Highspire, PA
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Company Driver In Training
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Posted: 2 years, 9 months ago
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Mega Carriers mentor training just not working for me looking for small fleet owners
News flash!!!!!!!! With Prime if you do not take the TNT trainer that's available to you and decline You will NOT be paid to wait on another trainer that's ONE way. I've had my friend who is also on you tube just like you his name is Mrlovielovie. check out his video. This exact thing happened to him he made a video about it because the person he requested was not available yet prime had another TNT he refused and was not paid the $900 until he got back on a truck. As far as me and my situation Chris Martin was my training supervisor that is what he told me because I had a issue with the first trainer and going home waiting on a second I would not be paid during that wait. So yes there are ways that waiting on a TNT trainer Prime will not pay you. Also I didn't clarify with using things on the truck Sorry about that, I was talking about the cabinets, outlets, you know the things the truck came BUILT with LOL. I had to spend money to built a extra inverter the first day (CPAP machine that only take 9 watts)with the first trainer.
So in 2 months you went from Prime to Butler to Knight. And the problem is with all of them?
A fridge is not required. I didn't have a fridge when I went solo for the first 18 months because I couldn't afford one. They cost over $600 at the time. And they are the property of the driver. Not the company. My first student broke the glass shelf in my $600 fridge. Is that fair? Trainers are not required to allow you to use anything that they personally paid for that is used for personal reasons. Sorry. I am also not required to let you use my $400 GPS, which again another student used and broke Not showering is indeed a good reason to switch trainers. But I have yet to find of any TNT who did not get paid while awaiting a trainer.
Pennsylvania is not the trucking capital as PA IFTA taxes, fuel and tolls can be very costly. Many companies try to stay out of there. So how much freight does Butler have there? That could make a difference, and how many drivers do they have? Butler has a total of 303 drivers.... Prime has almost 9,000. Why would you expect to get a trainer more easily at Butler?
News flash... Almost all companies will want a new DOT physical upon hiring. It doesn't matter if your last card was issued last week. Get used to it if you want to stay in trucking. I seriously doubt after a card was issued that Knight rejected you for health reasons. Anyone with a health condition, CPAP blood pressure etc will only get a 1 year card. The doctor cleared you so there is more to this story.
When it comes to small fleets.... They require the experience because they cannot afford the insurance for new drivers.
Your best bet is to try to go back to Prime. Every company you jump to is going to go on your DAC and make you appear to be a job hopper with no commitment. And you still owe Prime the $5,000 plus interest.
Apply everywhere and take what you can get. The longer you aren't driving the more likely a company will want you to go through schooling all over again.
Good luck
Posted: 2 years, 9 months ago
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Mega Carriers mentor training just not working for me looking for small fleet owners
Hey hows it going I did put up above in 2 of my post that i am in the carlisle and harrisburg pennsylvania area. However I was hired on by Trans Am so I will be starting with them next week their training is 7 days but not over the road with the trainer i will not have to stay with the trainer at all. It appears the reason for their training program to be such a way is because of past problems like i originally mentioned in my 1st post among other situations. I am glad of that. With the driving experience I do have im proud to say I've driven all 3 (freighliner, international and kenworth t680) my preference is the freightliner but they only have kenworth so hey I'm cool with that (gotta get my feet wet) and I'm definitely glad I have that opportunity even if it isn't the company of choice for many. Thanks for the companies you did offer currently and most likely I will keep them in mind for sure. My primary focus is to get this experience under my belt and put my attitude to the side I'm sure i can do it for 7 days especially when I won't be living with this person in the truck. Trucking has always been a thing for me i have family and friends who are all owner operators plus I love to drive and travel big bonus. I know this isnt' for leisure but i will get a chance to see different parts of the country. I just wanted to give you a update. thanks for not judging.
I'm between harrisburg and carlisle pa and yes some of those require experience. Pride i spoke with they require 5 weeks out at once and they dont run east coast like that
Alisa C.,
It would still help if you'd add your 'state' to your profile, for others to pitch in, without reading every post of yours.
However, you could DEFINITELY check out Dutch Maid Logistics; a state away. They have lanes in your area, through and TO your area.
Dutch Maid Logistics I've got two pals working there, still!
None of the LTL's would train you? There are SO MANY nearby! Look at Banks's diary, Delco Dave, and BobcatBob!
Another you could look into, is Witte Bros., Witte Bros. Truck Driving School & Company.
Both the training companies I mentioned, ARE smaller companies.
I can't speak for Kearsey, but I'll bet she will stop in, to answer other questions, and those that are Prime specific. Glad you stopped back; hope we are helping, somewhat!
~ Anne ~
Posted: 2 years, 9 months ago
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Mega Carriers mentor training just not working for me looking for small fleet owners
I don't know what you mean about unrealistic expectations but again your perspective which you are entitled to doesn't mean that's reality.
She said Carlisle PA. Off I 81. Knight and several others have terminals there. But unrealistic expectations won't help
Posted: 2 years, 9 months ago
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Mega Carriers mentor training just not working for me looking for small fleet owners
I'm between harrisburg and carlisle pa and yes some of those require experience. Pride i spoke with they require 5 weeks out at once and they dont run east coast like that
Posted: 2 years, 9 months ago
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Mega Carriers mentor training just not working for me looking for small fleet owners
I didnt give up I would never give up. Although many probably would like to see that . I happened to be different which probably would be amazing once I do get the experience because the one thing that hinders me is I understand that its not all "my way" as a trainer or otherwise my student is combative. referenced on video you asked me to follow. and yes it would be a problem with me and her as well. I'm the type respecting the moment i walk in the door and kind of expect the same treatment. So I definitely appreciate your help with the companies but directing me to follow her is definitely not a good idea because every trainer is different.
Posted: 2 years, 9 months ago
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Mega Carriers mentor training just not working for me looking for small fleet owners
Nope not saying that the problem is all them. prime doesn't have a problem taking me back its just not for training. Which i kinda had a idea they knew I would not advance anywhere else. Also they are already paid off literally 2 weeks after I left so that debt is satisfied. Butler told me they had trainers available not my fault. As far as Pennyslvania being "the capital" what I meant is they are few far and between trucking companies that DON'T come through here unless they are far far out west. I myself can probably count on one hand maybe two about how many companies who dont come here plus i live very close to major interstates here. As far as Knight I was approved for one year at their expense and to be told im not healthy enough is BS as far as I'm concerned because if I am not "Healthy" their Doctor would not have approved it but oh well my original expired in december 2021 I definitely appreciate the extension until March thanks to knight expense.
So in 2 months you went from Prime to Butler to Knight. And the problem is with all of them?
A fridge is not required. I didn't have a fridge when I went solo for the first 18 months because I couldn't afford one. They cost over $600 at the time. And they are the property of the driver. Not the company. My first student broke the glass shelf in my $600 fridge. Is that fair? Trainers are not required to allow you to use anything that they personally paid for that is used for personal reasons. Sorry. I am also not required to let you use my $400 GPS, which again another student used and broke Not showering is indeed a good reason to switch trainers. But I have yet to find of any TNT who did not get paid while awaiting a trainer.
Pennsylvania is not the trucking capital as PA IFTA taxes, fuel and tolls can be very costly. Many companies try to stay out of there. So how much freight does Butler have there? That could make a difference, and how many drivers do they have? Butler has a total of 303 drivers.... Prime has almost 9,000. Why would you expect to get a trainer more easily at Butler?
News flash... Almost all companies will want a new DOT physical upon hiring. It doesn't matter if your last card was issued last week. Get used to it if you want to stay in trucking. I seriously doubt after a card was issued that Knight rejected you for health reasons. Anyone with a health condition, CPAP blood pressure etc will only get a 1 year card. The doctor cleared you so there is more to this story.
When it comes to small fleets.... They require the experience because they cannot afford the insurance for new drivers.
Your best bet is to try to go back to Prime. Every company you jump to is going to go on your DAC and make you appear to be a job hopper with no commitment. And you still owe Prime the $5,000 plus interest.
Apply everywhere and take what you can get. The longer you aren't driving the more likely a company will want you to go through schooling all over again.
Good luck
Posted: 2 years, 9 months ago
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Any one hire after an accident
Correct me if I am wrong but I believe after so many years that drops off your record try to look into that and see
Hello new to the forum, i got my cdls in 2012 drove for 2 years and quit to raise my children after getting custody of them. then in November of 2021 got a driving job with schneider and drove with them for 4 and 1/2 months enough experience to get hired by marten where i had best driving job ever. well about three weeks ago i was backing in to a dock and my front fender rubbed against a yellow concrete pole and scratched the fender and left yellow paint on fender i did not report it and when i got my 30 day inspection that we are required to get at marten shop guy asked if it was fresh and i said yes he ask if i called it in and i said no and told me to call it in cause he had to report it so i did and after being scolded by the lady on the phone for not reporting it right away. well 2 days later i was called to the office and was terminated for a preventable accident and not reporting it and was told it was going to be on my dac I've already called 2 tucking companies and either of them will not hire me the recruter at jb hunt that i spoke to told me about this site and said i should check here for any advice so i was wondering if my driving career is over or does anyone know of a company that might give me another chance, thanks Bryan
Posted: 2 years, 9 months ago
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Mega Carriers mentor training just not working for me looking for small fleet owners
Hello all newbie here got my CDL training through Prime graduated March this year. The schooling is great had no issues until I did the over the road trainer with the mentor. Due to company policy trainers are not required to share any space beside the top bunk ok understandable however this trainer refused to stop to shower along with that (something I refuse to go by) among other things. I had to purchase food EVERYDAY because the trainer would not allow me to use her fridge or any space only the top bunk for all my things me included. This got to be extremely expensive. I also had a cpap machine and she made me buy a inverter because she didnt want me plugging it into the truck keep in mind this is a company driver. I explained to my FM that i would need a new trainer but since none was available had to return home without pay and wait until one becomes available so after 3 weeks of waiting I decided to leave. Got hired at butler transport went to Kansas city completed orientation was sent back home because they didn't have any trainers available again not being compensated while waiting this went on for 2 weeks also so I called them and was told that they had to terminate me because they just could not get a trainer up my way REALLY! I live in Pennsylvania, the trucking capital (close to harrisburg and carlisle). The issue is here alot of the local companies want experience which I have a very little bit. I did one long drive from PA to kennesaw Ga with Prime. I contacted Knight transportation attended orientation even though I already have a current DOT they insist on another as hiring process I agreed. Well I am a diabetic so my sugar was slightly high that day of the DOT. the doctor extended my card another year expiring on 3/2023 and knight tells me "well we don't feel you are healthy enough to drive our trucks" so that ended. That brings me to today. alot of the companies that does training swift, roehl, schneider, will not hire because of background. This is the reason I pretty much don't want a mega carrier looking for small fleet if possible. I don't want to rant but this is my life goal and I don't want to give it up.
Posted: 2 years, 9 months ago
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Mega Carriers mentor training just not working for me looking for small fleet owners
Oh no never that lol. I'm not even THINKING about leasing I would probably most likely do trucking for a bout 3 to 5 years max. I did look at her stuff on here but I can follow on twitter as well to look up more of her stuff thanks again.
Glad to hear you got a start! Chickie Monster (used to be on here) started with them, as well. Look up some of her stuff!! She's now with Cal Ark, and can be followed on Twitter, Ashley Loucks.
Make sure they don't try to get you to go lease, however!!!!
Best wishes; let us know! Maybe do a diary?
~ Anne ~