changes have created a mad frenzy. I have followed trucking for a while, mulling it over but always changed my mind but I have to admit the media hype got to me as well lol. One things for sure trucking, weather, economy are all the same thing, they can get really good or suddenly flatline for a while, with yearly truck sales being the best indicator. I spent a good amount of time reading up on training reviews and it made my head hurt to sift thru it all. Hope you get a decent place to get your CDL.

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