Chicago, IL
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Preparing For School
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Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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Looking for the truth from the professional’s
I am currently looking to change careers. I have an over the road flat bedder with 30+ years experience in the family and I have been out on the road with Him for a week In order to get just a small taste of what it’s like to live in a truck. So I have a general Idea of what being a professional driver entails. I was approved for the wioa program which provides paid training in serval different industries. I applied for the CDL training and after going through multiple interviews they have denied me CDL training because of multiple traffic violations from 2009, including misdemeanor fleeing and alluding, improper lane usage, and disregarding a traffic control device. Due to the three movers in a year my license was suspended for one year. This was in a personal vehicle without a CDL. They have given me a one week window to provide them with a pre- hire letter that states that the company issuing the letter is aware of both my criminal and mvr past and is willing to continue with the hiring process. have had no other traffic violations since 2009. I also have a felony on my record from 2017 for unarmed robbery. I have spoken to recruiters at just about every company that I can find that will hire people with felonies. I have told them about the felony and my driving record. All of them have told me that they are only looking back a maximum of 10 years on my Mvr and And that my suspension, prior tickets,and the misdemeanor for fleeing and alluding will not come in to play because they are more than 10 years old and that I am being honest about them upfront. They have also told me that as long as I am honest about them as well about my felony, They would send me a per-hire letter in order to show the wioa program That I am hireable and that their are companies that would be willing to give me a chance as a new truck driver once I obtain my CDL-A. I have done a ton of research both internet and you tube. I completely understand that I will hear more no’s from companies than yeses and that I obviously have a uphill battle. So now that you have my background I will get to the questions. The Wioa program spoke to the owner of the truck driving school that I planned on attending and they are using him as their “expert opinion”. He is telling them that there is nothing that technically keeps me from getting my CDL-A or my hazmat for that matter and that he knows from personal experience that felons with multiple Convictions have turned their lives around and earned their CDL and are now being gain-fully employed in the trucking industry. However, he says that in my case having both a felony and the traffic tickets/suspension 11 years ago will make it almost impossible to get hired. I know from my reader h that some recruiters will tell you anything to get you through their door and then send you home during orientation. So even after having several conversations with recruiters at both medium-size and mega carriers and having them tell me that they can work with me and give me my first trucking job I don’t know what to believe. I am looking for any advice from people in the profession and hopefully even people that have been in similar situation to mine. Even if the Wioa program denies me. I plan on going to CDL school even if I have to pay for it out of pocket. I believe that I am employable in this industry but I honestly what do I know considering I’m a newbie… Lol! Please help and let me know what my realistic chances are, I know there are no guarantees but I am definitely willing to put in the work and do whatever I have to do to overcome the hurdles.
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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Need the truth about my chances
I am currently looking to change careers. I have an over the road flat bedder with 30+ years experience in the family and I have been out on the road with Him for a week In order to get just a small taste of what it’s like to live in a truck. So I have a very general Idea of what being a professional driver entails. I was approved for the wioa program which provides pay trading. I applied for CDL training and after going through multiple interviews they have denied me CDL training because of multiple traffic violations from 2009, including misdemeanor fleeing and alluding, improper lane usage, and disregarding a traffic control device. Due to the three movers in a year license was suspended for one year. This was in a personal vehicle without a CDL. They have given me a one week window to provide them with a per hire letter that states that the company issuing it is aware of both my criminal and mvr past and is willing to continue with the hiring process. have had no other traffic violations since 2009. I also have a felony on my record from 2017 for unarmed robbery. I have spoken to recruiters at just about every company that I can find that will hire people with felonies. I have told them about the felony and my driving record. All of them have told me that they are only looking back a maximum of 10 years on my Mvr and And that my suspension, prior tickets,and the misdemeanor for fleeing and alluding will not come in to play because they are more than 10 years old and that I am being honest about them upfront. They have also told me that as long as I am honest about them as well about my felony, They would send me a per-hire letter in order to show the wioa program That I am hireable and that their company would be willing to give me a chance as a new truck driver once I obtain my CDL-A. I have done a ton of research and I completely understand that I will hear more no’s from companies than yeses.I obviously have a uphill battle. So now that you have my background I will get to the questions. The Wioa program spoke to the owner of the truck driving school that I planned on attending and they are using him as their “expert opinion”. He is telling them that there is nothing that technically keeps me from getting my CDL or my hazmat for that matter and that he knows from personal experience that felons with multiple Convictions have turned their lives around and earned their CDL and are now being gain-fully employed in the trucking industry. However he says in my case having both a felony and the traffic, suspension 11 years ago will make it almost impossible to get hired. I know that some recruiters and some companies will tell you anything to get you through their door and then send you home during orientation. So even after having several conversations with recruiters at both medium-size and mega carriers and having them tell me that they can work with me and give me my first trucking job I don’t know what to believe. I am looking for any advice from people in the profession and hopefully even people that have been in similar situation to mine. Even if the Wioa program denies me. I plan on going to CDL school even if I have to pay for it out of pocket. I believe that I am employable in this industry but I honestly what do I know considering I’m a newbie… Lol! Please help and let me know what my realistic chances are, I know there are no guarantees but I am definitely willing to put in the work and do whatever I have to do to overcome the hurdles.
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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Looking for the truth from the professional’s
Thank you guys for info. I just finished applying to may trucking. I have already received pre-hire letters from Transam and western express. I am hoping to receive at least one more so that I can show the Wioa program that even though I have a uphill battle ahead of me, I am employable in this profession. I know that I will have to work extremely hard in order to make this a reality. I am thankful that I found this community and can gain some valuable insight from your experiences!