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Posted: 2 years, 5 months ago
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Accounting for single owner operator?
Thanks, I totally understand and do appreciate your responses. I was feeling overwhelmed there for a bit. It was nice just to essentially say it out loud,so to to speak. We are new to being a LLC and on our own but not new to trucking itself. Well he's not 😂 I am new to all the other side of trucking stuff. Started the process in Feb, bought the truck in April and just bought the trailer yesterday. We have had no income from it yet only start up expenses. (We both have other full time jobs). I did start with QuickBooks yesterday and I've been googling the deductible things and whatnot. I didn't even know about OOIDA 🤦 We've never needed an accountant or anything so I didn't even know where to start. Again, My thanks for your hospitality here 😘
Posted: 2 years, 5 months ago
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Accounting for single owner operator?
What do y'all recommend for a accounting program for a single owner operator, LLC? This is our first business and want to make sure we do it right. I've heard quick books and trucking together. Is that the best? Or do you use something else? Do you recommend a regular accountant also? Wondering if we shouldn't meet with someone locally to again, make sure we're doing everything correctly. We usually just do the standard deduction on our personal taxes so all the business stuff seems wayyy more complicated. Oh and the truck is pre-eLog so it's gonna be hand written log books. But will have a computer or tablet in the truck as well as home.
Posted: 2 years, 8 months ago
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Thanks! I appreciate the hospitality and the opinions! We actually found a gem of a vintage 1992 International Cabover sleeper so pre all of the E everything LOL It only needed a few bits and bobs and we are steady checking them off the to-do list for inspection in a few weeks. And all the LLC and DOT/MC whatnot is now in order. Finding a used trailer (preferably step deck) is our last major thing to do, and he's searching the internet every spare chance he gets for one. We're not new to traveling and pre-planning. I even google earth campsites in the woods when we go places LOL. We have both and rv and a big horse trailer we use. But yeah, this will be his first time as O/O and stressing about being the owner. ;) We've gotten used to running google maps on a separate Wi-Fi dedicated phone and just being able to track and place yourself at a glance is so helpful for peace of mind. Plus wanting the "truck" gps as a assist. He's planning on staying local-ish and only overnighting occasionally. I'm leaning towards the stand alone tablet with an app. Seems to be the most cost effective and reliable way to go. Then the dash cam separate. That's just for possible insurance purposes.
Posted: 2 years, 8 months ago
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Hi, Brand new here. Hoping to get some legit help from actual drivers. Husband is just starting out with his own truck and he'll be hauling a flatbed. He's been a commercial company driver before but its been a few years sense he's actually driven for a living. Ive been researching and am just as confused now as when I started. He wants to put in a gps and dash cam. I've been trying to figure out what the best buy but am lost. reviews are all over the map (pun intended) Garmin seems to far better the RM but apparently they both still suck anyways. I'm not sure if getting the all in one is good or separated into two different things. Or a tablet and download an nav app? I'm more concerned about spending the money the best way possible but still keep the costs reasonable for a start up company of 1. Anyone want to share their experience? Any thoughts or help is appreciated!
Posted: 2 years, 5 months ago
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Accounting for single owner operator?
Thank you! Honestly I've mostly just been a passenger on this ride so far. Supportive but "If you want to do this, YOU need to do this" Admitting that I CAN NOT and WILL NOT be responsible for your business. (😆 This is highly unusual for me) I made him do all the research and lay out a step by step plan before anything got done. I've just been the finder of parts, and helping with repairs and okaying things and general making sure he stays on track. There's been a lot of hurry up and wait kinda stuff. He's done all the other stuff, the LLC and all the Authority/Driver things so I think we're in good shape. Finally finding the trailer (step deck) went quickly and now the reality of putting in his notice in at work soon... we (I) had a little heart stopping panicking moment were "it just got real 😳" Its not a -"when we're ready we'll do such and such"- , now it's -"now we need to do such and such".- We do have all the business things -accounts, credit card with fuel rebates, brokers signed up. Tho I do also want to get a secondary fuel card. We've steadily checking things off the list. I just wanted to reach out to other real people and how they did things for a second opinion I guess. Yesterday we did actually find a CPA that does specific transportation work about an hour away so this weekend we're going to get everything into QuickBooks and then take everything to the CPA just to make sure we're doing everything correctly. After that I think we'll be okay on our own. I just need someone to double check everything before I feel confident enough to actually roll out on his own.