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Preparing For School
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Posted: 2 years, 5 months ago
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Reefer Question Need Little Help Please!!
Wow thank you all for the help!! I can't tell you how much I appreciate it just starting out on my trucking journey. I think each division of trucking has its own share of ups and downs, pros and cons, just like any other job I guess but I'm excited and nervous lol for the opportunity to learn the business of trucking. Again thank you all for the help I'm sure I'll have lots more questions in the near future it's nice to have a forum like this one to gain knowledge.
Posted: 2 years, 5 months ago
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Reefer Question Need Little Help Please!!
Thanks Old School and BK for your help and insight on this topic, really helps with my decision alot, I actually don't mind so much the idea of waiting to be loaded or unloaded its just that I was mainly worried if someone will actually make the attempt to wake me up if I'm taking a nap in my sleeper, so knowing that someone will most likely bang on my door, call or text me on my phone, or give me a buzzer device makes me feel little bit better about this issue.
Posted: 2 years, 5 months ago
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Reefer Question Need Little Help Please!!
Hello everyone I'm new to the forums and I recently decided to go into the trucking industry, but I'm really torn between if I should go into dry van or reefer side of trucking, and so I've been doing alot of research on trucking lately, watching alot of videos and reading on trucking forums such as this site, and I really tried to search myself to find the answer to my question but haven't been successful in finding the answer so I thought I'd ask here. So basically my question is when it comes to pulling reefer, I noticed that alot of videos and discussions sometimes talk about the wait times associated with being a reefer driver and having to wait at shippers and receivers sometimes for many hours at a time. But I don't understand if for example if I'm waiting at a shipper or receiver getting loaded or unloaded, can I just go to sleep during that time or will I only get a short nap in during that time their loading or unloading the truck? What if I oversleep will someone wake me up or let me know that the load is ready to go? Basically when do reefer drivers sleep is my main question here that I'm trying to ask?? It seems to my understanding that there are no specific designated sleep times? Will I still get to sleep during my 10hr break or not? So that's why I'm having a hard time deciding which type of freight I would like to pull because its also going to determine which cdl school I'm potentially going to be going to. So any advise you guys and gals can give me would be greatly appreciated thank you.
Posted: 2 years, 5 months ago
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Reefer Question Need Little Help Please!!
Speaking of being scared Kearsey lol, I have another question for you or any other reefer driver that wants to chime in? Do reefer drivers have to worry about someone turning off your reefer unit when you're either away from your truck or even sleeping during your breaks? Has it happened at all and if so how often would u say that it happens? Is there any type of locking system or code that u need to turn on or off the reefer unit? I would hate to wake up from my break just to find a non running reefer unit, and I don't want to be responsible for a load going bad because someone messed with my reefer unit? So any information you guys or ladies can give me on this is once again much appreciated 👍