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My name is Stacy and I’m a trucker wife. God blessed me with an amazing husband, kids and grandkids!
Posted: 2 years, 5 months ago
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Hey there Anne, Wow you sure have a lot of experience! This is quite the experience. It’s been so much fun! Thanks for saying I’m a keeper lol, but honestly… Brandon is even more a keeper ❤️
Hope your arm heals up soon!!! Take care and stay in touch
I think I got that part down lol, but if I could just stop hitting my head on every dang thing 🤣
There's a thread on the SHORT TRUCKS in the General catergory, too.... rooftop heights; I'm only 5'2" w/boots on!
Right above this, look at Grandpa Clark's diary...talking about a bruise!!
So happy for ya, gal ~! It's amazingly awesome, is it not??? To me, it is. I have O positive blood; universal donor/diesel ~ haha!
I just was writing my resume in my head a few minutes ago . . I 'clerked' at Miller Trailers (Dry vans, yet WAS a huge competitor in the day) in Bradenton, Florida at 12 years old; my bro'in'law was the CEO / CPA .. and my (late) mom was an AP clerk. I got to audit the BOL's according to the PRO#'s.
At 17, pulling boat propellers, shafting, and underwater gear, in Florida for General Propeller (Sea Ray Boats.) HotShot, w/a 28'trailer; '89 Chevy 3/4 ton 3 on the tree, and OF COURSE I was under the 26,001 GVWR ~!
Then, I worked at ETCO (Electrical Terminal Corporation) in Florida...we manufactured spark plug & distributor terminal boots.. and I'd pull the bosses boats to and from the marinas. 48'Fountain, 53'Wellcraft.
Now, if this ARM ever heals; I'll be out there, retiring MY guy! Wanna join me?!?!?
Enjoy, m'lady. I love it; I miss it. I still ride with at times, but it just makes me want to drive, more!
Best to you both;
~ Anne ~ (and Tom.. .sometimes!)
ps: Brandon; she's a KEEPER!
Posted: 2 years, 5 months ago
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I think I got that part down lol, but if I could just stop hitting my head on every dang thing 🤣
Hey Anne! I’M ON THE TRUCK !!!!!!
She’s doing great! She’s going to ride with me in the truck for the first time next week. She’s excited.
An added "ps:" ... how's the awesome Mrs. Brandon (Stacey) doing, these days????
Adapting well, I hope! Again, if she ever wants to commensurate with a trucker's wife, email is in my profile!
Just make sure that she puts "Trucking Truth" (etc...) in the subject line. I'm good for replies!!!!
Say hi to her from us / me !!
~ Anne ~
PLEASE LET US KNOW! Tom may be joining the ranks of y'all ~ it's in the "Hey Anna. A ~!" thread..or ask Turtle ~
LOVE TO HEAR, from the missus! Y'all have a blessed and safe journey, for sure!
~ Anne (& Tom ) ~
That should be a lot of fun for you both. Just remember, 3 Points of Contact At All Times!
Posted: 2 years, 5 months ago
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First time EVER on the truck with my husband Brandon S.
Thank you! I’m having a blast. Loving life on the road lol….. but this is only day 2 😁
Have fun! The weather has cooled down considerably, so you should really enjoy yourself now.
Posted: 2 years, 5 months ago
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First time EVER on the truck with my husband Brandon S.
Hey y’all, I’m heading out on the truck this week for the first time EVER with hubby! I’ll be posting my experiences along with some short videos and pictures. Stay tuned!
Posted: 2 years, 5 months ago
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Hey Anne! I’M ON THE TRUCK !!!!!!
She’s doing great! She’s going to ride with me in the truck for the first time next week. She’s excited.
An added "ps:" ... how's the awesome Mrs. Brandon (Stacey) doing, these days????
Adapting well, I hope! Again, if she ever wants to commensurate with a trucker's wife, email is in my profile!
Just make sure that she puts "Trucking Truth" (etc...) in the subject line. I'm good for replies!!!!
Say hi to her from us / me !!
~ Anne ~
PLEASE LET US KNOW! Tom may be joining the ranks of y'all ~ it's in the "Hey Anna. A ~!" thread..or ask Turtle ~
LOVE TO HEAR, from the missus! Y'all have a blessed and safe journey, for sure!
~ Anne (& Tom ) ~
Posted: 2 years, 8 months ago
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My Walmart Trucker’s first week out with the trainer
He’s been driving our entire marriage but never out this long. It’s an adjustment for sure.
I still get carded once in a while lol, I just laugh and show my id and tell them they’re my new best friend lol.
I've been a trucker's wife almost all my life; I get it! It's busier than one would expect, to be real!
In my former life as a bartender, YES .. i WOULD card you, hahaha!!
First week, one and done...awesome! He's got a few years of driving under his belt; I'm sure he'll be fine. My other half toyed with the idea of going the same route; we just have it REALLY good with the intrastate company he drives for. It's small enough to where his boss people know me, and welcome my calls, yet large enough that he doesn't have to play the 'wait' game, when it comes to any truck/trailer issues. They treat him well, and pay him fair.
Hope this journey for y'all stays smooth, m'lady!!!
I check in here daily.....so if you ever have any specific 'anythings,' hit me (us) up!!
Always best to y'all !!
~ Anne ~
Posted: 2 years, 9 months ago
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My Walmart Trucker’s first week out with the trainer
Hello 😊 Thank you!
Hi and good luck to him
Posted: 2 years, 5 months ago
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First time EVER on the truck with my husband Brandon S.
We were in North central PA, around the Woodland PA area.