Profile For Kenneth A.

Kenneth A.'s Info

  • Location:
    Lansing, OH

  • Driving Status:
    Company Driver In Training

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  • Joined Us:
    11 years, 1 month ago

Kenneth A.'s Bio

Was a driver for a short time 2001-2002 and decided it wasn't for me at the time after finding out I was going to be a papa but with a recent layoff and hopefully a little more maturity gained I am thinking about doing it again.

Made the jump and I started with Prime Training on 8/25

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Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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Unless they have changes within the last 6 months, Prime only does UA testing. They take recent grads. They have a great training program.


Just took test with Prime little short of two weeks ago and was only a UA test.

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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Just about to start my career and go to CDL school


Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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Just about to start my career and go to CDL school

Maybe I should try to find a prime recruiter to talk to before I make anything absolutely final. Do you have any suggestions?

As far as not waiting for them to call me, I didn't wait long at all for any of the others haha...they called within 24 hours of me saying I was interested. But I haven't gotten an email or anything from prime with a number to call so I don't know what to do with that.

I will send you my recruiters name and number. She was awesome and one we actually got together on the phone she was calling me every few days for follows to see how I was doing and if I had questions, etc.

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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New trucker

hi to all of you,after recently graduate from jersey tractor trailer on june 18,i decide to not go into a train with a big company,i went to a company that thru a friend i got hired,cause i though that i could be struggle in those "big companies train' i had a friend that graduates from same school,and he went to werner xpress,he cried like a baby,they make him go all the 53 states, to get a miserable weekly wave,he lose half of his weight,and much more im not going to mention here,instead i have my own hard time learning with my trucking gps,a map,and calling my coworkers to tell me how to get to places and routs,since day 1 i went alone to what they called "/local" wich for me at the beggining was way to farway,but now i found it near,i found what seems to be imposible,get paid a fair weekly salary,sleep home everyday,work from monday thru friday,no pressure or rushing calls from my boss,and my average week is from $800-$1000,for me,new driver,thats more than i expected as a begginer.

Now,the only thing i want to know is: can i get a better income dealing directed with the broker? did it worth try to finde a good freight load,if i had the opurtunity,im planing to get a truck with a friend of mine,and finde the load thru a good freight load finder,do you know any reliable, all answer and advices are welcome,thanks in advance.

In complete honesty. If you cant answer the question on your own, dont buy a truck. Wait till you have the experience and background built up and when you can answer that question you'll know if the O/O lifestyle is for you.

Good luck to ya sir.

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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My Prime Training Experience

Simulators? I would hope it's realistic eenough... I have to think there is nothing like actually being in a truck...

Just my opinion but they are nothing like driving the actual truck physically outside of mechanics too start doing things like building the muscle memory for double clutching and keeping your head on a swivel, etc.

I was talking to a lady earlier though and I do think they might be really goos decision making tools. We were talking about how some of the people didnt seem to care about actually trying to follow the spped limits or dangers presented and were just going through the motions to get through them. Things like school zones and various things can jump out in front of you if your not paying attention. Hopefully Daniel gets a chance to read this as I am curious if the trainers get to review what we did, etc.

As a side note I completed it all this evening.

We also had a very brief class on paper logs and some of HOS changes upcoming, etc.

Tomorrow will be getting my permit transferred and hopfeully if that is done fast enough will get to sit on the pre-trip class being offered for those done with everything else.

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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My Prime Training Experience

8/25 - The simulators are a blast. While the people who run it dont appreciate it being called this they really are like big driving video games. I managed to get through 4 out 7 simulations you need to complete during the week this evening. One thing of note for everyone experienced or not. Be prepared to do poorly one the first one. It takes a little bit to get used to the feel of it. I didn't feel I was doing at least okay until the third one. My suggestion would be to get these done as soon as possible. Lots of people have to share the simulators in rotation and there are various people in and out testing at times as well for other things.

8/26 - Received medical card (60 day card due to sleep test thing) and letter of temporary residency today. Lots of people didn't seem to understand at first that if you have an out of state license you must tranfer into MO before you can take your final CDL test. Prime is also now requiring a tanker endorsement. Not that you will be hauling a tanker trailor but there is a chance for portable tanks large enough to qualify for the endorsement may be placed inside the trailor.

Anyhow I am attempting to complete all simulator and computer modules this evening while others are out testing for their permits. Proving a challenge as the Prime intra web seems to be having difficulty today.

Tomorrow I will transferring my license to MO and hopefully getting into the pre trip class as well.

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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DOT physical

Holy typos...I know why people have struggled with posting from their phones

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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DOT physical

So I passed my CDL permit tests even added tanker to it just cause I knew the info. However I cannot get my permit until after I have the DOT physical done. How do people get their permits then get the physical at the school?

Pretty sure this depends on the state your from. Some states will let you "self certify" until you get to your school the get one officially on the record. Sounds like your state does not so this so would do a search for DOT physicals in your state and should get a listing of approved physicians you can make an appointmwnt with.

FMSCA site info

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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My Prime Training Experience

8/25 - Orientation. Must be in the assigned room at 7 AM on the spot. Roll call is done and you get a presentation by a gentleman for being more healthly. Seems like a good program and something I should definitely look into but at some point down the road but for now will have to pass cause I definitely cant afford the personal coach thing right now. Anyhow the rest of it is pretty much like everyone has described. Hurry up and wait. Got the drug test, physical, and interview (basically just goes over your paperwork and collects the $100.00 admin fee) out of the way and had some lunch. Some people have wondered about the free meals. I forgot to picture breakfast but it was plate full of biscuits and gravy and a bottle of apple juice for me. Plenty to fill me and I am a fairly big guy at 6ft 324 lbs according to the physical. I did get a picture of lunch though to give you an idea. Didn't cost me anything.

delicious dinner of chicken-fried steak at truck driving school

Hmm.. think I need to look at how my online storage is cropping the pics but hopefully you get the idea. More than enough to keep you going.

Oh and for those that have been wondering I have been tagged for the sleep study (apnea) on Thursday. I will be attempting to document this as much as possible since there have been lots of questions on this.

Oh well off to study some more until we get our intro to the simulators this afternoon.

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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Too Much Baggage to Take To Prime Training?

Did you get lucky enough to get a room at the Ramada next door? A few do every week and they have a pool and a small gym and free breakfast. After your first week at the campus you have to buy breakfast yourself, or with the 200 dollar advance

Unfortunately no...but I am told we can swim over there but havent bothered with it myself

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