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Posted:  2 years, 2 months ago

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Am I unhireable? DUI/Revocation, anyone have info?

I used to be a construction worker, when I lost my DL back in 07' it cost me my job. At that time no one would hire me with out the DL. I've had to work some real remedial under paid jobs to get by for the last 15 years to scrape up enough cash to shovel to an attorney, fines, fees and courts to get to this point. Thankfully I got the CDL school under a grant to pay for it but no one told me that I should wait or that this was gonna set me back, even the DMV said "yea, why wait, your clear now to get a CDL". I'm not upset tho, because I still went thru and got it, its just gonna be a challenge to break into this industry now I see.

Also thank you for the help, I guess I will wait till I get a full year of driving in and try again this coming February, I hope that works. I am very eager to start. I completed my 160 hours ELDT and got my CDL in October this year, the only company that told me they had to be with in 60 or 90 days of graduation was CFI other wise I would have to have a "refresher" and be forced to a 6 month contract. Don't remember for how much I would be in debt to them but after the 20 or so companies I talked with they have no contract/refresher needed, some even said 6 months to a year from graduation. Hope that stays true, I've already heard the stories of what recruiters say then when you get there you find out it was lie. I'm just gonna keep my head up, not expect what they tell me and get the experience I need to drive and find greener fields when the time comes.

Posted:  2 years, 2 months ago

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Am I unhireable? DUI/Revocation, anyone have info?

Hello, I need some advice and I will try and keep this short. I got a DUI back in 2007, Which caused a suspension and revocation of my normal drivers license back then at the same time. I was finally able to start the process to reinstatement in 2020, I drove on a restricted drivers permit for a year with no traffic violations and was granted full reinstatement in FEB of 2022. Some one suggested to me now that I am over that hurdle I should get my CDL, which I went to a trucking school and got. No problem. Now I cant find a company that will hire me, when I explain this to them they talk with "safety" and send me back a "we choose not to hire you at this time" email. I will get back the MVR background check email showing what I have explained to them (which I mentioned above), but they never say what was the disqualifying factor of it is. Is it the DUI? it is from 07'-08'. Is it the suspension being recently lifted? I've tried contacting them back asking them if they can explain why they chose not to and never hear from them again.

I am just learning that most companies will not have anything to do with you if your suspension is less than a year old which mine is. I am assuming that this is why I am being handled this way? I wish they would tell me that so I know what to do next. I see that these companies will hire if your DUI is 3, 5, 7 even 10 years old, but nothing about how long after a suspension/revocation before you can apply. Is there any way into this career for me or am I screwed? Does anyone know what I should do? I don't want to apply to every trucking company out there and burn a bridge for ever how long before I can apply again. If all I need was to wait a year FEB 2023 is like 2 months away, should I just wait then try every company then? How long should I wait? If anyone knows some companies that would take a chance on me too I would be grateful for the info.

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