Hyrum, UT
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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I'm a 40 year old who decided to ditch the office life for good and hit the open road.
Posted: 6 months, 3 weeks ago
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Making Phone Calls While Driving?
I started with a mega, and I'm now with a smaller outfit. Neither one of them banned phone calls as long as it was hands free, which is why you'll need a bluetooth headset, and touch free (voice activated). I.E. "OK Google, call the old bag. (My wife, lol)
Posted: 7 months, 3 weeks ago
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"Do you have “yard move” with your company? That would be a yard move, if I understand it correctly."
Yeah but yard move is on duty. The whole point is to preserve the 14 hour clock.
I get the whole trying to use split sleeper, I've done it before, it's just the rules are so weird you never know if it's going to work properly, and then, bam a load is late.
It's just that I've only been with guys a couple weeks. This is me coming off of my "starter company". And the pay is amazing. Just got my first check and it was eye popping from what I'm used to. I don't want to push back and not be a good soldier, if you know what I'm saying.
Posted: 7 months, 3 weeks ago
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Yeah, so sounds like he's full of **** as usual. Seems like such a weird nitpicky thing tho. Say this customer had a driver staging area that I was parked in. Could I then use PC to move over to a door once called? So as not to interrupt my break?
Posted: 7 months, 3 weeks ago
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Roehl Trucking for new drivers
I'm gonna go decidedly low tech on ya. Pick up a copy of this booklet at any Pilot for $5. This thing has no joke been worth it's weight in gold to me.
Posted: 7 months, 3 weeks ago
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I'm currently sitting at a truck stop 3 miles from the receiver. My delivery appointment is at 3 AM. My next load doesn't pick up until 2 PM nearby and it's on a tight schedule. My dispatch says it's OK for me to PC into the customer, thereby not starting my 14 hr clock until after I roll out unloaded. He says it's not "advancing the load" as I'm already in the same zip code. There's nowhere to park and wait at the customer site. Is he correct?
Posted: 9 months ago
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Errol, I'm in no way set on leaving Knight, they treat me reasonably well, put me in a brand new Freightliner after only 4 months in. I'm just curious as to what opportunities might be out there now that I have some experience under my belt. I'm not a job-hopper. I was with the same manufacturing company for 17 years before I became a trucker. I'm just not willing to do the same job for less money for the sake of "loyalty".
BK, I've actually done a bit of several things in my short career. Started out in ports, then due to low volume there ran dry van for several months, and then about 4 months ago switched to reefer, all under the Knight umbrella. I'm down to do whatever, I just want to make more money. I've got a little brat to put through college starting in the fall. I've noticed a couple companies that advertise minimum weekly pay. For example Marten claims 1,400 weekly minimum. This other outfit, K&B Transportation, claims 1,750 weekly minimum.
Old School, thanks for the congrats. I look forward to hearing your advice.
Posted: 9 months ago
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Hello all,
I've recently completed my first year OTR. What a ride. Clean record, no accidents or moving violations. I did get a ticket from Oregon DOT for not carrying enough chain sets at the beginning of winter.
I wonder if you ladies and gents have any recommendations on where to go with my young career. It's my understanding that companies requiring drivers with experience typically pay more. I don't really have any big issues with Knight trans, but the name of the game is making money right?
Preferably companies that work out west, as I am a Utah guy.
Posted: 9 months, 4 weeks ago
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My experience with the use of the camera is obviously negative based on my company's nefarious behavior with the system."
My smart drive score used to be always off the charts and then one day some dude at the Tulare terminal said "You just need to tap on the brakes anytime someone gets over in front of you. It's been 0 ever since.
Posted: 9 months, 4 weeks ago
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Knight trucks have a forward-facing camera, not sure if it's AI-powered, but it probably is. We have a running "smart-drive score" a numeric value based on following distance, hard braking, etc. that affects whether or not we receive a monthly safety bonus.
No inward cameras yet. The day they stick a camera in my face I'm out.
Posted: 2 months ago
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Recommendations needed
Based on your location, you made the right choice. I also started out with Knight. They have a terminal right there in sparks, so you should be able to be home a good amount.