Truckee, CA
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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At that age (62) where I have lots to contribute but most employers are not interested or are if you are willing to make what you made in your 20's per hour. I do work for myself in the woods around here (firewood) and it is a good life but barely pays the bills. I have always driven on average much more than most people so I figure I might as well get paid. Looking into getting a CDL and a job and hitting the road. I am single with grown kids and 4 grandkids so no one will miss me all that much if I am gone for weeks at a time. Might appreciate me more if they don't have to see me all of the time, yes?
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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If you use ANY pain medication that contains a narcotic of any sort, you must take 30 days OFF before you can drive ... DOT regs (I got torpedoed by that one when I first went to Prime's orientation) ... there may be other drugs with similar restrictions but my particular drug was Norco (sp?) for an elbow injury just before I went to Springfield ... I told them ahead of time (before the drug test) and even though it was out of my system the DOT mandated I had to complete 16 more days off (it had been 14 days at the time) before I could begin my training - driving! So, keep this in mind ...
(This was my response to a previous post ... so if you take Norco daily then you will be precluded from driving as per DOT regs ... that was my personal experience ...)
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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If you use ANY pain medication that contains a narcotic of any sort, you must take 30 days OFF before you can drive ... DOT regs (I got torpedoed by that one when I first went to Prime's orientation) ... there may be other drugs with similar restrictions but my particular drug was Norco (sp?) for an elbow injury just before I went to Springfield ... I told them ahead of time (before the drug test) and even though it was out of my system the DOT mandated I had to complete 16 more days off (it had been 14 days at the time) before I could begin my training - driving! So, keep this in mind ...
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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So tell me... Am I delusional?
Yes ...
(Not really ...)
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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(your $29.99 is in the mail, however it might take 4-6 years for postage to clear so be patient)
I'm a patient guy ... I'll wait
Hey, now the real fun begins ... good luck with all of the adventures ahead and don't forget you still have a bunch of people here who want you to succeed in your truckin' career ...
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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Best truck for big and tall driver
Hi folks, What is the best long haul truck for big and tall drivers (I'm 6'7" and 330 lbs) regarding driver's seat, legroom, bed size and general comfort? Thanks Richard
My husband is 6'2" and 295. He's a bit smaller but in his opinion the volvo was more comfortable than the freightliner and the kenworth was the most comfortable. We were only in a freightliner (2014) a volvo (2013) and a kenworth (2015). All three were brand new but the kenworth was the only one that was not part of a large fleet. It was custom for us.
You're too big for the Volvo because Volvo drivers wear Adidas track suits, drive with their feet on the dashboard and speak with Russian accents ... unless they don't, in which case they drive Freigtliners (the Lite Version) and have no accent even though they are still Russian ... it's just the nature of things ...
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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You went with "Roehl transportation"??? Oooo, bummer ....
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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Thank you Jopa, I wanted just a confirm from an expertise. Is this regulation about California only? Also, do you think that the Spare Tire Carrier is useless, even if my company came out with a brilliant and ergonomic idea?
Hey, I am (obviously) no expert ... if your company has a more ergonomically friendly design, I'd say "go for it" as it took both myself and the tire guy a great deal of effort to get the bad tire and rim into the carrier ... of course it was a VERY EXPENSIVE "Super Single" on an aluminum rim that we had to muscle under that trailer which also had the air dam "wings" under it ... an impossible task for one person to do ...
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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Split Sleeper Berth Case Study
@Daniel.B, where are you? I need you on this! lol
Last I heard he's rolling east on I-80 out of Reno ...
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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Teacher to Trucker????? I need some thoughts and advice I am sick of my job and am 27
What? Common Core got your tongue?
Jopa, truckers have words not used in polite company, like "weigh station", " detention", and "DOT inspection". Teachers do, too, like the annual test (STaR (CA), TCAP (TN), CSAP (CO), NPEP (NV)) - all four letter words in their own right, and Common Core is one of them. Please be careful what you say here.
... oops - wash my mouth out with soap ...
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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What's your opinion on Volvo trucks
No, they are the Volvo of trucks ... mostly driven by Russians in Adidas Sweat Suits with their feet on the dashboard and way too fast ...