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Experienced Driver
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Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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For safety, I have seen other truckers use something like this https://www.airbrakesecurity.com/page.php/Sleep_Safe_Strap or other homemade devices to keep from having unwanted guests enter while they were sleeping.
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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About 5 years ago I was sick and kept pushing through it. One morning while doing my pre-trip I ended up passing out. Got taken to the hospital and ended up staying like 5 days in the hospital with Pneumonia. So my advice is if you feel really bad go to the doctor before it gets to be too late.
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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Do local drivers of trailer trucks make the most money?
If you are having all those health problems you may want to see if you can get yourself in better shape. I ended up losing a lot of weight to get my A1C under control. In the process my bad back got much better from strengthening it.
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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What are you looking for in a company?
That sounds really good. I can only think of 3 reasons why it would be hard to hire applicants. Steep experience requirements. You all are based somewhere that nobody wants to live. Or lastly you guys haul nuclear waste that drivers get routinely exposed to. Oh 1 more. There is some hardcore manual labor involved.
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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Is $60k a year Midwest Regional in year 1 realistic?
Walmart is probably the first place I'll apply once I get my physical sorted out. The smart trucking YouTube channel always advertises for GP Transco. I'll have to see if they have a terminal near me.
Unless you have 36 months of safe operation/experience, WMPF is not an option.
Depending on your location, Swift, Schneider, Smiths Transport, and US Express (others) all run Walmart Dedicated which can be a springboard to getting a job with Walmarts Private Fleet.
Thanks for letting me know that. I doubt I would qualify then. I've have my CDL A for several years but for my job I don't haul equipment and supplies every day with the flatbed trailer. I end up driving the dump truck and the boom truck a lot too. I'm also guessing they probably want some type of dry van experience which I don't have. So yeah I already was planning on checking out swift. I'll add the others to my list.
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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Do local drivers of trailer trucks make the most money?
Fwiw one local straight truck job that isn’t particularly labor intensive (from what I’ve seen anyways) is hauling roll off containers. I imagine it doesn’t pay particularly well but I don’t know
Where I live it pays 25.00 an hour. We just had a guy quit to go do it. He liked that there was no physical labor and that they got to work 12 hours a day. We get paid more but generally only work 8 hours a day.
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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Portable Toilets? Good, Better, Best
I have this one. https://www.amazon.com/Camco-Toilet-Seat-Proof-Waste/dp/B07NM39V51?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER
Seals tight. I once went to throw the bag in the trash dumpster and I accidentally tossed it in the recycling dumpster. I'm guessing whoever was sorting that day was awfully mad.
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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I really could use a few recommendations
Looking back I should have utilized a free program. I paid out of pocket because I got it in my head that there was only one company that I wanted to drive for, and they didn't have a school anymore. I would hear their commercials on the radio all the time and think how great a company it must be. Now I know all the starter companies operate pretty similar. So don't be like me. Take the free training and get on where you can.
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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There are plenty of type 1 db drivers. Some on this forum.
I'm hypoglycemic so have to watch diet closely as well. With a high protein, 1 to 1.5 grams of protein to 1 lbs of bodyweight, a bodyweight workout using the armrests for dips, pikes, diamond push-ups, coupled with kneeling pull-ups from the top bunk, declined push-ups from the bed down and utilizing the bags of chains for squats, curls and lat pulls, I've been able to consistently put on Lean muscle and reduce stubborn fat. I lift for progressive failure. I'll never be huge, but will definitely stay trim and lean with great core strength while putting on some size.
I alternate my workouts with a half hour of brisk walking on rest days. No hard-core cardio as it isn't needed for my body type and metabolism.
Absolutely no soda, no fast food, rarely eat out. Water only. I have a bit more latitude on fat, but even then, I keep it light. Organic clean protein.
Thanks, with the good responses I'm pretty confident now it's possible to stay fit while on the road. I go take a pre A1C the 30th this month. If that goes well. Below 8% I'm going to take my actual physical.
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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What percentage of the time do you "enjoy" trucking?
Most of time. I don't like being cold and wet. I've had days where it seems I'm in and out of the truck all day in freezing rain. Turn the heat on full blast and start getting dry just to get out and get wet again.