Profile For Hydra M.

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Lost and don't know what to do.

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Posted:  2 years, 5 months ago

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6 months safe driving with a CDL A Carrier

That's not a minor detail. The guilty plea is why you can't find work and I'd be surprised if anybody was willing to hire you with a conviction on your record. I'm honestly surprised your CDL wasn't suspended. I wish you luck, but I don't think you're going to get the results you're hoping for.

What isn't a minor detail?

I'm also surprised even now my CDL is still active. And I was always taught that if you did something you should own up to it, which is why I chose to pay the fine. I made that mistake myself so I should pay for it.

Posted:  2 years, 5 months ago

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6 months safe driving with a CDL A Carrier


Hello again,

It is also confirmed they have my reason of firing listed as a "citation for leaving the scene".

While that is true, I found the ticket/citation from the magistrate back when I paid the fine that does not list "leaving the scene" anywhere on the document. I'm not sure if that's where they would put it but all the documents I have concerning the incident do not list me as fleeing, only Western Express do.


The plot thickens....

I knew there was more to this story. In the original post, it sounded like you hit a hydrant, no one was around, did no real damage and left.

Further into it, you said "the next day WE called me" which meant someone saw you, you probably caused damage, and reported it to the company.

Now you state that you received a citation. Which means you hit something, fled the scene and got pulled over by an officer and got a ticket. You have documents to "prove it". And, after getting a citation, you didn't report it to your company. That in itself is a fire able offense.

You are lucky you didn't lose your CDL. Leaving the scene results in suspension.

Companies are slowing hiring. Freight is dropping, new trucks and parts are still hard to come by.

Why would anyone take a chance on someone who can't get the story straight.

Try GTowns suggestion and go for Class B jobs. But honestly, your integrity is the question as well as your judgement. Understand that many local jobs cannot afford the insurance for a new driver with perfect record, despite one with issues

Your best bet...write a letter to the head of safety dept stating you understand the severity of your mistake and intend to do better. Perhaps ask to be put back in training.

G Town is right, none of us regulars on TT do stuff like this.

For future readers, companies expect new people to make mistakes. They also expect you to take responsibility for it to preserve your integrity. Companies trust us with their $250,000 equipment and multimillion dollar loads, and can't supervise us constantly like a normal job. Your integrity is your key to future wages.

I've never been in any legal trouble like this so forgive me if I'm stating things wrong. I'm 22, and while age is no excuse I'm still learning. Everything that I've stated is true but I'll reword if it sounds suspicious.

I hit the fire hydrant and did admittedly drive off. When I got to the rest area an hour away I received a call from the local PD asking if they could come out to talk to me. When the officer drove out I told him the truth, that I did hit the hydrant, I did know about it, I did panic, I was a stupid person, and I drove off. He took both my information and the company's insurance info and told me the actual arresting officer would be in touch. When he left I called the safety department's number and told them what happened, though I'm not too sure on what was told to me. What I can tell you is it didn't seem like I would be fired. I talked to the arresting officer on the phone the next day and told him the same story I told the one who came out the previous night down to the last detail, he thanked me and told me I would receive information on my charges in the mail once it's processed. About a day or so later I received a call from Safety again asking for pictures of the citation I would receive, and I told them I would send it to them when I got my home time. When I got home I did in fact have the citation waiting for me (I went back in my photos and the date I took the picture was February 19th), I sent the safety department the photos, paid the fine (which was 451.50) and thought all was well, again nothing seemed wrong. On my next outing which was the 20th I was routed to their Pennsylvania terminal and on February 23rd I was officially let go. My naivety admittedly was blinding, but I have done a lot of soul searching in the months since and have come to terms with the idiotic mistake I made.

I did not mean for my integrity to be called into question. I try to be an honest person with a good conscience. The fact that this happened to me and I didn't, and still don't, know what to do shows me that I may be 22 but I still do not know what I'm doing.

Sorry again for any suspicions.

Posted:  2 years, 5 months ago

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6 months safe driving with a CDL A Carrier

Hello again,

I have a small update. It is confirmed Western Express has me on their "no hire" list. I also am waiting for TransAm and PTL to run my information. P.A.M. has me on callback, and Roehl, Carolina Cargo, and C.R. England said no. It is also confirmed they have my reason of firing listed as a "citation for leaving the scene".

While that is true, I found the ticket/citation from the magistrate back when I paid the fine that does not list "leaving the scene" anywhere on the document. I'm not sure if that's where they would put it but all the documents I have concerning the incident do not list me as fleeing, only Western Express do. I do own up to my mistake but I was wondering if there was a way I could challenge their report? Maybe send a scan of the document to recruiters so they can see for themselves?

Posted:  2 years, 5 months ago

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6 months safe driving with a CDL A Carrier

If you don't mind doing local work, Central Transport has some terminals in Florida. They are..... more forgiving than most LTL companies.

How about container companies? Here in Chicago all they require is a pulse and they might even waive that requirement.

Container requires a TWIC card right?

Posted:  2 years, 5 months ago

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6 months safe driving with a CDL A Carrier

Every application you submit, don't wait for them to call you. 1-2 days after submitting an application, call them and ask about the status of your application. When I was going through the hiring process last year, I had several companies fail to contact me after my application was submitted. In fact, my current employer was one that I had to follow up and call them. Once I did, they started working my application. Any application less than 30 days old is still viable, so you can call them and follow up still. Even after 30 days, they can look your application up to see if you may qualify. The recruiter will then ask you to resubmit your application.

Alright. Tomorrow bright and early I'll be following up with the following:

PAM, PTL, TransAm, Steven's Transport, Wild West, and I'll also contact Western Express to see if they have me blacklisted.

I'm trying to stay hopeful

Posted:  2 years, 5 months ago

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6 months safe driving with a CDL A Carrier


If you quit on yourself you have no chance. If you try you have a small chance.

Have you tried CR England, Pam, PTL or roadtex?


In addition to PAM Transport and PTL another company to put in an application with is Butler Transport.

PTL was one week ago, PAM was two. No response from either, not even an automated recruitment message.

Posted:  2 years, 5 months ago

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6 months safe driving with a CDL A Carrier

I don't think companies share reasons for termination. They may share "ineligible for rehire" which is a major red flag. Request your DAC report and see what's on it.

What other companies have you applied to?

On my DAC report it says "no information available" under all categories from employment history down to pre employment drug/alcohol disclosure. I don't think Western Express put anything on it.

I've applied to, honestly, at least 40 different companies so far. Most of the known mega carriers are a no go, all (understandably) citing I need 6 months of safe driving with another carrier to qualify. I've also tried some such as the following:

CFI USA Truck Pride Transport Leonard's Express CRST (unknown if they won't take me because of the cursed mark, they just said they aren't hiring from Florida) Cypress Truck Lines Crete Carrier

And as stated before the known megas such as Schneider, Swift, Knight, U.S. Xpress, Prime Inc, and Covenant.

I've also submitted applications to either currently or formerly known "second chance companies" such as;

May Trucking Company TransAm Wild West Express Carolina Cargo And Western Express

Of those 4 only May Trucking have gotten back to me citing the 6 month rule as all the others. I don't expect any of the others to take me on, and I also suspect while Western Express might have not put anything on my DAC report, I am not eligible for rehire. It is all my fault and I know that now, so I'm sure my CDL will die.

Posted:  2 years, 5 months ago

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6 months safe driving with a CDL A Carrier


I also reapplied to Western Express but I'm pretty sure they have me blacklisted or something, and I'm unsure if it's worth calling.


Here's how to find out. Go to the website "Hire Right" and request a free copy of your DAC Report. This is similar to a credit report, only this one covers professional drivers activity. You can get one per year, mailed to you.

According to the two companies that got far enough to request a DAC report on me, Western Express put nothing on there. They only find out about the reasons (other than me putting I was fired on my application) when Western Express faxes them with my termination details.

Posted:  2 years, 5 months ago

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6 months safe driving with a CDL A Carrier

I've applied to even the most bottom companies like TransAm and Carolina Cargo (not hating these companies, just going based on what I've heard) but have yet to receive a reply.

I also reapplied to Western Express but I'm pretty sure they have me blacklisted or something, and I'm unsure if it's worth calling.

Posted:  2 years, 5 months ago

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6 months safe driving with a CDL A Carrier

Howdy, Hydra ~

I'm late to this fast moving 'party,' but .. better than NEVER !!

First off, to back up what G'Town said, Ryan & others, a stale CDL is NOT a myth, especially with an extremely excellent offer of employment, being extended. I 'Faux Pax'd' on one of Tom's apps rtecently .. transposed something with the date of leaving one company and the beginning of the next, and it SURE DID make a difference. Almost lost THAT OFFER from the table. Sadly, it's a bit far to commute, anyway ... but proof, it happens.

Hydra ~ Did you TOTALLY suck up to Western, to the nines? Grovel, beg, offer to go back out w/a trainer for a pittance, just to stay hired? Even volunteer to watch "x" hours of those awful, redundant, ancient safety videos?

I've been around the block for a while; and oftentimes, reading here .. and seeing there ... it works.

Florida . . . being in Florida. You might look into C.R. England, honestly. If you're not opposed to flatbed, you could try Cypress. They're right by you, and they train; which in your case could be a blessing. Are you opposed to teaming? I'm not sure if CRST is hiring in Florida, or not. CFI might bite, with retraining; also.

Another idea, look on Thumbtack; 1.800.Got.Junk, etc... really any scrap haulers or delivery for construction companies with their own fleets may also be an least for the time being. The hurricane conundrum may actually offer some normally non existent opportunities for keeping your CDL in use.

I wish you well; something will work itself out for you. Please try, please let us know.

~ Anne ~

ps: The O/P feels bad enough; no need to hit a fella/gal when he/she is down; IMHO. IE: " I have an issue with myself."

" empathize, encourage, and inspire"

I did not grovel to Western. I got a call from Safety the day after it happened and after explaining it I thought all was well until two weeks later when I got fired. I have submitted applications to them and even emailed recruiters but I think they have me blacklisted.

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