Profile For Donkeyhodie

Donkeyhodie's Info

  • Location:
    Benson, AZ

  • Driving Status:
    Considering A Career

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  • Joined Us:
    2 years, 11 months ago

Donkeyhodie's Bio

No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.

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Posted:  2 years, 11 months ago

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Where to find trucks drivers?

Im a little confused. Several days ago, someone posted information about an auto auction company that could be an alternative to a "traditional" trucking job. The contributors and Moderators ripped the poor guy a new one for "recruiting." How is this post any different? I have been poking around on this site and others for quite a while. While she seems to be a very personable Woman, and well versed in the driving world, Trucking with Keirsey seems to be one of the biggest recruiters on this forum. As a moderator, does she get special treatment or payment for plugging Prime incessantly? Just curious as to the rules..... double standards. Also, "Big Scott" can not leave a reply without plugging CFI. He claims to be a driver for them. Has anyone checked his status with the company? Is he a principal or investor? Same with Keirsey. Is she a recruiter for Prime?

Posted:  2 years, 11 months ago

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Avoiding crowed truck stops

I have backed countless trailers behind a pick up truck. Bumper hitch up to horse trailers with a ball hitch/ 5th wheel mounted in the bed of the truck. Im sure that a 53 foot trailer would be a challenge.

Posted:  2 years, 11 months ago

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Possible new driver?

I just signed up for this forum. I have done a bit of reading here and elsewhere. I am 50 years old, long divorced, adult children, no drama from the past. Clean MVR, non drinker/ drug user, no criminal history. I live Benson, AZ. A small town roughly half way between Tucson and the NM/AZ border. I really like the rural lifestyle. I realize that OTR is the place to get a go at this profession, and I am fine with that. After reading up on some of the various "niches" in the business, Line Haul seems to pique my interest the most. I have worked construction most of my adult life. 10-14 hour days have been my norm for decades. There are several ltl/linehaul outfits in the Tucson area, although I would have an hour commute each way. That seems to be a no go as I understand the typical "working day" can be 12-14 hours from clock in to clock out. I understand that dock work is often a part of a newbies dutys as well. I could jump on a forklift and haul pallets with the best if them.... after the proper hazing of course! Lol. But ... I don't have the desire... or back/shoulders/knees that i did at 30. Am I just fantasizing about that line haul job? If the right opportunity presented itself, I could move 60-80 miles east or west of my current location. Thanks for your consideration.

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