Profile For GlamGirl

GlamGirl's Info

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    Carrboro, NC

  • Driving Status:
    Preparing For School

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    11 years, 1 month ago

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Posted:  10 years, 9 months ago

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I made it THROUGH!!!! Whoo Hoo!!!!


I made it through CDL School. I'm so excited.....any suggestions on companies? I am interested in companies near NC,VA,SC, GA, TN....... Does anyone know anything about PAM Transport? Please Let Me Know!!!


Posted:  10 years, 9 months ago

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Completed my CDL schooling........still confused about applying to companies. However, I just graduated and I am excited.....

Posted:  11 years ago

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Leaving for PRIME confused.....

I'd go with the WIA....and private school !!!!! They MAKE SURE YOU PASS !!!! Prime...they give you a chance to pass...alot don't make it. So I'd take the private school, paid for by WIA...then you will owe no one nothing !!!!! AND you can still go with just apply AFTER you get your CDL...then you will just do some classroom for company paperwork, and head out with a trainer...easy smeasy !!!!

Definitely PRIVATE SCHOOL !!!!!

Its Too Late I decided to leave for Prime...Wish me Luck!!! Worst case scenario I have to come back to NC and take the class at a private school! No sweat, I can do sure.....

Posted:  11 years ago

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Leaving for PRIME confused.....


I am got my legal affair rescheduled now I am down to the wire to leave for Prime but I also got approved for the WIA program to pay for my private school...However, it will be another couple weeks before everything with the school gets finalized!

Should I take the PRIME opportunity or go local private school? If I don't leave for Prime by Mon I will have to reapply! I need advice. I also need some advice on packing! I'm so nervous!!

Happy But Confused!

Posted:  11 years ago

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Need advice...which company is the best for getting cdl

Hi my name is Fatima I live in Allentown, PA and want to know which company that trains and hires you for cdl license is the best...

Hello Fatima, I am going through the application process right now. I actually decided to go with Prime....but there are plenty companies looking to recruit! Even though my application was approved with Prime. I received numerous offers for other training companies. Its a matter of what you are looking for in that company.....SRT was also a top choice for me! We shall advice so far is to do a general application and fish out the rest....As I see it you have to experience them on your own to determine what works best for you....and that may require just going through the initial process even down to actually driving for a company and then to find that it is/isn't the company for you! Its just my guess.....

Good Luck!

My top reasons: No touch freight Pay home time tanker division

Posted:  11 years ago

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Studying for CDL but need advice on endorsements

Getting your HM and TWIC should probably be a no brainer if you want to run a tanker. At least I would think it would be anyway. Not sure how the state your in runs it but if your not sure whether you want your hazmat or not take the test at least. I know here in Maine they will let you take the written portion of the HM and if you decide later on that you want it you go get the background check at the TSA after the fact.

OKAY, I will do that...thanks for the advice

Posted:  11 years ago

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NC snow and ice delaying my leave out date to Prime.....I need to fly out of RDU airport

Set it up for the next class...after your legal stuff is want NOTHING ELSE on your mind but cdl is very intense.....

Okay, thanks for the advice....

Posted:  11 years ago

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All Star Banquet

Every year my company has a Best of the Best Banquet for the top 50 drivers in the company. Guess who was invited;-) Yep this girl right here! Im so excited. Just had to share. Hard work is recognized.

Congrats you GO Girl! I cant wait until my turn....Keep it UP!

Posted:  11 years ago

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So....can we get some updates Ladies in trucking????

I don't know anything about PAM either. But congratulations GlamGirl! I hope Prime takes you where you want to get! Exciting!!

Thanks Debby! I really appreciate the encouragement.....

Posted:  11 years ago

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NC snow and ice delaying my leave out date to Prime.....I need to fly out of RDU airport

I was talking with my recruiter and we were anticipating my arrival for Sun....I am not trying to ride a bus from NC to MO....Therefore, I decided to get a flight. But everything is delayed now! Now I am possibly a week behind schedule. Also, I have to be back to NC by 3/25/2014 after training to handle some legal affairs...then go back out to work. Do you guys think Im going to make it through even if Im a week behind?

I am Unsure of when to leave now! I Was hoping to get my test done obtain my permit and be out! On my way to Prime!

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