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Considering A Career
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 2 years ago
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As a new member and an outsider (not a trucker) this was one of the first threads that i read through and i think there might be something wrong with me because i found it really interesting. i mean most of the time i only see a truck getting loaded or shuffling paperwork. everything you guys have to go through otj ..... i had no idea. sry to stick my broken nose in but i wanted to at least say all you guys are appreciated more now. be safe and sorry if the road's been hard on you this week!! and sry if i broke any rules by commmenting.
Posted: 2 years ago
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First time EVER on the truck with my husband Brandon S.
I loved seeing this side of how it all gets done. :) all the things that we take for granted every day!! i find it interesting that this was your first trip together and your smile shows that it was important. what an opportunity!!
Posted: 2 years ago
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trash on the ground
My dad taught me to do the very same thing. i was little so i thought it was a game we played. Now i embarrass ppl who are with me because i wind up with big handfuls of trash. good on yas.