Shreveport , LA
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 1 month, 4 weeks ago
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Moving My CDL to a New State, Any Info? Also a question about new DOT physical rules
Hi all,
I currently have my CDL A from the state of Louisiana. I am planning on moving to the state of Texas some time next year and I was wondering if there are any requirements regarding moving a CDL from one state to another, or if it's just a simple transfer.
Also, a friend of mine recently told me that the President passed a law saying that you have to get your DOT physical done in the same state you have your license in. So for instance, if I wanted to get my physical done at my company terminal in Fargo, that is no longer admissible. Have you guys heard of this?
Thanks guys, always appreciate the advice.
Posted: 2 months, 1 week ago
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Strong Chemical Smell After Regen in Cab
Yeah, that's probably it. Thanks.
I'm guessing it's the smell of the def burning. "I love the smell of Urea in morning"
Stinks to high hell. In more ways than one. I generally try to park next a Toyota prius or Tesla with tons of liberal bumper stickers plastered on them as my way of saying thanks for the environmental bull fertilizer we now have to live with.
Posted: 2 months, 1 week ago
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Looking fo good starting company. (Have criminal record)
Magnum Ltd (Fargo)
Posted: 2 months, 1 week ago
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Thoughts on what might have caused this?
Right in that exact same area I had a large bird hit the top of my windshield dead on.
Didn't shatter my windshield but it about gave me a heart attack.
Lots of wildlife in that region, that's the only area of the country that I routinely see dead bears on the side of the road. Hell, I saw a car with cops around it with a bear on the hood.
My guess? Bird. But who knows.
Posted: 2 months, 1 week ago
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Made a embarrassing rookie mistake
Did the same thing many months ago. I was distracted and pulled out from the trailer and felt a bang. I stopped.
I guess I got lucky because the trailer ended up on my drives and somehow, by dropping my air bags, I found a way to get back under it.
Lesson learned
Posted: 2 months, 1 week ago
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Strong Chemical Smell After Regen in Cab
Hi all,
With it being winter I'm having to idle my truck a lot more which means it does more regens.
One thing I've noticed after the regen is sort of a chemical/rubbery type smell inside and outside the truck.
Is this normal after a regen? It's very noticeable from the inside, I want to make sure I'm not inhaling bad stuff.
Posted: 4 months, 1 week ago
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I am a driver for Magnum in Fargo. It's a trucking company. 😀
It looks like Magnum in Fargo ND is a broker, now a trucking company.
Posted: 4 months, 1 week ago
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Can a single/no kids/minimal bills OTR company driver avoid renting an apartment?
I know many truckers without homes. My trainer doesn't have a house. My good friend doesn't.
It's actually rather common to just live out of your truck. Just got to be somewhat creative but it's completely feasible.
Posted: 4 months, 1 week ago
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What is a better company for a beginner
PAM is another one to consider.
Posted: 1 month, 3 weeks ago
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Moving My CDL to a New State, Any Info? Also a question about new DOT physical rules
Perfect, much appreciated.