So... I think several truckers on here are being a little shady. These moms arent asking you for parenting advice they're asking if its legal and will any truck company allow it. I really wish you all would stay on topic so the question actually gets answered. You dont have to work 70 hours in 8 days sure you want to make a great living but y'all just assume everyone is going to do it the same way as you. I'm sorry I don't know the exact age restrictions and I'm not a truck driver I want to be but like you I'm a single parent and not sure how to go about it. My child is almost 3 years old atm and she currently works with me everyday stuck in a car for 8 to 10 hours sooooooo I'm not really sure how this would be much different than what we are doing now but dont listen to all these ppl trying to tell you how to raise your child. My child suffers from severe separation anxiety bc of her terrible mom that likes to pop in for a single day every 3 months or so. Bc of this i cant put her in daycare i tried and she would cry all day / not eat at all. There is no one shoe fits all when it comes to raising children. There are programs like abcmouse that teachers rave about saying the students that use this are way ahead of kids who just go to school. So it can be done I just don't know of any companies that allow kids that young. If you find out please let me know bc I know for a fact I could home school my kid and we would both enjoy more time with ea other vs her being in daycare and me working some other job.
Posted: 1 year, 9 months ago
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Mom of 3 under 5
So... I think several truckers on here are being a little shady. These moms arent asking you for parenting advice they're asking if its legal and will any truck company allow it. I really wish you all would stay on topic so the question actually gets answered. You dont have to work 70 hours in 8 days sure you want to make a great living but y'all just assume everyone is going to do it the same way as you. I'm sorry I don't know the exact age restrictions and I'm not a truck driver I want to be but like you I'm a single parent and not sure how to go about it. My child is almost 3 years old atm and she currently works with me everyday stuck in a car for 8 to 10 hours sooooooo I'm not really sure how this would be much different than what we are doing now but dont listen to all these ppl trying to tell you how to raise your child. My child suffers from severe separation anxiety bc of her terrible mom that likes to pop in for a single day every 3 months or so. Bc of this i cant put her in daycare i tried and she would cry all day / not eat at all. There is no one shoe fits all when it comes to raising children. There are programs like abcmouse that teachers rave about saying the students that use this are way ahead of kids who just go to school. So it can be done I just don't know of any companies that allow kids that young. If you find out please let me know bc I know for a fact I could home school my kid and we would both enjoy more time with ea other vs her being in daycare and me working some other job.