Profile For Lance F.

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    New Castle, DE

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    In CDL School

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    2 years, 2 months ago

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Posted:  1 year, 12 months ago

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Starting My New Journey with Swift Transportation

I just finished my first week @ my CDL school and it kicked my ass. I know it's hard by try your damnest to not get stressed out. Relax, take your time. The biggest issue will be learning the pre-trip. I am not sure how company training programs are. I have read they work on the pre-trip for a couple of weeks. I had to learn it in 4 days. That was not four whole days. They spent the first half of day 2 going over the front of the tractor, the in-cab inspection. The 2nd half of day two going over the rear part of the tractor. Day 3 we got a 2 hour less on the air brake test while we were in the cab and everyone in our group of five ran through it with the instructure. Day 3 we went over the trailer and day 4-5 we started yard maneuvers. Every morning for an hour we all did the pre-trip. 5 on each truck with our group of 10.

The rest of the studying is up to us. We were not allowed to look over the trucks during off school hours. I live two blocks from my private school. So what I did was we had to walk with the truck while doing the straight backing. So what I was walking with the truck I had my book and did my pre-trip looking @ the truck from the distance while the others just BS and waiting for their turn.

We were tested on our pre-trip this past Friday. Our group started this past Monday. Now that doesn't count for the test but it counts for our overall grade in our class. Many carriers are looking for a gpa of 90 or better and you get more money in that range as well.

When I got home from school Thursday afternoon I was nauseous from so much stress. I lost five pounds that week and was worried I was going to have a heart attack or stroke from the stress. But I studied and did my pre-trip while others BS and I smoked that test on Friday. I did the pre-trip in 30 minutes and got one item wrong with a 99 for my grade. Now I just have to focus on the yard maneuvers and driving for the next three weeks.

This is what you can possible expect. I would think that a company school would not be that stressful and they would give you more time. I've read where folks can spend the weeks looking over the trucks practicing the pre-trip. Either way take your time, relax, and practice it every chance you get. You can even do it in your hotel room. Walk yourself through the truck doing the pre-trip. Sit in a chair or if you have a car sit in your car and practice your air brakes and in-cab inspection. You have to tell the examiner everything you are doing anyhow.

Good luck...

Posted:  1 year, 12 months ago

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New opportunity

Good luck man. Like you said you have to live in hell to get motivated to move up. My wife and I have lived in hell for a few years ourselves and we are ready for better things. I applied to Roehl myself and was turned down. I was told to call back after I got my CDL, but was told by all their ads to call while I was in school to line me up for when I graduated. They were my number 2 pick and now not even on the list.

Let us know how you like the current company and good luck.

Posted:  1 year, 12 months ago

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My state gives Narcan out like it's water and it's free. I'm a EMT and been on the ambulance for over 20 years. The last few years have been hell and it makes me sick to see everyone carrying Narcan like it's gum. I can't tell you how many times I go to a OD to be told they gave the patient 2-3 does and we are only allowed to give two. Robert B is correct, you have to be careful in what you do to try to help folks out there especially in today's world unfortunately. Every state is different on their laws and many do not have the good samaritan protection law. Some states I think NY is one of them that have the duty to act law. But there are way around that as well. If you move someone or try to help them and they claim you did more harm than good they will come after you financially. It's all dollar signs for them. I personally would never carry narcan.

Here is a rule we are taught and we tell folks who have no medical training. Never move anyone unless if leaving them in their current situation could end their life status.

Posted:  2 years ago

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Hazmat Recommendation

The law recently changed as it pertains to endorsements. I'm not 100% but if you choose to get your endorsements later on you will have to take a course to add any. My recommendation is to get all of them (Hazmat, Tanker, triples and Doubles). It makes you more marketable. There are several online practice test including here on this site. If the test are still the same then all endorsement test are about 25-30 questions. Hazmat is the only thing you need to be fingerprinted for. I had lived in 3 states and every state has a different order. I recommend getting fingerprinted at your local Identigo and then taking your test at the DMV. My 1st go round fresh out of CDL school I did all of the test in one day.

The new law is as of February 7, 2022 you must take a written test and take a training class to get your hazmat endorsement.

If drivers had their CDL before February 7, 2022 they are not required to take the training class.

I don't really understand why one can't take the written test unless they have a class. I mean if they pass the written test doesn't that say they know the material?

Posted:  2 years ago

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Cool new app perfect for truckers

Ryan B, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't cracking on you. It's a enjoying conversation my buddy and I have almost every time we hang out and I just laugh. I mean I agree with you and him and I don't like it myself. I just have a hard time understand what can be done about it other than not use or do something when in reality you can't not. Everything we do is no longer private unless you have not electronics around. I mean folks have cameras all over the place. In your homes, outside, automobiles, tv's, PC's, gaming consoles, cell phones. And now we are building AI dogs and robots that can do everything humans and pets can. It's like the movie Terminator. What can be done?

Posted:  2 years ago

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Cool new app perfect for truckers

I think this is a cool idea for anyone that could be traveling and not just truckers. I have often wondered about areas I'm driving through such as small towns, rural and historic areas.

Ryan B, you sound like a good buddy of mine. Concerned that everyone is watching. He always tells me stories about how Chinese folks are watching you on their tv's from your smart tv, computer, or cell phone. He states that the federal government is tracking your every move if you sign up for certain things. I tell him that I'm sure they are. But if you truly feel that way then why have a cell phone @ all? No one makes purchase much anymore without some form of bank card. Just about everyone uses a computer one way or another. I mean the only way to get away from those thoughts is to be 100% off grid with no electronics and use paper money or bartering. His common response is always that he plans to end up like that one day.

I don't like the idea either but we are used to living this way now and not sure how we can half ass it. I mean they are making it so you have to use cards to make payments. They are trying to tax online purchases. Hell every time you use a cell phone something pops up that you were just talking about. Tell me that doesn't freak you out. So yes, everyone is listening and watching. Do we go hide in a cave? The only way to fix it is a electronic reset.

Posted:  2 years ago

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A small observation about hiring signs

I've been worried about this as I keep hearing or reading that many companies are slowing down and they are getting picky with their new hire. I can say that in my area on Indeed there are a lot of companies looking. However, I have noticed that many are looking for 2-3 years of driving experience within the last 5 years. I have been bombarded with offers and asked me to reach out once I finish school.

Posted:  2 years ago

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Not sure what to make of it

People may give you a hard time, say you're being paranoid, but ignore them. We all have intuition, and if yours was going off, it's worth listening to. I get loads out of Rio Rico, and as we know, human smuggling and drugs across the border are a real thing. This most likely was just a weird coincidence, but you lost nothing by moving on, and gained some peace of mind.

Well said...

Posted:  2 years ago

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Signed Up for School

I took my written test a few weeks ago for my permit as well as for the double/triple, and tanker endorsements and passed. I was told I could come back anytime to take the hazmat endorsement test which I tried to do this morning. The lady told me that I need to take the CDL training class first before I could take the hazmat written test. I am pretty bummed. I was hoping to get it all done so when I finish school I would be good to go. I know the background portion could take a few months so I was just trying to get a jump start on it. Guess the lord was putting the brakes on slowing me down a bit and just to enjoy the new ride.

School starts Monday the 27th and I'm excited and ready. I applied to a number of companies per my school recruiter to work on pre-hire letters to be turned down by everyone because I was not a full CDL A holder. Most of the ones I applied to stated on the posten that they hire students. Guess there are just enough full CDL A folks out there that are looking which I understand. I even applied to three mega carriers and they all said the same thing. Reapply after you get your CDL so that's what I'm going to do.

Chao for now...

Posted:  2 years ago

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Signed Up for School

Today I took the computer test @ my local DMV and passed! I got my CLP along with the Double & Triple, as well as the tanker endorsements. I plan to study up for the hazmat and want to get that one as well. The whole thing took me about 25 minutes to complete. It was five different test on the touch screen computer, and I was very surprised @ how well I did. I mean I was certainly a little nervous. The lady was also surprise at how fast I took all of the test and thought it was like my third time taking them. Once I pass the driver part of the test the endorsements will be added to the CDL license. Not sure if it's standard anywhere else but Delaware allows you to take all of the computer test for your licenses and endorsements but will not add the endorsements until you pass the driving portion of the test.

Brett I would like to thank you for the time you put into the High Road Training course. It really made all the difference. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I would also like to thank everyone else that has giving me some type of advice, and or inspiration.

I have already renewed my TWIC card online and it's on its way. I plan to look over the paper for the TSA hazmat application in the next few days. I'm just planning on taking a few days to rest from all of the studying and job researching first. Now I'm really looking forward to starting school. Just about a week and a half to go...

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