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Posted:  2 years, 5 months ago

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Involuntary commitment medical record, over 9 years ago. Effects on TWIC card.

Update guys, I got my twic card with no issue! So anyone with my kind of issue, you have hope!

Posted:  2 years, 7 months ago

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Involuntary commitment medical record, over 9 years ago. Effects on TWIC card.

Yes, I've applied today. I did say "yes" to being held at a inpatient facility. I think I have a good shot, sense it was a 1 time thing, I was on drugs at that point of my life, I'm not taking any meds and I finished all treatment. If denied, I've talked to some lawyers who can help me through the appeals. More than likely I'll be asked to take a psych evaluation. If everything turns out good, I don't see why I wont get approved? Even for my gun rights, I can get them back, just haven't gone through the process. If I cant get it, its not the end of the world, like many said already, many jobs that don't require it! I'll be sure to keep ya'll updated, not sure how long it'll take lady said up to 2 months. Thanks for all the support!

Posted:  2 years, 8 months ago

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Involuntary commitment medical record, over 9 years ago. Effects on TWIC card.

Thanks for the replies! Yes this is involving a pending job offer, getting a TWIC card is my best option. I do not have my CDL yet, no. I am currently in the process of getting it. My thinking is, they only deny if they think you are a threat to safety? This was a one time thing, I have no other such record. My options I guess are applying for the TWIC card, seeing if they approve or deny. If denied I can get a lawyer, and go through the process of appeals. Doing some research, people with felonies have gotten TWIC cards, so I don't think its impossible. I'd hope my chances are higher. Sense this was something that was 9 years ago, and not a repeat occurrence it gives me some hope!

I also read on the website: "Conviction for one of the following felonies is disqualifying if the applicant was convicted, pled guilty (including ‘no contest’), found not competent to stand trial, or found not guilty by reason of insanity within seven years of the date of the application; OR if the applicant was released from incarceration after conviction within five years of the date of the application."

Yes I understand this is for criminal felonies, but what sticks out to me is the "within seven years" and "within five years".

I guess I wont know unless I start the process, really appreciate the help! If anyone has ever dealt with something similar, please let me know how you handled it.

Posted:  2 years, 8 months ago

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Involuntary commitment medical record, over 9 years ago. Effects on TWIC card.

I dealt with involuntary commitment over 9 years ago. For mental health reasons, I did not consent to this, but it was needed for me as it was a bad time in my life. Now this is on my medical record, such things as owning a Gun I cant do. I want to apply for a Twic card (Transportation Worker Identification Credential). For a future Job. On the website: it says "or if he/she has been involuntarily committed to an inpatient facility for mental health or psychiatric reasons.". Now this happened 9 years ago, and its not something that will ever happen again. (its regarding self harm not eating, and drug use, non-violent).

My dilemma now is should I apply for a TWIC card and see if I get denied? OR Should I try to get this medical record expunged, afterward apply for TWIC card. I'm not sure if I need a lawyer for this, is it best if I do get one? Which option seems reasonable. By chance can they not deny me as this was over 9 years ago? And I did go through treatment, and counseling. No such thing has happened to me sense then. As well I am not taking any med's relating to this incident.

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