Mesa, AZ
Driving Status:
Preparing For School
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Trying to get my CDL. Supposed to start at Swift next month, but I've heard you can just pay a driver for training and get your cdl that way. I'm hoping I can find a driver who does this.
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Finding a cdl driver who will help me get my cdl?
I stated before I haven't called them yet. But I will. I applied last week. I also stated that when I applied to swift they called me within a couple of hours of me applying. I'm just asking for info on all of this but I'm getting the feeling some of you are just not understanding what I'm saying. I also stated I will call them tomorrow. So I've called them HOW MANY TIMES? None, yet. But I'm going to. I didn't call swift at all. They contacted me after I applied online. The same way I applied to Stevens. Seriously are you reading my posts or just the first one and making assumptions, which is what it seems like...
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Finding a cdl driver who will help me get my cdl?
Although when I applied to swift they called me within an hour of getting my application. So I didn't think I needed to call them but I guess I should. Thanks.
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Finding a cdl driver who will help me get my cdl?
No I didn't call them after I applied. Their add said apply online and they'll get in contact with me. I see how it would be a good idea for me to contact them rather than wait for them to contact me. Thanks I'll give them a call tomorrow. Sorry for the typos. New phone and I'm not used to the keyboard.
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Finding a cdl driver who will help me get my cdl?
And thank you for the info. If there isn't any way that wiykd work then I will got to the company sponsered school. I've heard some bad stuff about swift, and Stevens never contacted me. So if there's a knights company school in az I would probably choose them.
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Finding a cdl driver who will help me get my cdl?
Well my buddy used to work at shamrock foods and many of their drivers will teach you how to drive the rigs and get yiy prepared for the cdl test. Why I couldn't do the school, or would rather not is the school I was accepted to is swift. They're about 50 miles away from me I believe and the school is 7 days a week for 3 weeks. I can't afford the gas alone to make thatdrive for 3 weeks straight. But I keep hearing about independent certified instructors who will teach me how to drive and prepare me to get my cdl. I've also applied to Stevens trucking school but never heard back. I'm just trying to figure out the best and most affordable way to do this. Truck driving is what I really want to do. Where is knights school located?
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Finding a cdl driver who will help me get my cdl?
I've heard that for about 300$ there are drivers who independently teach and train to get you your cdl. Where can I find one of these drivers? Do they really exist? I want to get my cdl but I'm a little strapped for cash so going to the school which is about a 80 mile round trip 7 days a week for three weeks would be probably impossible. Do any of you know a driver who does the training locally? I'm in mesa az, just east of Scottsdale. Any help would be appreciated. Oh by the way, this is my first post so I've come out of the shadows finally. Lol
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Finding a cdl driver who will help me get my cdl?
Ok cool thanks for the info guys. I understand your point I for some reason had never even considered that they get thousands of applications. I guess swift calling me back so quickly kinda just set me in the wrong state of mind about that. Jopa that comment was an attempt at sarcasm from an exhausted me. When I read it a minute ago I thought wow that didn't translate well in writing. Lol. Seriously thank you for the advice guys. I'll take it!