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Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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My training experience with Prime.
Thank you! I know that now. I accidentally forgot to make myself active once and accidentally drove on my current trainers time. Contacted them & they fixed the issue.
For future reference... When it comes to someone driving on your clock while training with Prime, you can call your logs advisor (should be on the app under "my contacts") and tell them directly that you were not actually driving between the hours of --:-- and --:--. There were a couple times that either myself or my student failed to log in/out correctly or failed to switch who the active driver was and accidentally drove on each other's clocks. The Logs department can go in and make the necessary edits to your logs in order to fix it. That's one way to report a trainer who is violating the HOS rules without having to go through a FM who doesn't seem to care.
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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My training experience with Prime.
What Ryan mentioned is how he got a hold of it. So the first day I logged in he was right there with me to show me how to log in. Every time it was my turn to drive i was already logged in and was told to just start driving. I would attempt to use the QC because i thought you were supposed to log in every time(I had no experience with it at that time) & he would snatch it from me & be verbally aggressive & tell me to just drive.
So eventually I just let it be because well I thought well he’s a trainer & must know more than I do. I then would attempt to use the prime app at times when he was driving & noticed a message would pop up & say im on an on duty status or driving I forgot what it exactly says. I eventually ignored it because I assumed it just said that because the truck is moving. But when i stopped home since we were in town I got a message saying i was using personal conveyance which i thought was weird because i wasn’t even on the truck.
I spoke to my FM at the time about it. Later that day he yells at me & tells me we have to stop driving on each other’s clock which i was confused about because I never used the QC. I’m not sure if you read the part where he stated it was illegal for him to teach me how to slide the tandems but that’s exactly what happened after. He said that because I complained about it and since his time was up he said he was unable to help me.
I never said the issues shouldn't be reported.
I never put my pin into the QC, without the QC being out of the holder and in my hands, in the passenger seat. Why? Because I would wake up, get in the passenger seat, and go to off duty status from the passenger seat. Don't know how your cabs are set up, but both Pete and FL QC locations aren't exactly easy to operate from the passenger seat
My question immediately became, how did he have your "payroll pin" to switch drivers on the QC? It was made crystal clear to me, that my trainers did not get access to that information. My guess is to prevent situations like this. The inactive driver has to enter their PIN for any duty status changes (off duty to SB, SB to off duty.) So how did he drive on your clock without that?
All that a trainer would have to do in that situation is be watching while a trainee puts in the PIN. Wouldn't have to share it with the person at all. You can say that a trainee shouldn't put in a PIN while the trainer is looking, but it's the trainer's truck. I know that I wasn't concerned about my trainer seeing me put in my PIN, and I wouldn't want to try to confront a trainer about an issue like in his/her truck because it's like trying to confront your boss on something. This is 100% on the trainer doing something the trainer had no business doing. Not a trainee's responsibility to check a trainer on anything. I agree with Kearsey 100% that the issues with this trainer need to be reported.
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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My training experience with Prime.
So I figured out the way he did but he would completely finish his clock then would switch over to mine & drive some time on it.
If he is driving on both clocks, 30 min break negated by switching the system to her clock, then continue driving. Definitely not the way things should be done, but it is possible to work it that way.
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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My training experience with Prime.
I understand this sounds as if i have the “because I’m a woman” mentality and my frustration is getting the best of me. But the other issues I have talked about is the main problem. I have complained & there were no consequences to the trainers actions because he was still allowed to train.
As I’ve mentioned a couple of times with my current trainer the issues that I currently have with him are the same issues that have been brought up before by previous trainees & he’s talked about it to me & has shown me the videos that were sent in by them. He laughs about it & says he can get away with many things that’s why he’s still here. Unfortunately Prime failed those trainees & I believe they will do the same to me.
When I spoke about the previous incident I did not speak in this manner. I understand what is appropriate and what isn’t.
As a Prime driver, of the female persuasion, who got my CDL with them, in a PAD based scenario I would have to say that the story coming through for me, is that you came in with a chip on your shoulder, and have taken everything as antagonistic. Yeah, some things sound really shady, and need to be addressed, but if you addressed them in the manner you typed here, nobody will take you seriously.
I highly suggest before you reach out to anybody Kearsy recommended, you get your thoughts together, sort them out, and leave the histrionic "he did this because I'm a woman" out of the equation.
Most of the personality issues I have seen between a student and trainer, are usually based in poor communication, and lack of understanding each other's expectations.
My road at Prime hasnt been a cake walk, but it would have been made exponentially worse, had I used the "because I'm a woman......" Mentality.
You are a truck driver. It's time to knuckle up and get 💩 done, regardless of someone else's personality.
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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My training experience with Prime.
I talked to the FM about it. At the time I didn’t know about any other departments that would deal with the issues. But unfortunately him driving on my clock didn’t stop.
Call safety. If any of this is true and he’s driving in your clock etc. how hard is that? End of story.
He would stop on the side of the highway for his 30 min break & wanted me to do the same.
A 30 min break is required before driving beyond 8 hrs. Were you chained to the bunk and not allowed to get out of the truck? Seriously?
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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My training experience with Prime.
He would stop on the side of the highway for his 30 min break & wanted me to do the same.
A 30 min break is required before driving beyond 8 hrs. Were you chained to the bunk and not allowed to get out of the truck? Seriously?
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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My training experience with Prime.
It’s honestly difficult to describe every single detail but this isn’t even half the story. But to answer your questions Yes i did try to get paired with a female but they said it was going to be a long wait as they were all tied up so i agreed to go with a male because I wanted to get on my own truck asap. I completed my training miles 3 weeks ago & i have to continue being on my trainers truck until they have a truck. People have been waiting several months now. I did end up complaining about my first trainer but nothing ever came of it as he had a new trainee the following week I got off. & as for my current one the same complaints have been brought up against him before but he says he can get away with a lot of things. My mistake has been not recording every negative encounter. I listen & try to do everything when I can but its not sufficient. One of my difficulties has been backing, I know not everyone gets it right away so why am I expected to and being belittled for it?
I have a difficult time believing that companies would blatantly make statements thst appear to be discriminatory about gender, especially ones as woke and large as pepsi.
I find it very plausible that that there may be much more context that is omitted, and in doing so, it paints a narrative. For instance a statement like "employees are required to routinely lift 75 pounds throughout their shift, are you capable of this?" Is not a sexist statement. You might interpret it as "why do you want to work in a man's world" but the reality is that in physically demanding jobs, such as local food service and beverage jobs, irrelevant of gender, one must be able to perform the tasks.
Also, I find it difficult to believe that reputable local companies would be hiring CDL A with no experience unless it was training programs that require physically demanding dock and loading/unloading portions of work at times.
Some questions come to mind
Why didn't you ask to be paired with a female trainer from the start?
Why didn't you escalate complaints with the training through protocol from the onset?
I understand there are bad trainers, but do you have any culpability in any of this?
It seems odd that a company would force you to go teams rather than solo against your will. Especially one the size of Prime, it has a solid reputation as a quality company. Have you asked in writing to go solo?
What can you do to remedy this and take charge of matters in an effective and professional manner?
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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My training experience with Prime.
He did in fact drive on my clock. So I didn’t understand the QC because he would never let me touch it. But at times when i would drive i would see that the Dot time would say 4 hours & some minutes left even if I had not driven in 24 hours. I realized he drove on my clock when I went home one day & I received a message I was using personal conveyance even tho I was home. I let my fleet manager know immediately. Nothing ever came of it because he continued to do it. But like i said at that time I didn’t know & didn’t understand the clocks so i gave up.
He would literally make me wait 14 hours between restroom breaks & would not pull over when I needed to go. Idk how he did it
I don’t know how he did it either… anyone else see this?
Driving on his clock and hers could make this a possibility. Or, if she goes to sleep while he is driving and he stops without waking her, then resumes driving, it could leave a person to believe that he drove for a a longer period without stopping.
She mentioned having difficulty understanding him, so it seems like there is a definite communication problem here.
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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My training experience with Prime.
Only the truth here.
You need to call Hollywood for the next TV drama crap show. I'm not reading anymore.
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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My training experience with Prime.
That trainer had an issue with hard braking so I almost fell a few times. It was hard for me to sleep because I didn’t want to fall.
Thank you for that!