Profile For Christine V.

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Posted:  3 years ago

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Schneider says I owe them $2k after being termed from CDL training in a week and a half

As Bruce said, if I can't give Schneider 2K, I can't give it to a lawyer either. And I don't have any lawyer friends/relatives to call upon to help me.

Bird-One, looking at their job listings, they have two forms of "Company Paid CDL Training". There's "Company-sponsored CDL" and the "CDL Apprenticeship" program. Sounds like you were in the first one, and I was in the second one. Looking back, maybe the first one might have been a better choice, but hindsight is 20/20 and all.

They paid for me to run a rental car down to Indianapolis from the Chicago area to be trained at the Schneider Terminal on Shadeland Ave. I think they only have training facilities there, PA, and WI, but don't hold me to it. I did NOT receive a CDL by any technical definition of the term, and there was no training prior to me walking into their doors. So that's not a factor either.

But again, thanks for all the input. I think I'm just going to pretend it doesn't exist for now and move on with getting my CDL some other kind of way. If it becomes a problem later, I'll handle it then.

Posted:  3 years ago

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Schneider says I owe them $2k after being termed from CDL training in a week and a half

Thanks for the input, everyone. I guess I couldn't fathom that them firing me before training was over still left me on the hook.

"You're fired. Now give us 2k" sounds like such a racket lmao

As far as the instructors go, there were over 30 of us and 5 instructors. During the actual "driving tests" I didn't do anything huge, just a lot of little problems (or so I assume, I wasn't given specific feedback and there was no pleading my case). On top of being evaluated with such huge stakes after so little time, this all feels like a kick in the teeth. Like "You weren't perfect instantly so go home and send us 2k."

Thank you again, and I guess I'll just ignore it for now. Wouldn't be the first collection letter I've gotten, won't be the last.

Posted:  3 years ago

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Schneider says I owe them $2k after being termed from CDL training in a week and a half

In December of last year, I was hired into Schneider's CDL program and was termed after failing my "Second Look" driving test (I didn't know I was having the "First Look") which was my third time driving the truck overall, for a total time of less than an hour.

When I left I turned in everything they asked me for, they booked my rental home (I live with 3 hrs of the Indy terminal), and went on my way.

I received no communication from them until today, which is a letter from United Billing Services saying they'd like to "assist (me) in completing (my) agreement with (UBS) Schneider National Carriers Inc.

I called and left a message with the guy and I'm waiting for a call back.

What do I do? I don't have 2k. Other than trying with Schneider, I've been unemployed for 3 years because of Covid. I'm currently waiting for follow up from Swift to join their similar program.

I'm at a loss as of what to do here. Any help would be appreciated.

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