Profile For Alicia W.

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Posted:  1 year, 11 months ago

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Getting Back Into Truck Driving

Hello 👋 I am here to get help on getting back into truck driving. I started in 2018 and stopped in January 2020. I was let go from Werner in I believe 2019 and end up going to second chance company. I was let go from a second chance company in January 2020. Now I was let go from werner due to citations/tickets being in the wrong lane I know was one, parked on the side of the road, I had one incident messed up on bumper but he bumper incident was when I was first started out training... The citations was when I was out on my own.

Second chance company was a citations and minor incident was mirror touch I reported only on the account just cover myself which didn't do no damage. One major accident was not My fault I had already pass the area after leaving from Delivering a load there was a business next door. My front of the vehicle had already passed the driveway. A car she wasn't paying attention I guess and came out on my trailer.

I had felt a tug and happened to look back to see what is was . A car came out on my trailer and took her whole front end of her car off. She tried to say it was my fault but the camera on the truck showed I had already passed the entrance so the officer saw the video sent from the company and it showed that I had already cleared that area that she came out on my truck. Second accident a Trucker from another company took my mirror off didn't give me no time to move he just came over and knocked my mirror off and I had to call the cops to chase him down. Even the cops had drive and run stop in front his truck because he pulled over but kept driving so the cop had to drive up fast and just stop in front his vehicle to make him stop.

He tried to make it seem like he didn't know hit my mirror when he did because his vehicle went faster than mines soon as he hit my mirror he took off. Third accident was major accident but no one got hit but it was my fault I went into the curve to fast and truck almost tilted and the truck started spinning keep in mind it was raining hard that day and the truck started spinning and slammed against the median on the bridge. Keep in mind the truck had supposed to been in shop for the usual inspection but they have been telling me and keeping me out to keep delivering loads even though they knew it was time for the truck to come in .

Either way since 2020 had came in my trucking career been at a stand still.. since I been out if trucking for so long I am having trouble getting back into truck driving. Some say I need to work for another company for 6 months and having trouble finding a company that is willing to hire me... I have automatic truck driving license btw. As well I had got a 75 speed limit ticket in arkansas In 2020 in my car how that happened I was driving from Texas to Missouri got lost because I lost connection on my phone last time I looked at the speed limit sign it said 65 so I was goin 75 somehow I ended up in the wrong area because my GPS was constantly changing directions and I ended up in 45 speed limit zone before I could slow down because I was too busy looking my GPS trying to figure out which way to go and end up getting a ticket.

So I'm in really need of help on how to get back doing truck driving I made dumb mistakes in my early 20s I'm almost 30 and is really trying to get back into doing truck driving. If anyone have any idea how to that will be appreciated a lot. THANK you all in advance

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