Profile For Therese K.

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    11 years, 1 month ago

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Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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Please help advise me ! Good trucker people please read my message….

Gosh I know what you mean. But when life is so discouraging from pretty much an early age it makes life just that harder. I don't know what happens to people like him who fall through the cracks for years and the discouragement they feel is a huge obstacle because you do need to hang in there and keep going. Your experience is normal though. It is normal in the world to get knocked down like that and sometimes when we are young we don't know this is true- we think this experience is unique to us. I think every field of work has moments where you can get discouraged enough to quit. I imagine if you talked more about this experience you would tell me you hung on and got your CDL and now you are a trucker. This is what matters.

You know what they call a Doctor at the bottom of his graduating class?

answer: Doctor

lol one of my favorite jokes

Thank you for your advice as well.

Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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Please help advise me ! Good trucker people please read my message….

Thank you that was extremely helpful. I will pass this on to him and really do appreciate your time and response. Have a great day!

Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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Please help advise me ! Good trucker people please read my message….

My twenty year old son had a friend in high school who was homeless and he has been homeless for years in and out of people's homes taking care of his disabled mother and his mom and sisters many kids etc. No dads- all transient. He is now 22 with a child of his own. His girlfriend has a new boyfriend but all of them are homeless too. He is pretty desperate but we know him and want to help out if we can. If he is in a good school he can stay with us and I can find a way to help him get to school

If he is going to go anyplace he needs to get some type of education to help him make more money. burger king does not pay rent. He is a good driver and has his driving license. I don't know about his record but I think it is good. He really wants to go to school and drive trucks. Can you advise me?

He is smart but profoundly discouraged. I think if he could have a chance he could do really really well in this field. I wonder if you have any kind advice for me in helping him out. Know any nice people who might take this kid under their wing? Honestly I suppose this is the only way young people can get a break is if someone tries to help them and intervene. Helping him will help a whole family!

We live in Western Massachusetts. I read about the program in Somers CT. I feel he needs a structured program.

How long do these programs last? Any more ideas?

I have already checked out social programs and they only offer shelter- far away from his child- no transportation



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