Sturgis, MI
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
Social Link:
FR8 M4N On The Web
Married my high school sweetheart and have 8 children, currently 3 at home. Wife and I became Catholic in 1990 and now attend Traditional Latin Mass.
Retired from Abbott Nutrition after 22 yrs. most time spent in the energy center where we provided high pressure steam (up to ~460#), variety of cooling waters, HVAC, soft water, compressed air (~90#) and nitrogen. We did maintenance to our equipment, boilers, air compressors, chillers, cooling towers, water softeners, and whatever else.
Drove 20-25 yard garbage trucks, hence my rumble.com/trshm4n channel, starting April of '22 to Oct of '22.
Went to a sponsored school with Keller Trucking located in Defiance, OH. Keller has been great every step of the way; awesome company. They've been on the "Best Fleet to Work For" list for 7 years! Now they have "Hall of Fame" status. Be sure to tell them John Steele, (the driver), referred you!
Recently changed my personal truck plate to reflect the new career, hence the nickname.
If you're interested in beginning a new career, continue to look around Trucking Truth! There is a ton of education materials here and a ton of posts with excellent advice. A very mature site with professional drivers with many years of driving and trucking business experience. Go to the menu for a list of categories to get you started. Any questions, jump in and post; many new drivers here, too, that can benefit from the question.
Posted: 2 months ago
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New to site, new to trucking, and new beginning (Lord willing)
Welcome! There is a section here with diaries of people having journaled their experiences you may find helpful. Good luck with the journey!
Posted: 2 months ago
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Funny, my bolt cutter broke a bolt before the bolt seal. Lucky there was a mechanic sitting idly and I asked if he could fix the bolt cutter. He was able to install a new bolt. But it's not a hardened bolt so it might not last.
I was going to see if Love's has a bigger bolt cutter than the one I have and use my points to get it.
Posted: 2 months, 1 week ago
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Is Everyone safe? Winter Mess!
Burrrr... -12°f East of Shalersville, Ohio at the Portage Service Plaza on I-80 this morning. The little heater barely keeping up, haha. Sure like my sleeping bag.
Posted: 2 months, 3 weeks ago
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Good luck with everything, PJ. I get the sense you'll do an excellent job with growing the business, though.
Posted: 2 months, 4 weeks ago
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Not the end to 2024 and start to 2025 I wanted
Ouch! Hope it heals quickly. Hand pain sure can be especially bad. And hope it works out well with your next truck.
Posted: 3 months, 1 week ago
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Wondered about Anne from time to time since I had't seen her on the forum in a long time. Prayers for her and the family.
Posted: 3 months, 3 weeks ago
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Thoughts on what might have caused this?
Quite the mystery!
Posted: 3 months, 3 weeks ago
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Thoughts on what might have caused this?
A rock flung from the other side of the highway? Just big enough to smack off the glass, never be found again. Or it did come through and you found it but didn't make the connection?
Could a bird... Nah, suppose there would be some evidence of that.
Golf ball? Who's playing in December?
Stray pellet from shot gun blast? Maybe had enough velocity and small enough to be overlooked, or bounced off the glass. Similar to what you were saying about a bullet.
Do you have those wind wings, or whatever they're called, that wrap around the A pillar? Maybe caught a rock from the front and it was funnelled around and hit right near the front edge of the window? Probably bounced off in the process.
Posted: 4 months, 1 week ago
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I'm scheduled for having the Holidays off. However, the company would pay a bonus if it is worked.
Posted: 1 month, 3 weeks ago
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Million Mile Award!
Super fantastic! Excellent accomplishments, Kearsy!