Charlotte , NC
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Company Driver In Training
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Posted: 1 month ago
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How to get a OSS trailer back to service
My coworker who uses my truck on my one day off got inspected and put out of service for no brake lights or turn signal. When I got back to work I noticed the truck had 3 blown fuses all related to trailer lighting. I swapped out fuses and everything seemed fine on a different trailer. My question is what is the process of getting this trailer back in service? Can a mechanic certify the repairs or does the trailer need to be reinspected by DOT? Thanks
Posted: 2 months, 1 week ago
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Any idea what problem is? Running lights fire but not brake lights and it’s only affecting this trailer? I switched trailers today and all was fine.
Posted: 2 months, 1 week ago
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I’m part of a relay team. I meet another driver in a somewhat remote part of WV. Today he brought down a trailer with both brake lights out. I checked the fuses and all looked good. It seems like it’s an issue with that particular trailer since the other I hauled down worked fine. I call my dispatch and they are telling me just to take it to the nearest Loves. I’ll need to cross 3 state lines with a drive time of about an hour. Of course I’m not thrilled about doing this. Would you demand roadside assistance or drive to nearest facility? Thanks
Posted: 2 months, 3 weeks ago
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You’ve got to be a real dirt bag to be doing stuff like that. I had a gas cap stolen a couple weeks ago and came out to be $80.
Posted: 3 months, 4 weeks ago
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Thanks for heads up. Funny, every weigh station I passed today was closed.
Posted: 4 months ago
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Are there any entry level jobs left
Try to get a job as a yard switcher/hostler and gain some experience that way.
Posted: 4 months, 1 week ago
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Thank you guys for the info. I appreciate it.
Posted: 1 month ago
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How to get a OSS trailer back to service
Yeah, I notice the trailer is back in rotation. I was just wondering if dot needs to sign off or is it just a matter of a certified mechanic signing off. Funny thing was we had our relay driver hook up to the trailer and all lights fired but this truck kept blowing fuses. I did notice this truck was running mini 30 amp fuses for trailer lights vs a medium 30 amp on other truck.