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Posted: 2 years, 10 months ago
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A PhD student want to join the world of Trucking --any advice, suggestions, recommendations, etc.
As a former PhD student who is now in CDL school, I would give the following advice: there's no reason you can't have the best of both worlds. Having a PhD presents a lot of unique opportunities, but more importantly, getting into a PhD program is more difficult than getting into a trucking school, and it's also difficult to get back into a PhD program once you've left.
I finished my PhD two years ago, and I do consulting work (which pays the bills), but I love trucks and driving, so I just bought my first class 8 truck; I'll be doing some specialty hauling as a side job. I actually know a few other guys who are doing the exact same thing.
Only you can say what's the right career path for you, but I just wanted to share my experience, in the hopes that it may help with your decision.
Posted: 2 years, 10 months ago
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A PhD student want to join the world of Trucking --any advice, suggestions, recommendations, etc.
B******t, More of the Same, Piled Higher and Deeper :)